Tag Archives for " wealth "

What is Money Scarcity REALLY Teaching You

financial lack money scarcity lessons

If you are experiencing the struggle over financial lack, it can be challenging to see the lessons money scarcity offers. You are in emotional struggle when you feel worry, frustration and stressed out. Many of us do find it hard to have clarity when we experience emotional overwhelm. Through this article, I hope to shed some insights that have personally helped me create a shift in my relationship with money

For a start, it may seem impossible to will away the perception of scarcity. After all, limits are very much a natural part of our physical life. Just think about it, there is 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in one minute. You have got to finish the work that needs to be done within a certain time frame.

Then, there is also ageing and the cycle of life and death. The physical world has some kind of built-in mechanism where conditions and limits are already preset.

It was also where my confusion came in as well.

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Improve Your Relationship with Money: From Dating to Developing Intimacy

How to improve your relationship with money

How do you begin to improve your relationship with money? 

In this updated post,  I’d like to share a way that is easy to understand and relate to. This update also covers one of the topics that I am teaching in my Relationship with Money Course.  

What can be helpful is to think of a romantic relationship. And in every romantic relationship, there are stages. So, consider the different phases that a romantic relationship will go through; that is from dating to developing love and true intimacy. Next, draw on the understanding to apply it in the context of your relationship with money.

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Your Spiritual Growth Mindset: The Secret to Manifesting Success

Spiritual Growth Mindset for Manifesting Success

You may have heard about Growth Mindset, but exactly what is a Spiritual Growth Mindset?

Until recently, I associated mindset with having a rah-rah ring to it. Perhaps it is because I’ve attended a number of mindset classes whereby success coaches would use highly motivational tones for raising the energy levels in the room. “Yes, you can do it!” they would shout in a rallying voice.

The problem is that mostly, after the day of such events, I had observed that the energy spikes don’t last. They fizzle out. I would return to the same energy levels as before and not much has changed.

Still, I resonate with the idea of a growth mindset.

As an avid learner, I find myself very interested in self development. I enjoy learning, reading and upgrading myself. Instead of personal grooming, I find myself more obsessive over personal growth!

After reflecting over, I would like to propose the idea of developing a spiritual growth mindset, and not just a growth mindset. A spiritual growth mindset would be one that is more sustaining, conscious and expansive. Let me share some of my thoughts below.

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How to Grow Rich with Peace of Mind

How would you like to grow rich with peace of mind?

You can’t exactly claim to be having inner peace if you are constantly tossing in bed at night and fretting over financial matters. A mind that is fraught with worry is hardly still.

Or, it may be that you are already making good money but have not acquired it in a meaningful way and with a clear conscience. While your concerns may differ from someone who is poor and struggling, you are nonetheless unhappy and not living life in fulfilment and freedom.

Well, for anyone who is having money stress, I suggest finding a better way forward.

In either situation, you are being a slave to money. You are held captive. The consequence is a negative impact on the quality of your life. As Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich, advocates, never allow money to master you. If you are in emotionally disrupted even whilst you are working towards wealth creation, you are not at peace.Continue reading

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21 Excuses That Make Up Your Money Story

21 Excuses for Money Story

Is the money story that you have been telling actually a cover-up?

Could the reason that you have been giving for the lack of a financial breakthrough be really an excuse?

Your money story may be a cover that you have created for helping you avoid pain or to playing small. Or it could be that your ego needs to know that it is not diminished in any way. The excuses that you tell is your way out to feeling justified in your behaviour or the results you have been getting.

All of us have, at some point, made excuses. We give excuses to explain our behaviour, current situation or why we have to decline and say “no” to an invitation. We may feel obliged to give an excuse sometimes not to hurt the other party.

But what happens when you give excuses to explain away a choice that you are making, even if it one that keeps you small and does not move you positively forward?

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

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111 Ideas For Your Bucket List

What is a Bucket List?

A Bucket List is a list of items that you would like to accomplish before you “kick the bucket”. The term has been made popular by the 2008 comedy-drama movie, The Bucket List. In the show, two terminally ill men go on a road trip with a wish list of things to do before they die. The movie was beautifully played by two Academy Award winners, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.

Essentially, the message you need to heed is this: do the things you have always wanted to do before it is too late. You wouldn’t want to wait till you are knocking at death’s door before you start to realize how fast life has been passing you by. Should this be the case, your final moment may well be one of regret on “what may have been” instead of a sense of contentment over “what has been”. You mull over, “if only I have lived life with a little more freedom, laughed a little more and loved a little more”.

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How to Create Wealth with Little or No Money Down

Create wealth with little or no money down

Are you drawn to idea of being able to create wealth with little or no money down?

If such an idea is true, it puts you in charge of your financial destiny; no matter what your family background is like.

We all know that money can be used to generate more money. Yet, some of us grapple with the self-defeating money belief that it is the only way for wealth creation. And so, if we don’t have the fortune of being born rich or are not smart enough to earn a decent amount of money each month, we mistakenly think that we are doomed to never get ahead.

Well, in recent years, I found out that while having the capital to generate income helps, having money – in itself – is not what it is that creates prosperity. Hence, it is possible to create wealth with little or no money down.

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How to Overcome Your Money Gremlin

Overcome Money Gremlin

What is a Money Gremlin?

The Money Gremlin is the critical voice that goes inside your head on matters related to finance. If you are to go silent for a while, you will become aware that what occupies your mind is your self-talk. In fact, 80-90% of our self-talk tend to be negative.

And I am guessing that more women than men is likely to have a horrid looking money gremlin. Not too long ago, I had found out from a research study that women tend to be more stressed than men and for most women, our main source of stress comes from money.

With the Money Gremlin in charge, you are having this internal negative dialogue about finances all the time. If you are constantly having money worries or struggles, chances are you are being hypnotised by your Money Gremlin. It happens when you can’t stop thinking and fretting over finances. The non-stop chatter can also cause you to experience insomnia, keeping you awake at night.
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10 Insights Into The Power Of Thoughts

power of thoughts

Harness the power of thoughts so that you can create the life that you want. Your every thought is a statement of your desires to the Universe. You are a product of all the thoughts, feelings and experiences you have had until now. In the same manner, whatever thoughts you have now are going to influence your tomorrow. This being the case, you need to be very aware about the thoughts that run in your head. By not taking charge of your mind, you may just attract circumstances that are contrary to what you truly desire.

(I am updating this article of its old links – hence, I am republishing it today :-))

how to be bold

On the plus side, if you can exercise great control in what or the way you think, you can begin to attract resources from the Universe, to make your dreams come true. For today, let’s examine 10 truths about the power of thoughts, so that you can set leverage on your mind effectively:
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Download Your Free Abundance Check Here

Abundance Check for New Moon Manifestation

Download a free Abundance Check from this article after following the instructions as follows below.

Why Write an Abundance Check? 

A Money or Abundance Check (or Cheque) is a great tool for intention or goal setting. Get inspired by the movie The Secret and leverage on the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desired amount. Best yet, write the Abundance Check on a New Moon date to accelerate your results.

Law of Attraction Abundance Check

The blank Abundance checks I created are coded with the energies of the Universe, Ascended Masters and Angels for powerful intention setting. Also, while green is a natural choice for money checks, I kept mine to pink for the cradling of our heart’s desires. I’m happy to offer you a gift – free updated blank Abundance Check for your use. It is available as a download – scroll down- on this post!!)
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