
5 Tips to Practising Persistence for Success

success growth

There is a Buddhist saying that underscores the importance of practising persistence for success, “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins – not through strength, but through persistence.” I like that it draws on nature to explain a fundamental idea about persistence.

Persistence Definition(From my art journal: On practicing persistence)

Notwithstanding, if you have been reading personal development books, you will realize that persistence is an important key to a winning mindset. Repeatedly, you have been advised to follow up on your dream until you have attained success.

So you have been working on your dream for some time. However, somehow success is not in sight yet. Beginning to lose faith, you feel as if you are losing steam. It is not as if you have not summoned the courage to start on a new adventure. You have. Problem is that you have not anticipated the number of challenges that came along. It appears to be taking a long time. And now, you are tempted to give up.

The above scenario is a very common one. Many of us usually start with plenty of enthusiasm. In a rush of energy, we believe that we can conquer the world. However, as the everyday grind of working on our dream sets in, we find the ice-cream soda starting to lose its fizz, the ball its bounce and the perfume its fragrance. It can get weary sometimes. I can safely attest to that. Long hours at the laptop and at times, having to give up on social outings.

You already know that success does not always belong to the most intelligent, the most educated or the one with the most money. In fact, it belongs to those who come up tops in persistence. They show the most tenacity, strength and resilience. Persistence is dogged-determination. It is power. Persistence is the will to succeed, come what may. It is what separates the minority who eventually do succeed from the 90% majority who give up their dreams prematurely.

Three Feet from the Gold Ore

One of my favourite stories comes from Think and Grow Rich By Napolean Hill. It’s the story of three feet from the gold. In the story, a man was caught by the “gold rush” idea and went west to dig. After weeks of labor, he was rewarded by the discovery of the shining ore. However he needed machinery to bring the ore to the surface. So together with some friends and relatives, he raised enough money to buy the machinery.

The first car of ore brought the group some money. But he needed a few more cars of ore in order to clear his debts and to make a killing in profits. So they continued drilling. But to their dismay, they could not find any more ore. Finally, after trying very hard, they decided to quit. They sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars.

The junk man called in a mining engineer to do a review. The engineer’s calculations showed that the vein of ore could be found just three feet from where the group had stopped drilling. And that was exactly where it was found! The junk man became a millionaire overnight, because he did not give up and was wise enough to seek expert counsel.

5 Tips on Persistence for Success

1. Be inspired by role models. Get inspired by reading stories of people who have succeeded at all odds. Anytime when you feel like giving up, pick up a book on success principles from the bookstore or the library. Don’t stop reading.

2. Get a supportive group of friends. Having a group of friends who are also working on their dreams can be helpful. You can encourage each other, exchange ideas, brainstorm and share resources.

3. Get a mentor. If you already know of someone who can be a good mentor, do not be afraid to ask. Choose someone with a proven track record and who is willing to share and listen.

If you have to, hire a coach to pace you while you are working on your dream. Hiring the right coach is money well spent. Work with your motivational coach to identify your obstacles and find creative ways round them.

4. Practice visioning. Visioning is keeping your mind focused on the desired dream or future. It is not a weekend exercise but one that you should constantly practice everyday. You keep yourself reminded in various ways: visualization, vision board, using positive affirmations, subliminal messaging and so on.

5. Connect with a higher purpose. You are likely to have greater perseverance if your vision is one that serves and elevates humanity. Because it is a worthy cause, your dream becomes a meaningful one. Thus, you are likely to discover that instead of feeling lethargic, you feel energized and ready to go at the start of each day. A vision that is connected with a higher purpose garners universal support. You will be amazed with the level of help that you receive.

What It Says on my Creative Art Journal

One of the pages on my art journal that I have done is a reminder about practicing persistence for success. On it, I have written three of my favorite sayings. They are…

“70% of success in life is showing up”.

“Before you give up, ask yourself: can you already be three feet from the gold from where you are?”

“Energy is the essence of life. Everyday, you decide how you’re going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach the goal, and by maintaining focus.” – Oprah Winfrey

Be The Stream: Persistence for Success

Drawing on what Buddha has said, be like the stream. The stream always flows, never stopping until it wins over the rock.

There is only one thing that can happen when you follow up on your dream. Your mindset is a positive one. Your determination to succeed is strong. You simply refuse to quit. Every day, you put your mind to doing what is needed for your dream; no matter how repetitive, routine and mundane the task appears to be. Persistence pays!

