Category Archives for "Quiz-Test"

Money Mindset Quiz: Do You Have Rich or Poor Beliefs?

Take the money mindset quiz that I have created below to find out if you have beliefs that will make you rich.

Your mindset is made up of beliefs. A rich money mindset is made up of positive beliefs that support your ability to attract financial abundance while a poor mindset is made up of limiting beliefs that hold you back. It is likely  that you have some positive beliefs and some that are limiting. An abundance or rich money mindset is when your positive beliefs outweigh your limiting ones. The opposite is true for a poverty or scarcity mindset. Continue reading

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Take This Quiz: Spiritual Strength Test

What is your spiritual strength?

Spiritual strength is your divine superpower. It is energy derived from being connected with Source. It encompasses your enduring quality. Others are attracted to you because of your spiritual strength.

It is possible that while you are gifted in your spiritual strength, you are not aware of it. After all, you radiate it naturally. You could be so used to your divine aspect that you do not realise of the influence that you have on others.Continue reading

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Take A Self Love Quiz: Do You Love Yourself Unconditionally?

self love quiz yourself

(Note: I am reposting my Self Love Quiz as I have decided to host it on a new quiz platform. It’s now working more beautifully than before. Hence, if you are seeing this post for the first time, you can take the all-new Self Love Quiz (check it out below). While the format is slightly different, the quiz comes with the same questions today!)

Do you love yourself unconditionally?

Do you face challenges with accepting yourself completely – warts, moles, blemishes and all?

Well, when I first started on my healing journey, I have had little idea that I had challenges with loving myself in the first place. I was not very conscious back then.

It’s the reason why I created the Self-Love Quiz after gaining some important insights. I had hoped that it could help someone else out there too…..and…judging from previous feedback, it did!

Hence, if you are wondering how the relationship with yourself is like, take the Self Love Quiz below…

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Aura Colors Test: What Christmas Color is Your Vibe

Aura Color Christmas

Aura colors vary from one person to the next, in its hue, width and so on. They offer information about your overall well-being. From a reading, it is possible to obtain energetic information about your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual states. It is in the variations that provide a more accurate reading.

All living things radiate aura colors. Not everyone can see them….except for the gifted few. The gifted ones are able to access the auric fields to perform energy healing.To put it simply, the auric field is the electromagnetic field which surrounds your human body. Energy healing may be done to correct imbalances in your energy state that affect your wellness.

To find out what aura colors you vibrate, you may wish to get an aura photography and reading done. Alternatively, do the Aura Colors test below. It wouldn’t be the same as getting an aura reading done, but you can find out which aura color you are vibrating through a quick quiz.

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Take the Moon Quiz: New Moon, Supermoon and Full Moon

Moon Quiz | Supermoon | Full Moon | New Moon

Play the Moon Quiz in this post to gauge your moon awareness. Become more mindful about how you can take advantage of Full Moon, Supermoon and New Moon energy for managing your emotions and setting intentions.

How often do you take the moon for granted and fail to notice it? Or allow the occurrence of special lunar event such as a Supermoon to pass you by? Well, I created the Moon Quiz, so that we can all start to build greater awareness.

The moon plays a vital part in the celestial sky. If you are sensitive to energy movements, I suggest that you keep tap on the various moon phases. You may just be able to observe how life patterns are surfacing with the occurrences of the Full Moon, Supermoon or New Moon.

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Take this Free Chakra Test: Which Chakra is Out of Balance

chakra test: restore balance

How about taking a free chakra test to find out which of your 7 energy centers is out of balance?

I have been using the chakra system as a guide for personal awareness and to work with clients for several years now. It will be great to share with you on how comprehensive it is as a roadmap for conscious living.

The chakra system offers an excellent framework for an understanding of your energy system. There are 7 major chakras, which are energy centers in your body. In Hindi, chakras simply mean “wheels of spinning energy”. Indeed, a chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. You have got 7 major vortexes or energy centers that line up like the picture below…

take this chakra balance test

The chakra system is akin to having an electrical wiring system within your inner home. It allows electrical current to be sent to every part of your being. It regulates the flow of energy throughout the network (meridians) that runs throughout your physical body.

Taking a chakra test can help you to determine which – out of the 7 energy centers – is out of balance or blocked. Out-of-balance chakras or chakra blocks usually happen at the energy centers. Your chakras can get blocked because of stress, emotional or physical root causes.Continue reading

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