Category Archives for "Self Love"

How to love yourself

How to Overcome Your Money Gremlin

Overcome Money Gremlin

What is a Money Gremlin?

The Money Gremlin is the critical voice that goes inside your head on matters related to finance. If you are to go silent for a while, you will become aware that what occupies your mind is your self-talk. In fact, 80-90% of our self-talk tend to be negative.

And I am guessing that more women than men is likely to have a horrid looking money gremlin. Not too long ago, I had found out from a research study that women tend to be more stressed than men and for most women, our main source of stress comes from money.

With the Money Gremlin in charge, you are having this internal negative dialogue about finances all the time. If you are constantly having money worries or struggles, chances are you are being hypnotised by your Money Gremlin. It happens when you can’t stop thinking and fretting over finances. The non-stop chatter can also cause you to experience insomnia, keeping you awake at night.
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7 Steps To Self Discovery

What are the steps to self discovery?

To begin with, do you know yourself well?

Are you clear about you want in life?

Do you have a sense of purpose?

What defines you?

What makes you happy?

It may be that you find yourself answering “no” or “don’t really know” to most of the questions above.

Well, should this be true, you are not alone.

It may also be that while you are happy with some parts of your life, there could be also parts that you do not like. Any dissatisfaction is an indication that you have got things about your life that are unresolved.

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Take A Self Love Quiz: Do You Love Yourself Unconditionally?

self love quiz yourself

(Note: I am reposting my Self Love Quiz as I have decided to host it on a new quiz platform. It’s now working more beautifully than before. Hence, if you are seeing this post for the first time, you can take the all-new Self Love Quiz (check it out below). While the format is slightly different, the quiz comes with the same questions today!)

Do you love yourself unconditionally?

Do you face challenges with accepting yourself completely – warts, moles, blemishes and all?

Well, when I first started on my healing journey, I have had little idea that I had challenges with loving myself in the first place. I was not very conscious back then.

It’s the reason why I created the Self-Love Quiz after gaining some important insights. I had hoped that it could help someone else out there too…..and…judging from previous feedback, it did!

Hence, if you are wondering how the relationship with yourself is like, take the Self Love Quiz below…

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25 Self-Love Tips for Stressed Out Moms

stressed out mom

Are you a stressed out mom?

As mothers, we have multiple tasks to fulfill such as preparing meals for our children, supervising their homework, and making sure their needs are met. We may also need to handle domestic chores, face our clients, run our businesses or meet work datelines as well as mange the household finance. It is no wonder that many mothers experience overwhelm. And should the relationships with our spouse be difficult, stress can hit a high.

“The first time around as a mom, I held on really tight and I was so stressed.” – Bridgette Wilson

Triggers for the Stressed Out Mom

Being a mother myself, I know that stress is something that I have to learn to overcome. While my children have brought me tremendous joy, bringing them up has certainly not been a walk in the park. One stress trigger for me is trying to meet the demanding educational standards here in Singapore.
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Take the Moon Quiz: New Moon, Supermoon and Full Moon

Moon Quiz | Supermoon | Full Moon | New Moon

Play the Moon Quiz in this post to gauge your moon awareness. Become more mindful about how you can take advantage of Full Moon, Supermoon and New Moon energy for managing your emotions and setting intentions.

How often do you take the moon for granted and fail to notice it? Or allow the occurrence of special lunar event such as a Supermoon to pass you by? Well, I created the Moon Quiz, so that we can all start to build greater awareness.

The moon plays a vital part in the celestial sky. If you are sensitive to energy movements, I suggest that you keep tap on the various moon phases. You may just be able to observe how life patterns are surfacing with the occurrences of the Full Moon, Supermoon or New Moon.

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101 Positive Affirmations for Women

positive affirmations for women

Positive affirmations for women are helpful to use if you are struggling with limiting beliefs due to gender issues. For instance, do you have the view or negative self-talk that you are less deserving of success, less worthy of respect or that you can’t make as much money because you perceive yourself to be the weaker sex?  Or that you need to be of certain body proportions to qualify as being more attractive?

Well, what you say to yourself is backed by the limiting beliefs that you hold. Hence, I suggest changing your thought patterns so that you can bring about a more balanced state of empowerment. Your beliefs have an impact on your life experiences.

You can  find yourself experiencing low self-esteem, poor body image, inability to accept aging as you approach your 40s or 50s and difficulties with manifesting money and abundance. As I have found from working with others, more women than men tend to struggle with issues related to gender roles because of the disparity in society’s expectations of them.If you have immense challenges with accepting and appreciating your role as a woman, I recommend using positive affirmations to reverse old thinking.

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Take this Free Chakra Test: Which Chakra is Out of Balance

chakra test: restore balance

How about taking a free chakra test to find out which of your 7 energy centers is out of balance?