Abundance always,

evelyn lim signature



Abundance Alchemy Coach

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Anika - September 13, 2011 Reply

Wow, I feel like every time i need something to guide me, inspire me, or just cheer me up, your blog has another article to offer us very important information!
thank you so much Miss Evelyn!



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Anika,

Thank you for your warm support and encouragement!!

Shine from the soul,


Anika - September 13, 2011 Reply

The every day challenges i come across when i work on my goal are a whole bunch of negative thoughts and doubts and reminders from the past that “oh, i’m just not good enough” but working on my negative thoughts one at a time, and finding out where they may have come from really helped me overcome this bad habit of bringing myself down a lot. But i also noticed a big problem i have is not remembering my goal, and always dazing off onto something unnecessary, which eventually leads to me not doing my work. i think i also have a perfectionism problem, but i will read your article about how to deal with that soon. today’s article about being a stream and always flowing really helped me a lot. i will use this information from now on.

thank you again


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Anika,

I am happy to know that you are becoming more aware about your thoughts and emotions from reading my blog. Your constant dozing off may well be a sign of self-sabotage too. It’s like you are preferring to avoid work for some gain. You have to ask yourself what you are gaining by sleeping and not working.

It’s great that you have enjoyed today’s post!

All the best to you,


Mel Clifford - September 14, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn
Great quote in your post -“It is what separates the minority who eventually do succeed from the 90% majority who give up their dreams prematurely”.
I also love the story about Three feet from the Ore.
Thanks again and keep up the great work
Kind regards Mel


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Mel,

Thank you for your feedback. It’s great that the post resonated well with you and you have enjoyed the story!

Abundance always,


PJ Ferguson - September 14, 2011 Reply

Really fantastic article! The 5 tips are really poignant. Have been working on my visioning a lot lately. Will share this will all my followers – Thanks!


Evelyn Reply:

Good for you in working on your visioning!! Thank you for your sharing!

With love,


Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition - September 14, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
I’m taking a break, catching up on my blog reading. This was so wonderful. So many great tips. I do believe that persistence is the greatest attribute to develop. It’s is a “winning” quality to have.
love vision boards. I feel there is something magical about the way the draw your desires into you life.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

It’s great to see you here, as always. I know that you are rather busy. Thank you for your warm support and feedback. It will be great if we can help inspire or motivate each other, something which we are already doing! Yay!

Shine from the soul,


Vishnu - September 14, 2011 Reply

Thanks for sharing the rock and stream analogy Evelyn. Have not heard of it before. And on another note, I think 90% of success in life is showing up:)


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Vishnu,

You are welcome. It’s great that you put the percentage as higher!

Abundance always,


Jimmy/LifeArchitects - September 14, 2011 Reply

My greatest challenge is seeing no results as quickly as I want to. When I am faced with this I tell myself “Slow is fast and fast is slow” I just keep digging for that gold.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jimmy,

Yes, I believe that things will arrive in good timing. We often hope to see results quickly but when things are not showing up yet, we give up. It may well be that the Universe is still gathering resources to support us in our path. So don’t give up!!

Abundance always,


Jimmy/Life Architect Reply:

Hi Evelyn,

Yes, I agree with the fact that the ‘nos’ we get sometimes is God’s way of telling us something better is coming. Recently, I have been trying to get my own house. But you should know how expensive housing is in Singapore. I couldn’t even consider the options because of this. Guess what, just yesterday, some other more affordable options opened up and we are exploring in that direction now.

Thanks for your encouragement.

BTW, if you can, check out my next post on Hopes and Dreams Fulfilled. I have a challenge on that one that need as many people to spread the word as possible. Do contribute and make the world a better place.



Christy - September 15, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn, this post fueled me (again) to continue my journey towards success. Like others, I’m losing track and focus from time to time and sometimes I think that maybe success wasn’t for me. But God is so good, He never fails to give me reasons to go on. Also thank you for your suggestion on picking up success principles books.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Christy,

The question is: how badly do you want success? If you do, then forge ahead and stay on track. Everyone deserves success! Unless you choose not to believe in it. Yes, continue to keep yourself inspired with books, tapes and like-minded friends. Life is a marathon, not a short race.

Shine from the soul,


rob white - September 15, 2011 Reply

Wonderful article Evelyn. Indeed, victory loves the sincerely persistent. The secret to success is seeing opposition as evolution’s way of motivating us. Our personal evolution demands our persistence. It is natures way of having us reach deep inside, and become more than we were the day before. I love that story from Napoleon Hill. There is pure gold everywhere. Life denies us none of it. The secret to living prosperously is to persist in mining for “gold” no matter how unpromising the circumstances may first seem to be.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rob,

I love what you said about the secret to success. Not many of us see things in the way you have described. In fact, more of us tend to crumble at the sight of challenges. We give up too prematurely. Yes, I would like to be “mining for gold” every day LOL!!

