
3 Major Signs For Pursuing Your Passion Full-Time

“Nobody can be successful unless he loves his work”. David Sarnoff

pursue your passion

Your passion – if it is found outside of your current job – can just remain as a part-time hobby…..

it can be something that you wish to pursue as a full-time vocation or as a business.

So how do you know when it is time to consider quitting your job and treating your passion more seriously?

Here are 3 major signs to look out for:

1. Deep Job Dissatisfaction

Ask yourself why you are feeling dissatisfied with your current job.

What were the reasons that you undertook the job in the first place?
Are these compelling reasons?
Are the reasons still compelling enough to stay?
Do you love what you are doing?
Do you see yourself being in the same industry 5years from now? If so, how does this future self look like – happy or miserable at work?

Leaving your job does not mean that you need to quit the whole industry altogether. You may find that the problem springs from being in a company that does not take care of your welfare. Hence you can still consider looking for a similar job in the same industry. Understanding the reasons why you are feeling dissatisfied with your current job can shed more light.

2. Pervasive Sense of Boredom

If you are feeling bored, is it because your job no longer offers you challenges? You are aware that you are only staying on because it helps you pay your bills.

Thus, it may not be physical burnt out that you are experiencing but a persistent sense of boredom. It is not a temporary feeling for sure! Here are some specific behavior symptoms to take note of:

– It is Monday 9am and you are already counting down to Friday.
– You are busy thinking and planning your non-work related activities every time you sit in an office meeting.
– You prefer to be on Facebook rather than do your job.
– You are not inspired to give your best at work.
– No matter how hard your boss tries to motivate you, you are still disinterested.
– You have been reading personal development books but you just cannot motivate yourself.

You can also be bored because your job does not offer you the growth prospects you desire. It could be a job that has already reached a dead-end. If it is not a temporary lull but a boredom that persists for a long time, then you will need to start thinking about what makes you come alive.

A sense of boredom is not to be taken as a sign to quit your job on its own. It could also mean that you need to upgrade your skills and qualification in order to be promoted to a position that is challenging and simulating. Maybe a chat with your boss can offer some answers.

3. Pull Factor

You cannot explain it but for some time, you had have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and run your own business. You like the idea of taking charge or living life in your own terms. And you know you have no lack of motivation in your desire to succeed.

It may already have been very obvious that you have got an entrepreneurial streak ever since you were a child. You made a huge profit from selling ice-cream sticks as decorative bookmarks. Given the right opportunity and perfect timing, you are ready to take the leap.

There are a lot of great reasons to pursuing your passion. What helps is that you have finally found your passion – what you would like to do on a full-time basis and which is outside what your current job entails. That you are gradually more inspired by your passion than by your office job offers more and more proof. You are never bored by your passion. You also cannot stop talking about it to anyone you meet.

To Quit Your Job or Not?

Making the big decision to quit your job involves the consideration of factors such as timing, opportunity, market, financials and growth prospects in addition to knowing what your true passion is. You need to weigh the pros and cons.

On a piece of paper, record all your answers to the above questions and find out if there are any compelling reasons to quit your job right this moment. Also, write down all the things that you want in life. Consider if pursuing your passion as a full-time vocation or as a business is part of building an ideal life for yourself.

Nothing happens by chance.

Pursuing your passion involves more than just finding it. If you want to achieve your dream, then you need to start putting some conscious thought into what this is.

Shine from the soul,

evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Want to turn your passion into a vision to work towards?

Keep a lookout for the launch of my Life Vision Mastery program. Early bird discount. Stay tuned for more details!

Share Your Story

Are you feeling uninspired by your current employee job?

If you are already running your own business, how did you know that it is time to quit your previous job? What was the crucial factor that caused you to make that leap? Please help those who are having difficulties making a decision on whether to quit or not by sharing your experiences.

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David - June 15, 2012 Reply

awesome and greatly written passion is all about work and work is all about money.thanks


Evelyn Reply:

Thanks, David, for your feedback πŸ™‚


"Teacher" - June 15, 2012 Reply

NOTHING HAPPENS BY CHANCE!!! My husband and I felt the pull and decided to leave our public school educator positions to discover our passions. I needed these words to remind me that we are living life on our own terms to enjoy wealth (of family, of time, of love, of success, of happiness, of abundance, etc.) To draw out the gifts people have w/in themselves and to grow our circle of friends.


Evelyn Reply:

It’s wonderful to know about you and your husband. It’s great that both of you make the intent to live life on your own terms. And I’m glad to know that you resonated the sentence: nothing happens by chance.

It’s the same for my husband and me. We have chosen to live ours differently and in pursuit of our dreams. It’s not been easy, there have been many lessons along the way but we have also gained a lot which we would not have if we have stuck to a traditional 9-5 job.

I wish you and your husband much love and success!


Kimbundance - June 16, 2012 Reply

Hello Evelyn.
Wonderful post. I do agree with number 1. Although I do have my full time job, I also do creative projects on the side. It is a wonderful outlet from the 9-5 thing. =)


Evelyn Reply:

Great, Kimbundance! Whatever works well for you πŸ™‚

Love and abundance always,


Angela Artemis/PoweredbyIntuition - June 16, 2012 Reply

Dear Evelyn,
This was a terrific post. Finding our passion just isn’t enough as you so rightly point out. We need to do something about it!
Big hugs to you,


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

Yup, only when things become clear that we need to take our passion to the next step πŸ™‚

Love and abundance always,


rob white - June 20, 2012 Reply

So true, Evelyn. These are almost all exactly the symptoms I felt when I left a 17 year teaching career to begin a new epoch in my life. I became driven to succeed in the real estate business after years of idly flirting with the idea of becoming a “millionaire”. If we are to go beyond day dreaming we must have a vision of success that is worthy of becoming our passion. I became successful when my aspiration was converted into an inspiring addiction and marvelous obsession! πŸ™‚


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Rob,

I didn’t realize that you were in teaching previously. Now I can see why you make such as inspiring leader in the field of personal growth. You have accumulated a wealth of experience that puts you in good stead. Awesome!

I wish you continued success,


Vidya Sury - June 22, 2012 Reply

Nothing more wonderful that doing what we love. It is sad that there are people who hold themselves back, sometimes for relevant reasons like the money, which they need to survive and won’t stretch themselves for fear of losing it all. It needs a specific mindset and strength to wean away from something we are stuck with, towards something we want. After all, with human beings, how much we want something is directly proportional to our drive and effort. πŸ™‚ And it is posts like this that encourage and motivate. Thank you, Evelyn. Excellent points.


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Vidya, for sharing your thoughts.

Reasons for survival are all valid. But yes, if we do have a dream, then we will need to find a way to turn it into a reality.

Love and abundance always,


William Veasley - June 23, 2012 Reply

Evelyn: I believe that in some way I fit all three signs and in some ways I do not. My true passion does not exsist at my job. My job is okay, but I would rather be traveling the world meeting new people and experiencing new things! That would be awesome! I want to keep my Apartment (maybe buy a house in a few years) and travel a lot, you know? I love where I stay at right now because I do not have any problems, but maybe one day soon if I keep working hard then I can turn my dreams into reality.

Thanks for the inspiring post!

Best wishes,
William Veasley


Evelyn Reply:

Hello William,

It all boils down to what do you truly truly want. If you can find a way for both your desires, that will be wonderful! All I can share is that things become a lot more magical when you love what you do.

I wish you much success.

Love and abundance always,


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