I have been using the chakra system as a guide for personal awareness and to work with clients for several years now. It will be great to share with you on how comprehensive it is as a roadmap for conscious living.

The chakra system offers an excellent framework for an understanding of your energy system. There are 7 major chakras, which are energy centers in your body. In Hindi, chakras simply mean “wheels of spinning energy”. Indeed, a chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. You have got 7 major vortexes or energy centers that line up like the picture below…

take this chakra balance test

The chakra system is akin to having an electrical wiring system within your inner home. It allows electrical current to be sent to every part of your being. It regulates the flow of energy throughout the network (meridians) that runs throughout your physical body.

Taking a chakra test can help you to determine which – out of the 7 energy centers – is out of balance or blocked. Out-of-balance chakras or chakra blocks usually happen at the energy centers. Your chakras can get blocked because of stress, emotional or physical root causes.Continue reading

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5 Consequences of Having a Love-Hate Relationship with Money

love hate relationship with money

Do you have a love-hate relationship with money?

For a start, the idea of having a relationship with money may seem new to you. It sure sounded foreign to me at first. Until one day, after being exposed to the idea from various channels for years, I finally understood it!

One great way to think of the relationship you have money is to draw analogies from the relationship you have with a lover, spouse or partner. It is also easy to imagine such a relationship if you have watched romantic movies and TV shows.

love hate relationship with money abundance

Some of you may declare that you are “in love” with money. Or some of you may confess you are having such a difficult relationship that you resent the struggles you are in. It’s also possible that you describe your relationship with money as one of love-hate.

love-hate relationship with wealth
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How to Love Life Fully

love life fully

Do you know how to love life fully?

Well, for a period in time, I was asking myself this very question.

I put myself on a search.

The journey felt incidentally harder perhaps because of the internal struggle that I was going through during that period.

Yet, no matter how and where I search, I could not get complete answers.

Which led me to the realisation that I the answers I sought are not out there.

They pretty much lie from within.

The answers came from a wise part of the self….

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How to Love: 7 Quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh

self compassion: how to love

How to love is a small but beautiful book by Zen Buddhist Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. It is the third title in the Mindfulness Essentials Series of how-to books. As always, he writes in simple language to explain profound insights from the practice of Buddhism, mindfulness and meditation.

how to love-thich nhat hanh

I like that we are taught not just on the importance of self-love, but also how we can love another more fully. The teachings are poignant and persuasive: “to love without knowing how to love, wounds the ones we love.” We are invited to open our hearts in a meditative way.

How to Love is in 4 essentials: you can only love another when you feel true love for yourself; love is understanding; understanding brings compassion; and deep listening and loving speech are key ways of showing your love.

I had felt drawn to reading How to Love as learning to love is the fundamental of all relationships. Whether it is the relationship we have with ourselves, with our partners, success or even money, it rests on love. If we want to find greater meaning or improve on the quality of our living, learning How to Love is essential.


Here are 7 quotes in How to Love by Thich Nhat Hanh….

“Every one of us is trying to find our true home. Some of us are still searching. Our true home is inside, but it’s also in our loved ones around us. When you’re in a loving relationship, you and the other person can be a true home for each other.”

“Understanding someone’s suffering is the best gift you can give another person. Understanding is love’s other name. If you don’t understand, you can’t love.”

“The essence of loving kindness is being able to offer happiness. You can be the sunshine for another person. You can’t offer happiness until you have it for yourself. So build a home inside by accepting yourself and learning to love and heal yourself.”

“In a deep relationship, there’s no longer a boundary between you and the other person. You are her and she is you. Your suffering is her suffering. Your understanding of your own suffering helps your loved one to suffer less.”

“You are part of the universe; you are made of stars. When you look at your loved one, you see that he is also made of stars and carries eternity inside. Looking in this way, we naturally feel reverence. True love cannot be without trust and respect for oneself and for the other person.”

“To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love. To know how to love someone, we have to understand them. To understand, we need to listen.”

“Love is a living, breathing thing. There is no need to force it to grow in a particular direction. If we start by being easy and gentle with ourselves, we will find it is just there inside of us, solid and healing.”

how to love quote - Thich Nhat Hanh

How to Love: Go on a Journey

How to love has turned out to be quite a journey for me.

I learned it with self-love, from writing a book on Self-Love, creating a self-love healing meditation program, improving my relationship with my husband and children, making the choice to do what I love and loving what I do and also, transforming the relationship I have with money.

My lessons have been in many forms and ways and I am still learning How to Love more every single day. The moment I woke up to true love was the moment I began to know who I am.

love currency

This post is sent with love from my heart to yours.

Love always,
Evelyn Lim

P.S. Recommended Resources:

1. How to Love by Thich Nhat Hanh
2. Self-Love Secrets

P.S.S. Share Your Thoughts and Comments on How to Love below.



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