Abundance always,


J.D. Meier - September 15, 2011 Reply

I really like how you set the stage with the stream and the rock.

When I think of going the distance, I also think of how the willow bends, while the mighty oak breaks in the wind. Flexibility is a recurring theme.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello J.D.,

Love the poetic nature themes here to remind us about being flexible and persistent!! Thanks for sharing!

Abundance always,


Justin | Mazzastick - September 16, 2011 Reply

I am also a big believer in persistence. I have seen so many bloggers all but quit because they didn’t get the results as quick as they thought.

I love the Napoleon Hill story. I believe that one of the Miners was from Baltimore. Either the one that quit or the one that bought the equipment for a couple hundred bucks.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Justin,

Me too. I have seen many bloggers not continuing with their sites after a while. In a way, I understand why they have done so. Non-bloggers will probably not realize the work involved with publishing even a single post. It really does take a measure of persistence.

I did not pay attention to where the miners were from. Glad to know that you love the story!!

Abundance always,


Travis - September 16, 2011 Reply

“Be the stream.” Love that! Remind me of my personal guide post in matters of awakening to true self – “Push Deeper.”

Thanks for the enlightening read!



Evelyn Reply:

Thank you for your feedback, Travis!

All the best,


marc van der Linden - September 17, 2011 Reply

Hello Lynn,,

Great advice for being persistent. The interesting part if you follow these advice’s you also protect yourself against being not persistent.

Mentors and supportive friends can not only help you become more inspired, more also help you with not stopping just before the finish.

Thanks for sharing!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Marc,

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, if we just keep to staying inspired, there is no reason why we would give up.

Wishing you every success,


Galen Pearl - September 18, 2011 Reply

“Be the stream.” I love that. One of my heroes is Bruce Lee. He advised, “Be water.” Same concept. I like the story about the gold ore. That is a tough one because sometimes we continue to “throw good money after bad.” I think the key to the story, as you observed, is to get expert advice. Great post.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Galen,

Yes it is true that we can continue to “throw money after the bad”. The idea is to re-examine what we have been doing, ask for help, look for ways or change strategy but not give up on our overall dreams.

With love,


Jenna - September 19, 2011 Reply

I always always always love and look forward to all of your posts Evelyn, thank you for sharing and inspiring me yet again xx


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Jenna. I have had no idea but it is great that my posts have helped you!

Abundance always,


Samantha Bangayan - September 20, 2011 Reply

This is such a motivating post, Evelyn! I loved everything about it, including the piece you shared from the art journal, the story of the group who was three feet from ore and the quotes. It’s so easy to become discouraged, especially when our world right now is so filled with options. It can be confusing and not seem worthwhile to stay on track, but I want to be like the stream. I also want to be like the junk man — innovative and an efficient thinker. =)

By the way, I just wanted to let you know how much you’ve inspired me by awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award! =) Hugs!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Samantha,

It’s great that you like this post very much. Stay on track if you are hoping for success. Do keep yourself inspired by the many stories of courage and persistence.

Thank you for the award, although I have no idea what it is. It’s been a privilege to share what I know. I’m happy to know that you’ve been enjoying my blog.

Shine from the soul,


Bryce Christiansen - September 20, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

I really like this topic. A few weeks ago one of my coworkers came back from a vacation where they were visited by a hoary marmot. The marmot was a regular visitor and would gnaw on one of the posts of the cabin they were staying at.

The lodge tried bear spray and cayan pepper to keep the marmot away, but nothing was stopping it.

Also, congrats on the versatile blogger award.



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Bryce,

How nice that even a marmot can share important lessons. Everything around is teaching us. If only we can slow down a little to see.

Thank you for your support,


Harriet Cabelly - September 23, 2011 Reply

Great piece and so appropo for me. I’ve been working at my blog for the past 8 months and many times I feel discouraged. It isn’t bringing in the comments, feedback and growth to let me know that it’s reaching people. You want to know that what you’re putting out there is affecting others. But I have my support network of people, some who help and some who encourage me to continue, and I will continue because I do enjoy it. The theme of my site brings together what is truly me. So I persist and keep doing what I love, with new ideas and suggestions from mentors, in the hope that it will take off over time.


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[…] 5 Tips to Practice Persistence for Success @ Abundance Tapestry […]

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