
Claim Your Right To Abundance

Many people go around in a state of want and lack. They feel like if they have the right hair, body, face, clothes, or the right amount of money, they’d be set for happiness and therefore, a life of abundance. Certainly, marketing media would love to bank on this belief.

Claim Your Right to Abundance
(A leaf from my scrapbook album to remind me to “just go for it!”)

Product sellers and service providers make millions of dollars based on people’s insecurities. Constantly bombarded by pictures of grandeur, consumers are left to wonder if they would be complete after making an additional purchase. Myths are perpetuated as a result.

What is being left out in the marketing messages is that we do not need the right shade of hair, face lift, boob job, designer clothes, mind-blogging gadget or lots of money to be happy. We need not wait for an external event to happen before we can feel joyful. We do not withhold any chance to celebrate just because we are “not there” yet. Neither is success or abundance dependent on the attainment of an outcome. In fact, we can have a life of abundance if we can just believe that we are already abundant and very deserving of love, happiness or whatever abundance means to us.

In a way, we may end up feeling somewhat fulfilled immediately after a buy. However, the sense of satisfaction does not usually last very long. Fulfillment from materialistic desires seldom have no permanence. We are left with a hollow feeling after a while. It’s when the craving for more starts. The cycle repeats with more hankering. And more money being made by the big establishments out of our ignorance and insecurity.

Your Mental Screen of Abundance

When you close your eyes, what do you imagine? On your mental canvas, do you dream of a life of abundance and then think of 50 reasons why it could never happen for you? Do you have beliefs of unworthiness or that you are not deserving? When you let the universe know that you are not entitled to have the happiness you deserve, then you will prove yourself right. On the other hand, when you close your eyes, and imagine yourself having all that you dream of and desire, and you allow yourself to live in that experience, then you are saying that you are entitled to have it.

This can apply to anything in your life. Should you feel inferior in any way, and think that you don’t deserve any better, you won’t get better. To proclaim your right to abundance, you first need to work on your sense of worthiness. You need to have faith, trust and belief that you are just as deserving as anyone else. Think of all those who have succeeded even though they come from dismal backgrounds. They place their energy on thoughts and feelings that would lead them to positive outcomes. And they go on to lead lives of abundance.

To already feel abundant, even when you are “not there” yet, is not an exactly easy thing to do for most. A good place to start is to examine if you have bought into any of the marketing myths. You will need to ask what abundance really means to you. Is it about the attainment of financial wealth, driving a new car or having love, peace, freedom, and joy? Admittedly, you do need to have a certain amount of money to enjoy a certain level of modern-day comforts. However, focusing on the right thoughts will help you with the energetic tweak you need. It is your inner state of abundance that drives your outer experience. When you focus on the qualitative aspects of the experience that you hope to have rather than the money or the end result, you are more likely to be successful in manifesting what you hope for.

Truly when you think about it, it is not the money, Tiffany diamond rings, the Jimmy Choo shoes, or the latest ipad that would mean the world to you. You don’t need these to feel abundant. You can already feel abundant because you already are. Just review your gratitude journal to re-count your blessings! Hence, you can see how worthy you are to already enjoy all that you have to-date.

Claim Your Right to Abundance

If you have not already done so, claim your right to abundance! Claim your right by sharing your thoughts about what abundance means to you in the comments box below. I look forward to reading about them 🙂

Abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

P.S. In the book that I am currently writing, I share about the universal principles of abundance. Knowing what these are can help to shatter the myths that we currently buy into. Due to new challenges that have cropped up, the book is still not ready yet. Oh well, I hope to get them addressed as soon as possible. Stay tuned for more news!

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Alien Ghost - November 30, 2010

Hi Evelyn,

Yes, we all have abundance, if we just leave society ways aside and realize all the good around us. But it is a long road for many to visualize it. Thank you for the reminder 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Raul,

I do realize that it can be a long road. Then again, I would also like to believe that anything can happen. Let’s open ourselves to the possibility that more of us can come to appreciate the good around us and be constantly reminded about our abundance!

Abundance always,

The Vizier - November 30, 2010

Hi Evelyn,

It is my experience that abundance comes from within, not without. Sure I enjoy getting new books, playing new games and so on. But at the same time it is important for me to realize that true happiness does not come from having these things. With this in mind, although I enjoy each moment, I try to remain detached from my material possessions. This allows me to focus on my being, where true abundance comes from.

