Category Archives for "Emotional Healing-EFT"

Using Emotional Freedom Technique to clear emotional blocks before the Law of Attraction can work.

How Emotions Got Stuck in the Body

How emotions got stuck in the body

Have you ever felt scared just as a storm was brewing and there was loud rumbling thunder, whistling winds and lighting bolts in the sky?

Well, a deer in the forest instantly senses fear. 

It is most likely to be prancing, kicking, shaking and chattering thrice as much in nervous tension.

In fact, most wild animals react in the same manner when they are feeling scared. They can’t keep still. Moving around helps them to discharge the negative energy from their bodies.

However, humans are taught differently.

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Reparenting Yourself: What Does It Mean and How to Get Started

What is Reparenting Yourself - Definition and Meaning

What does reparenting yourself mean?

Reparenting yourself simply means healing your inner child and giving your inner child the love and the guidance and support that you didn’t receive when you were young, in the present. 

[Update] Check out my new online course on How to Reparent Yourself

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How to Connect with Your Inner Child using S.H.I.F.T.

How to Connect with Your Inner Child

You may be wondering about how you can connect with your inner child. For a start, you may even have some doubts about the idea of having a wounded inner child. After all, it is not like the inner child is a being that you can actually see or hear externally. Let alone one that is wounded. How, then, do you connect with your inner child, if you are interested to heal aspects about your childhood? 

Well….it is true that you can’t actually see your inner child with your naked eye. It may even feel like you are playing pretend when you close your eyes and attempt to see your inner child. Yet, just because you can’t see something with opened eyes does not mean that it does not exist. For example, just because you can’t see electricity does not mean that it is not working in the background when you turn the lamp on. 

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How You Can Schedule Healthy Money Dates into Your Calendar

Schedule Money Dates

A money date is one where you are working on your finances; whether on your own, with your partner or team. It is one where you specify a day and time on your calendar for a money-related activity that is meant to help you consolidate, improve and/or strengthen your personal or joint financial position. It may be that you need to work on

  • budgeting for a trip, 
  • creating a spreadsheet to monitor expenses, 
  • discussing with your partner on financial options, 
  • reviewing your earnings, 
  • finding better ways to minimise tax, 
  • paying down your loans,
  • moving of investment funds between accounts, 
  • getting updated advice from your financial planner,
  • create a financial plan to help you manifest the lifestyle that you want etc. 

By scheduling money dates on a regular basis, you are better able to identify gaps, opportunities and ideas instead of making any personal financial activity as a once-a-year event.

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How to Deal with Emotional Overwhelm When It Feels Too Much

Emotional Overwhelm

Going through a tough period?

Finding it hard to deal with emotional overwhelm?

Perhaps, you are at a loss about what to do with the flood of feelings that are coming up. 

A client once described her experience as being in a washing machine, with the flood of emotions spinning round and round and unable to stop. And it happens to the best of us. Whatever the trigger is, it may be that you are feeling angry or sad, all at once. Or that you are feeling torn. 

You just can’t make out what to think or how to go about solving your problems. No wonder you struggle to fall asleep. Well, if you have been feeling struggling, I would like to invite you to create a safe space for yourself.

Instead of being in a rush to repress or deny what you are going through, give yourself some time to process your feelings. 

Start by putting your hands over your heart and center your breathing.

Be in a safe non-judgmental space as you work through this. 

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4 Money Healing Stories: Letting Go of the Past

Money Healing Stories

Would you like to be inspired by money healing stories?

Well, I’d like to share some that belonged to my clients. I have had the privilege of helping them attain a mindset breakthrough that resulted in a change in their finances. For a long time, they were struggling with limiting beliefs that blocked the flow of money and their ability to generate better income. Most carried emotional money wounds that stemmed from the past. 

Their money healing stories are transformative. They had to confront their fears and release their attachment to beliefs formed since young. I’m thankful to my clients for giving me a firsthand chance to learn about how it is possible to rewrite our stories for healing and greater empowerment. To protect their privacy, I have used pen names for them. 

