Tag Archives for " Abundance-Law of Attraction "

Improve Your Relationship with Money: From Dating to Developing Intimacy

How to improve your relationship with money

How do you begin to improve your relationship with money? 

In this updated post,  I’d like to share a way that is easy to understand and relate to. This update also covers one of the topics that I am teaching in my Relationship with Money Course.  

What can be helpful is to think of a romantic relationship. And in every romantic relationship, there are stages. So, consider the different phases that a romantic relationship will go through; that is from dating to developing love and true intimacy. Next, draw on the understanding to apply it in the context of your relationship with money.

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Your Spiritual Growth Mindset: The Secret to Manifesting Success

Spiritual Growth Mindset for Manifesting Success

You may have heard about Growth Mindset, but exactly what is a Spiritual Growth Mindset?

Until recently, I associated mindset with having a rah-rah ring to it. Perhaps it is because I’ve attended a number of mindset classes whereby success coaches would use highly motivational tones for raising the energy levels in the room. “Yes, you can do it!” they would shout in a rallying voice.

The problem is that mostly, after the day of such events, I had observed that the energy spikes don’t last. They fizzle out. I would return to the same energy levels as before and not much has changed.

Still, I resonate with the idea of a growth mindset.

As an avid learner, I find myself very interested in self development. I enjoy learning, reading and upgrading myself. Instead of personal grooming, I find myself more obsessive over personal growth!

After reflecting over, I would like to propose the idea of developing a spiritual growth mindset, and not just a growth mindset. A spiritual growth mindset would be one that is more sustaining, conscious and expansive. Let me share some of my thoughts below.

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How to Create Wealth with Little or No Money Down

Create wealth with little or no money down

Are you drawn to idea of being able to create wealth with little or no money down?

If such an idea is true, it puts you in charge of your financial destiny; no matter what your family background is like.

We all know that money can be used to generate more money. Yet, some of us grapple with the self-defeating money belief that it is the only way for wealth creation. And so, if we don’t have the fortune of being born rich or are not smart enough to earn a decent amount of money each month, we mistakenly think that we are doomed to never get ahead.

Well, in recent years, I found out that while having the capital to generate income helps, having money – in itself – is not what it is that creates prosperity. Hence, it is possible to create wealth with little or no money down.

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10 Insights Into The Power Of Thoughts

power of thoughts

Harness the power of thoughts so that you can create the life that you want. Your every thought is a statement of your desires to the Universe. You are a product of all the thoughts, feelings and experiences you have had until now. In the same manner, whatever thoughts you have now are going to influence your tomorrow. This being the case, you need to be very aware about the thoughts that run in your head. By not taking charge of your mind, you may just attract circumstances that are contrary to what you truly desire.

(I am updating this article of its old links – hence, I am republishing it today :-))

how to be bold

On the plus side, if you can exercise great control in what or the way you think, you can begin to attract resources from the Universe, to make your dreams come true. For today, let’s examine 10 truths about the power of thoughts, so that you can set leverage on your mind effectively:
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How Amy Overcame Her Money Struggles

amy overcame money struggles

Amy started to experience money struggles the moment when she wanted to make the transition from executive to entrepreneur. 

A pretty lady in her 30s, Amy is from a middle-income family. From external appearances, she seemed to be doing fine…except that in the six months prior to us working together, she had been struggling. No one except her husband knew about her feeling broke and depressed.

For months, Amy had worked hard at getting her business off the ground.

There were a lot more to each marketing strategy that she had at first realised. It was not long before doubt started to creep in. She went into emotional overwhelm.

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How to Solve the Root Cause of Your Money Story

Would you be interested in solving the root cause of your money story, instead of just dealing with the symptoms?

Your money story is the one you often tell to others. It is made up of the issues going on in your current financial situation, the persistent worry that you are experiencing or/and the complaints you have about the economy, property prices, cost of living and so on. It is a story that occupies your mind throughout the day.

As I have found, money stories often act as a smoke screen to deeper underlying issues. At first, it is easy to be mistaken into believing that your financial challenges are caused by a string of bad luck, the fault of the tax authorities, the constant unfair treatment by your employers, the failure of receiving payment on time, or the banks who are out to get you. This being the case, you try to remedy your challenges with band-aide or by rearranging certain aspects of your life.

iceberg theory

However, should you step aside for a bit, you may be able to observe money patterns that keep repeating. What you observe are likely to be debilitating cycles of frustration, worry, panic, resentment and anger over finances. Over and over again, you have not been able to truly break free.

Where there is a repeating pattern in your external issues, a root cause could exist internally. 

Feeling intrigued? Read on……
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25 Benefits To Having a Heart-Centered Vision

What are the benefits of having a heart-centered vision for your dreams?

Knowing what the benefits of having a vision are keeps you focused. It is best to have a vision that connects with your soul desire.

Here are 25 benefits to having a heart-centered vision…

1. You no longer go around in circles.

2. Rather than lament about what-is, you become joyful when you think about your ideal picture. Thus, you are able to shift your vibrations more positively.
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Law of Attraction Quotes – Thanksgiving Tribute

gratitude law of attraction

We do not celebrate Thanksgiving with a public holiday in Singapore during this time of the year. Nonetheless, I would like to take the opportunity to express thanks to one special person – Jerry Hicks. He has passed on. This post is a special thanksgiving tribute to him! 

law of attraction
(Photo credit: Min, my daughter, depicting what the Law of Attraction is about in her drawing dated Feb 2011).

I first got to know about Jerry Hicks after watching “The Secret behind the Secret” in a DVD that we purchased from Amazon. However, it was the movie “The Secret” which caught my interest when I first viewed it. By then, I had already started gaining an interest and knowledge in energy mechanics.
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How to Overcome Self Doubt

strong woman overcome self doubt

Self doubt happens when you have little belief in yourself. There is an inner lack of faith and confidence. You are not able to claim your own accomplishments, even when due. You feel like an imposter, a fraud and a cheat. You deem yourself as unworthy of any kind of praise, accolades or validation; although you are deserving.

When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt. Click to Tweet

It does not matter that others may think highly of you. What counts is the perception and evaluation of your own capability. You very much doubt in your own ability or power to garner required resources or support.
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(Min dancing in joy – a great state to BE!!! Photo: limevelyn on flickr)

I’ve got a question for you today: Do you live your life according to HAVE-DO-BE or BE-DO-HAVE?

“Huh…what???” you may reply. I can almost imagine you looking baffled at this point.

Well, let me explain.

Most of us are living our lives according to HAVE-DO-BE. It’s not a great way to live, I’m afraid. We are, in actual fact, getting things reversed.

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