
21 Soulful Ways to Celebrate Self-Love on Valentine’s Day

“It’s not your job to like me. It’s mine.” Bryan Katie

self-love valentine


Dear Conscious Female Readers,


Valentine’s Day is an occasion that couples celebrate romantic love. However, it would be nice to make it a day for self-love too. After all, didn’t Whitney Houston once sing, “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all“?


Self-love is to be cultivated, whether you are single or attached with a partner. If you are married for years, it’s great to be able to share the day with a loved one and also allocate time to nurturing your soul. But what if you are single, looking for love and feeling down about being without a date to spend February 14? With no dinner invitation or activities planned, you may be inclined to believe that you are the loneliest person on the planet. Thus, instead of anticipating that you can have a great time on your own, you are already stuck in misery and self-rejection.



Well, don’t sweat! I personally feel that it is far more helpful to think of February 14 as a great day for self-love. It involves a change in perspective. In fact, I may just start a movement on this!


I decided to write this article after a client shared about her fears about being alone on Valentine’s Day. To which, I responded: Make February 14 as a special day that is not just for couples. Rather, it is for anyone who would like to take the opportunity to make a soul shift from within. Whether you are married or single, self-love is to be cultivated. While complete self-love is a every moment affair, February 14 is a day to remind us all about its importance!


There is no need for expensive dinner dates when you are getting to know yourself better. Moreover, a day in self-love has great payoffs for the more you nurture yourself, the more love you have to give to others! It could well be a day that you do less and be more too!


Admittedly, it takes time for self-love to be integrated from within. Self-love is very much a spiritual process, if you didn’t already realise (reference: Self-Love Secrets).Chances are enlightenment is not going to happen even if you spend February 14 sitting on your meditation cushion!


And so, just for Valentine’s Day, it helps to have some nice nurturing activities planned. Do things that lift you up in the body, mind and spirit! For your consideration, I have put together the following list of activities….


21 Soulful ways to celebrate Self-Love on Valentine’s Day!


1. Journal with starting a blog! Be in the space of diving and sharing your perspective about the world.


2. Get a copy of my Self-Love Secrets in print (second edition to be out soon). If you have gotten the book before, re-read it for hidden gems!


3. Get a crystal therapy, Tibetan bowl sound healing or Reiki session.


4. Make out 365 cards of positive affirmations for reminders, put them in a ring holder and set the intention to flip them through one a day. Examples of affirmations:
I am loved.
I am lovable.
I am worthy of love.
I am soul perfection.

Here’s a how-to guide on how to get this tip going!


5. Light some candles, make your room cozy, put on some healing music and meditate.


6. Join a meetup group, based on your interest, with like-minded souls.


7. Take a road trip and explore a forgotten corner in your local area.


8. Read a meaningful self-help book such as The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown.


9. Spend the day in aromatherapy. Work on releasing emotions and uplifting your spirit. More information on therapeutic-grade essential oils can be found here.


10. Pack a picnic basket and connect with nature in the park.


11. Get a soul reading done.


12. Add inspirational text to your photos and post them on FB or Instagram every hour. You would be surprised how much time and effort it takes! While we are at this, subscribe to mine at my Abundance FB page and instagram here and here.

13. Go for a relaxing massage or spend the day at the spa.


14. Plan out a healthy nutrition plan for the next 3 months.

15. Listen in an audio program such as Meditation: Practicing Presence in Every Moment of Your Life by Eckhart Tolle.


16. Attend an art painting or clay modeling session that lasts for 4 hours.


17. Go on a discovery journey by determining what your Enneagram personality type is. Read my articles here, here or here. Alternatively, this graphic Enneagram book offers insightful descriptions.


18. Continue writing your half-written and yet-to-be-published book.


19. Map out a plan for soulful activities for the next 6 months.


20. Get crafty and make 99 paper roses for yourself!

21. Would like to work on Self-Love or attracting a partner? Make it a goal. Work with me. Just a note that I only have limited slots left if you would like to work together for the week.


Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach


P.S. What do you think? Shall we promote the idea of a Self-Love Valentine? If you like the idea, do share this post with your friends on Facebook and also, comment in the box below. Thank you 🙂


Above photo credit: Jessicantam

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