Tag Archives for " Creativity "

How to Find the Nirvana of Life Balance

life balance

Do you find it hard to achieve life balance?

Balance can be a challenging thing to attain if your work schedule is hectic and demanding.

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” Thomas Merton

life balance

Perhaps, you have been striving hard for the money; climbing up the corporate ladder or running your business. You could also be a mompreneur working hard to balance babies and business at the same time.

And so, up till now, there could have been aspects of your life that you have ignored or set aside.
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How to Practice the Art of Dreaming to Attract Abundance

Napoleon Hill quote

“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.” Napoleon Hill

It can be hard to believe yourself as a powerful creative being, with the ability to change your current reality simply by directing your thoughts. I have had tremendous difficulty with this myself as well, especially in the beginning when I started trying to practice deliberate thinking. Most of us invariably find ourselves slipping back into a world of victimhood. Any notion about being powerful co-creators gets instantly thrown out of the window when we are faced with stress.

Yet, the Law of Deliberate Creation is a law. In addition, there is already scientific evidence to support how our reality is influenced by what we believe in. Quantum physics has shown that just by the act of observation, a person can alter reality.
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5 Everyday Tips for Creative Living

creative living

Creative living is to allow for inspiration, love and meaning. Creativity is a conscious state. It is more about being, and not just doing. Certainly, it does not solely entail using your fingers to paint or your body to dance. Thus, it is not just about engaging in an artistic pursuit for a couple of hours.

“We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.” – Julia Cameron

(Scrapbook picture: I am an artist. Photo: Min, my daughter.)

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7 Intuitive Mind Exercises to Crank Up Your Creativity

How is intuition related to creativity? In today’s post, I am featuring a guest article by Angela Artemis, an intuition coach, who will be helping us understand more about the relationship and also to share some of her useful exercises for cranking up creativity!

(Abundance Tapestry Photo: my art journal)

Read her contribution below….

When you create the intention to be more intuitive you automatically become more creative.

Intuition is defined as information that spontaneously appears in our awareness without any conscious effort on our part.
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How To Start A Gratitude Journal

gratitude law of attraction

A gratitude journal is very similar to a diary. However, the difference is that you mainly have positive things to write in a gratitude journal.

gratitude journal (List your favorite things in your gratitude journal)

While you can rant and rave in your diary, a gratitude journal is meant to uplift you. It connects you with good feeling thoughts. The aim of keeping a gratitude journal is to write down the things that make you happy and that for which you are grateful for.

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7 Daily Inspiration Messages To Kick Off Your Week

daily inspiration messages

Do you enjoy reading daily inspiration messages? Well, I have the practice of doing this almost everyday. It is almost like a habit now. I have been reading positive sayings, quotes and affirmations from just about anywhere; books, sites and magazines. I also post them on my Facebook account as much as I can.

Not too long ago, I even started collecting some of my favorite ones in a folder and turning them into works of art in the form of art journals, craft work, collages and digital vision boards. If you have following my site, you would have already seen photos of projects I have made.

daily inspiration project
Daily Inspiration Project Inspired From My Walks at the Singapore Botanic Gardens

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Use The Pink Bubble Technique for Creative Visualization

pink bubble creative visualization

More than just a game, engaging in the creative visualization exercise can apparently help give your dreams some lift. Imagine floating your fantasies wrapped in pink bubbles into the air and allowing the Universe to bring them in manifestation! Sounds like fun? Well, it is. The best part is that you can possibly turn your dreams into reality.

pink bubble visualization
(Pink Bubble Technique – illustration from my personal art journal)

The pink bubble technique is shared by Shakti Gawain, an internationally renowned teacher of consciousness in her book, Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Imagination to Create What You Want in Life. Shakti has facilitated thousands of individuals in developing greater awareness, balance and wholeness in their lives.

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30 Power Words To Activate Intention Setting

power words for intention setting

As I have found, intention setting with simply using power words and phrases can be powerful and effective. This is in contrast to setting new year resolutions. In fact, in recent years, setting new year resolutions is becoming passe amongst spiritually-aware personal development experts. More people are recommending using intentions or themes to guide our directions at the start of a new year.

Difference Between Intention Setting and Making New Year Resolutions

What is the difference, you may ask?
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What Enneagram Type Am I?

what enneagram personality type

I was often asked this question by those who are confused: What Enneagram Type am I?

As an Enneagram Executive Coach, I’d like to offer the suggestion to first read about each of the 9 personality types that the Enneagram comprises of. Below is the follow up to the updated post on Enneagram Quiz: How Would You Cross the River.

According to the Enneagram, we have one core Personality Type. It appears that we are either born with it or that it can be the result of early nurturing. This core is home base and it doesn’t change. It describes you the most. If you are a bird, which is free to roam and to explore all other types, you always come flying home. You reside in this sector; as if it is a familiar nest.

Enneagram Personality Profile Type System

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Remove Your 10 Blocks To Creativity

creativity blocks space

Encountering blocks to creativity?

Let’s first consider adopting a shift in perspective.

Most people, including yourself, may think about about creativity as doing well in art and music. Hence, if you find that you are nowhere near producing great works in these areas, you may well declare that you are not creative. However, I would like to embrace a broader definition of what creativity is.

To begin with, you need not be a genius to be creative. Creativity is a surge – a burst of imaginative and new ideas or your own unique interpretation of your five senses – that arises within your inner Being and turning this surge into reality. It also involves the the translation of your unique gifts and talents into something new and useful.

Creativity can also be about problem solving. In fact, you do not need to have a big problem to solve, to be considered creative. If you can solve your everyday problems in an ingenious way or come up with solutions to plug gaps, you are creative.

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