Being clear about our goals and desires is the first step to abundance. Yes you are right, if we do not feel we are deserving then it will most likely become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if we believe we are worthy, then then next step would be to take massive action to make our dreams a reality. As long as we have that burning purpose and drive, along with patience and persistence, step by step we will slowly reach our goals. Just by focusing on the life of abundance that we wish to have already makes for an abundant life. But if we keep taking positive action, one day we will find ourselves living a life with more abundance than we can imagine. The key to abundance is to find and create our meaning in life.

Thank you for sharing this article!

Irving aka the Vizier

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

It’s great that you are trying to remain detached from your material possessions. It’s not something that many of us can do easily.

I wish you much success in your dreams of abundance. It appears that you’ve already got a lot going for you!!

Abundance always,

Rebecca Johnson - November 30, 2010

The thought that has helped me so much to claim abundance is something I read by Martha Beck… “To attract something you want, become as joyful as you think that thing would make you. The joy, not the thing, is the point…”
That has really empowered me to learn to feel abundant and BE abundant in my thoughts and in my body regardless of anything external…and its crazy cool because the external “stuff” and “things” usually flow into my life once I get to that place mentally, emotionally and physically.

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rebecca,

Thumbs up to focusing on the Be-ing! It’s great that you are learning to be more abundant in your thoughts and feelings.

I wish you more success with the flow and all the “external stuff” that will make your life an extraordinary one!!

Abundance always,

Rob - November 30, 2010

Yay! Great post and great replies. I don’t have anything to add except, “Thanks for the reminder.” I still want an iPad, but I’m not going to let it ruin my day.

Evelyn Reply:

You’ve said it all in not letting your wish affect your mood! Good for you!!

Abundance always,

Joy - November 30, 2010

Hi Evelyn,
I used to believe abundance could be “yours” but not “mine”..I didn’t feel worthy, special…whatever label I thought would apply to abundance.
Abundance for me is internal..I spent time healing, growing, learning..and now I know my life is as grand as I allow it to be and the abundance of the Universe is mine to delight in and share!
I am surrounded by like minded people so it is fun to see what may be created now..what may be manifested..
I am also living a dream on the boat..the sky is my ceiling, the ocean my floor, the hills my backyard..abundance indeed!
What is truly awesome for me to experience is this feeling within my two young children..we may not have much materially speaking, but they feel rich and able to manifest..to them *anything* is possible..and that is awesome.
You are so creative–I love the visual affirmations you create! Thank you for sharing them–very inspiring.

Evelyn Reply:

Look how far you’ve come since the days when you’ve felt unworthy! It’s great that you have come to know how extraordinary your life is. I love the sound of how you and your children are already living – rich in the mind.

I wish you continued abundance, love and beauty always!

Lance - November 30, 2010

…inner abundance…I am just soaking up these words (and all your thoughts) right now, and it feels so, so good.

Truly, when we go within, there is so much there…in us already. And when we come from that place of being, our world is magnificently abundant!!

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Lance,

Indeed, there is so much right at the center of our being…waiting for us to find….treasures to behold!

With love,

Michelle Indrizzo - November 30, 2010

I LOVE your posts, as I am becoming more and more aware of my inner self, I have noticed the amount (Abundance) of happiness and clarity I am feeling. Thank you for your positive contributions ” )

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Michelle,

Thanks for your feedback. It’s also great that the more aware you are of your inner self, the more happiness and clarity you enjoy!

Abundance always,

Nancy McInerney - December 1, 2010

When I think of abundance I usually do think of material things but lately I have been focusing on the feeling of peace of mind and the ability to do what makes me happy. I also have been accepting that I can bloom where planted!! I am where I am supposed to be for a reason as well. I have many dreams but the most important one I have is to be happy with my family, that we continue to have good health and love!!

Evelyn Reply:

Hi Nancy,

Thanks for sharing what abundance means to you. It has been my experience too. I am now focusing more on happiness, joy and peace rather than material things. I can safely say for sure that I’ve never been more abundant since!

With love,

Christina Dian - December 1, 2010

Dear Evelyn,

I love your posts. You give such a good advice. I wonder, how could you just so enlighten? It seems you don’t have any worries in life. Keep writing, i like ’em all Eve… : )
Oh yap, and your scrapboook is beautiful.

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Christina,

You’ve just made me laugh in good humor! Thanks! Don’t be mistaken. Like most others, I have my own worries. However, I try not to have them get to me.