Money Healing Story #1: Breaking Free of Glass Income Ceiling

No matter how much effort she put in, Annie couldn’t seem to break through her glass income ceiling for her business. She’s constantly having money worries and that she’d never have enough. While we were working together, Annie experienced an “aha” moment. She suddenly realised how her unconscious limit in earnings came about.

Her dad had struggled to make a living when she was young. Unfortunately, Annie internalised some of the messages he had shared with her about his money troubles. During our session, she “saw” the amount that was written on the cheques he had been banking in from his job. To her surprise, it was the same amount that she has been earning for a long time from her business.

Annie worked on letting go of her glass ceiling. She gave herself the permission to make more than her dad. Annie no longer limits herself on what she can earn. As a result of her inner work, she has been generating income breakthroughs ever since. Annie found herself attracting bigger and bigger deals for her business. 

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How to Heal Your Emotional Money Wounds

heal emotional money story with love

When it comes to healing money wounds, there are two important considerations:

1. Healing needs to involve the emotional layer.

2. Healing of money wounds is best resolved at root cause.

Let me explain more.

1. Healing Emotionally

The money behaviour or situation that you are in is influenced by what’s going on internally – your thoughts and feelings.

For some people, any talk about money tends to conjure plenty of negative feelings.

Feelings such as worry, frustration, sadness, anger and so on.

However, when emotions run high, they create a block or disrupt our energy system.

Our clarity and ability to process thoughts get reduced and we also find ourselves less able to take the necessary action that will help us improve our financial position.

Unfortunately, a block in our ability to manifest financial abundance can also impact our business or to get a job with a pay that we deserve.

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Build Emotional Mastery: What is Emotional Labeling and Differentiation

Would like to build emotional mastery?

Interested to boost your emotional well-being, so that you can be a lot more resilient in the face of difficulties? 

For a start, find out how emotional mastery can be attained through emotional labeling and differentiation of feelings.

For those of us who have repressed our feelings for a long time, emotional labeling and differentiation can be a difficult thing to do. Emotional labeling refers to identifying our emotions and emotional differentiation refers to naming our emotions with specificity and granularity. Both can be difficult to do because we’ve rarely had the chance to process our feelings. Since building emotional mastery or resilience has never been quite emphasised when we were young, it is no wonder that we have had little idea why it matters.

To understand why emotional labelling and differentiation helps, refer to the following scenario: Husband comes back from work, looking drained. Wife notices and asks him about his day. He responds by saying that he is feeling stressed. Wife simply accepts that her husband has had a difficult day, without realising that “stress” can mean a lot of things. 

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10 Signs of Emotional Bullying: How to Spot Them

Emotional Bullying

Emotional bullying is when a person tries to get what he or she wants by making another feel afraid, small and helpless.

It can happen in a children’s playground. Or it can happen in adult relationships. These days, emotional bullying can also take place online. 

Emotional bullying brings about negative effects. If it is made repeatedly, the victim’s mental health can decline. Victims end up with depression, anxiety, shame, guilt and fear, and have difficulties showing up fully at work or in their business. Emotional wounds can create leaks in attracting money and abundance too.

Fortunately, it is possible for anyone to work on healing emotional wounds. In some situations, victims are not able to recognise that they have been bullied. Well, it is important for anyone to learn how to identify the signs so that you can tell if there has been bullying. 

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10 Automatic Negative Thoughts that You Need to Let Go of

Change Automatic Negative Thoughts

Do you find yourself having negative thoughts that seem to pop in automatically? 

Our minds are often programmed to think more negatively that positively. Automatic negative thoughts are often cognitive distortions. The American Psychological Association defines cognitive distortions as “faulty or inaccurate thinking, perception or belief.” For some people, cognitive distortions are a pattern of thinking that can lead to chronic anxiety, depression, and behavioural problems such as substance abuse.

Most of us have not been trained to observe our thoughts. It’s possible to be more aware about what our behaviour is like or even how we are feeling. Yet, what is driving our behaviour are our feelings that are also influenced by our thoughts. 

Cognitive distortions formed the subject of study by Dr Aaron Beck. He proposed that we challenge our irrational and faulty thinking. Once we can break free from them, we are in a better position to change our behaviour. 

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