Category Archives for "Life Tip"

Life Tip

7 Steps To Self Discovery

What are the steps to self discovery?

To begin with, do you know yourself well?

Are you clear about you want in life?

Do you have a sense of purpose?

What defines you?

What makes you happy?

It may be that you find yourself answering “no” or “don’t really know” to most of the questions above.

Well, should this be true, you are not alone.

It may also be that while you are happy with some parts of your life, there could be also parts that you do not like. Any dissatisfaction is an indication that you have got things about your life that are unresolved.

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Take A Self Love Quiz: Do You Love Yourself Unconditionally?

self love quiz yourself

(Note: I am reposting my Self Love Quiz as I have decided to host it on a new quiz platform. It’s now working more beautifully than before. Hence, if you are seeing this post for the first time, you can take the all-new Self Love Quiz (check it out below). While the format is slightly different, the quiz comes with the same questions today!)

Do you love yourself unconditionally?

Do you face challenges with accepting yourself completely – warts, moles, blemishes and all?

Well, when I first started on my healing journey, I have had little idea that I had challenges with loving myself in the first place. I was not very conscious back then.

It’s the reason why I created the Self-Love Quiz after gaining some important insights. I had hoped that it could help someone else out there too…..and…judging from previous feedback, it did!

Hence, if you are wondering how the relationship with yourself is like, take the Self Love Quiz below…

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How to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

power of subconscious mind

If you often find life a struggle, please know that you can reverse the situation through harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. You do not have to settle with constantly being in self-sabotage, having a dark rain of cloud following you or living an uninspired existence.

“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
– Earl Nightingale

Think of the subconscious mind as like a hard drive on a computer.
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Aura Colors Test: What Christmas Color is Your Vibe

Aura Color Christmas

Aura colors vary from one person to the next, in its hue, width and so on. They offer information about your overall well-being. From a reading, it is possible to obtain energetic information about your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual states. It is in the variations that provide a more accurate reading.

All living things radiate aura colors. Not everyone can see them….except for the gifted few. The gifted ones are able to access the auric fields to perform energy healing.To put it simply, the auric field is the electromagnetic field which surrounds your human body. Energy healing may be done to correct imbalances in your energy state that affect your wellness.

To find out what aura colors you vibrate, you may wish to get an aura photography and reading done. Alternatively, do the Aura Colors test below. It wouldn’t be the same as getting an aura reading done, but you can find out which aura color you are vibrating through a quick quiz.

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Take the Moon Quiz: New Moon, Supermoon and Full Moon

Moon Quiz | Supermoon | Full Moon | New Moon

Play the Moon Quiz in this post to gauge your moon awareness. Become more mindful about how you can take advantage of Full Moon, Supermoon and New Moon energy for managing your emotions and setting intentions.

How often do you take the moon for granted and fail to notice it? Or allow the occurrence of special lunar event such as a Supermoon to pass you by? Well, I created the Moon Quiz, so that we can all start to build greater awareness.

The moon plays a vital part in the celestial sky. If you are sensitive to energy movements, I suggest that you keep tap on the various moon phases. You may just be able to observe how life patterns are surfacing with the occurrences of the Full Moon, Supermoon or New Moon.

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101 Positive Affirmations for Women

positive affirmations for women

Positive affirmations for women are helpful to use if you are struggling with limiting beliefs due to gender issues. For instance, do you have the view or negative self-talk that you are less deserving of success, less worthy of respect or that you can’t make as much money because you perceive yourself to be the weaker sex?  Or that you need to be of certain body proportions to qualify as being more attractive?

Well, what you say to yourself is backed by the limiting beliefs that you hold. Hence, I suggest changing your thought patterns so that you can bring about a more balanced state of empowerment. Your beliefs have an impact on your life experiences.

You can  find yourself experiencing low self-esteem, poor body image, inability to accept aging as you approach your 40s or 50s and difficulties with manifesting money and abundance. As I have found from working with others, more women than men tend to struggle with issues related to gender roles because of the disparity in society’s expectations of them.If you have immense challenges with accepting and appreciating your role as a woman, I recommend using positive affirmations to reverse old thinking.

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How to Stand in Your Unique Brilliance and Craft a Core Offer

your unique brilliance

Do you have a part of you that does not believe that you can build a thriving business from your soul gifts?

Perhaps, you have psychics or even coaches telling you what your soul gifts are and about how you should simply step into your unique brilliance and do work that you love. Or about how deserving and worthy you are of all that abundance.

Except that you don’t totally believe that it is true.

Definitely, NOT 100% on your belief scale!

As you reflect over on the gifts, skill sets and what you have to offer in the world, you are feeling as if you are “nothing special” or that there is “nothing unique” about you.

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Are You Just 3 Feet from Gold?

3 feet from gold

Are you currently in the stage where you are ready to give up on your business?

My suggestion: Not just Yet.

Not until you have finished reading this post on 3 Feet from Gold.

“Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost in rich.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

The story 3 Feet from Gold is a story that has kept me inspired over the years. It is a tale that has kept me going on as an entrepreneur, especially during challenging times. As with many business owners, my journey has not always been that smooth. I have been through feast-famine cycles and everything in between.

“Before success comes in anyone’s life, that individual is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a person, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to QUIT. That is exactly what the majority of people do.” Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill

I hope to share with you what has helped me all this time, if you have not heard this story or read the classic Think and Grow Rich book. The entrepreneurial mindset of not giving up has kept me in the game. It has helped me build tenacity even when times are difficult.

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Energy Flows Where Attention Goes: How to Create Focus and Get More Done

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

I love this saying: energy flows where attention goes. Yet, when it came to applying it, I would fall short when I am not being mindful.

It may be the same for you too. You could be wondering How to Create Focus and Get More Done when there are 1,000 things going on in your life at any current moment. The 1000 things I call them distractions if they are bringing you further away from accomplishing your goal or vision.

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5 Signs of a Toxic Feast-Famine Money Cycle That Keep You Drained

money cycle

Are you caught in a feast-famine money cycle that bring you into the highs of having lots of cash, followed by crashing lows where perhaps even paying the rent becomes a problem?

Feast-Famine Money Cycle of Entrepreneur
The money drama is almost like a thriller with treacherous peaks and valleys.

It keeps you engaged. Nail biting. Hooked.

Except that you are not watching a movie.

This is for real.

You are living it in high speed and great intensity.

And it is a drama on repeat.


The Entrepreneur’s Feast/Famine Money Cycle

The feast/famine cycle is what a lot of entrepreneurs go through.

There could be periods where life is great, clients coming in and you are spending cash like you are living in a lap of luxury.

Then, there are periods where no one is knocking on your door, the cash register is not ringing merrily and money is scarce.

It is a cycle because one period will follow the next and then back again – on autopilot.
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