With regards to worries, the mind habitually seeks to make dramas out of a perceived reality. We need to be able to catch ourselves when it goes into the same spin of negative thinking. A mindfulness practice helps 🙂 We also acknowledge our negative thoughts but choose to focus more energy on the more positive ones!!

Abundance always,

Alex Blackwell - December 1, 2010

Abundance means remembering exactly what I have – that is enough.


Evelyn Reply:

Well said, Alex!!

Abundance always,

Hilary - December 2, 2010

Hi Evelyn .. you are so right .. it us that’s important .. not what we’re clothed in or washed in through the media coverage .. as Alex says above .. Abundance is – we have what we need .. too true.

Thanks for reminding us now – we’ll need this message a few more times in the future .. times are tougher for so many others ..

We’re lucky in this world of ours .. and we need to remember those who haven’t got so much luck and fortune …. Hilary

Evelyn Reply:

Indeed. Instead of whining and complaining, it is important to focus on what we already have. You are right that so many out there are less fortunate. That’s why it is important that we continually remind each other that we can create a different reality, by shifting our current paradigm.

Abundance always,

Amy Johnson - December 3, 2010

Abundance to me includes health, happiness, family and friends, work that I love, as well as wealth and material abundance.

It’s also the ability to love exactly what I have, whatever that is. In other words, gratitude.

I’m so inspired by the thought of having “enough to share and spare”. That’s what motivates me toward wealth and material abundance. I LOVE the idea of being able to have and do anything I want for myself and others.

Thanks for this post. I look forward to reading more!

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Amy,

It’s great that you appear to have a balanced idea of what abundance means to you, which includes having money. We certainly need some amount of money to have physical comfort but at the same time, abundance also means having love and happiness.

Love your idea of “having enough to share and spare”!

To your continued and growing abundance,

Mel Clifford - December 3, 2010

Hi Evelyn
Another great post – for me abundance is inner happiness and good health from this one can do anything- sometimes it is only when it is all gone that we really appreciate what we have. I would not of minded the rain until I saw the sunshine.
Love your writing Evelyn
Kind Regards

Evelyn Reply:

Your comment reminds me of a saying: Abundance is being rich, with or without money! What lasts ultimately is inner happiness and health, as you’ve said.

Thank you for your lovely feedback 🙂

Abundance always,

Sara - December 5, 2010


I always enjoy your posts and liked this one very much. I also really enjoyed reading the comments left by others. It’s interesting how people perceive abundance.

For me, abundance means feeling full of life. It’s not as much about what I get, as is about what I give. I’ve found that the times I reach out to help others are also the times when I feel the most full of life. It’s hard to describe the feeling…it’s almost a “high” and for me, that’s what I think of regarding abundance:~)

Thanks for this excellent post:~)

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Sara,

I define abundance as being the capacity to appreciate and enjoy life in all its fullness. So it is great that I see a comment that is pretty similar to mine. Yes, the feeling of having helped others and made for all the love in our heart is a great one!

Abundance always,

Chris Edgar - December 5, 2010

Yes, I’m definitely familiar with that sense of not having earned something, or not being qualified to do what I want. Eventually I realized the magical sense that I’m qualified to do something — at least for me — will never arrive. At my best, I hold my focus on what I’m giving to the world, as opposed to whether I might not be the ultimate expert on what I’m saying or doing.

Evelyn Reply:

Hi Chris,

We’ve certainly have similar experiences in worthiness issues and realizing that we’ve got enough of ourselves to share with the world.

May you succeed in your endeavors,

Baker - December 5, 2010

Hey Evelyn
It’s been awhile since I’ve been around these parts. =) I resonate well with how you mention that to claim your abundance, you must already know you are “it” Further, I’d like to add a nice defintion of abundance by Bashar.

Abundance: “The ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.” – Bashar

Blessings in abundance your way.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Baker,

Thanks for stopping by and sharing the quote on abundance. Great one there!

May you enjoy abundance always,

ramesh - January 11, 2011

Dear evelyn,

I am highly impressed by the way you have come up in life & the
contents in your website.
People like you, make all the difference in this world.

Right now, I am in the depths of the labyrinth. I have my dreams
& am trying to find my roots.

Thanks so much for your help.
Keep up the good work.



Evelyn Reply:

Dear Ramesh,

Fret not. There can be hope. Only if you decide to see it.

I have been through the depths of labyrinths more than once previously. Yet, each time, I have managed to climb out from my despair. It can be possible for you too.

Hope you know this saying, “this too shall pass”. There can be ups and downs in life. A positive outlook helps!

All the best,

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