
Your Doubt or Your Dream? Decide Which to Feed

doubt or dream - which wolf would you feed

“Your doubt or your dream? Decide which you would rather feed.” Evelyn Lim

When it comes to manifesting your dream, do you find yourself facing doubt whether you are going to succeed or not?

I know I do.

I find doubt rising every now and then, especially when it comes to venturing into new ideas.

During such periods, I have learned to ask myself the very important question of which I would rather feed: doubt or dream.Asking myself this one question alone has been helpful in steering my mind to a more positive direction.

Your Doubt or Your Dream

Applying The Old Cherokee Tale of The Two Wolves

I recall the first time when I asked myself this question. I had found myself stuck in moving forward. As I tuned in to process my doubt, I suddenly recalled the story of the old Cherokee tale about the two wolves. Here was how the story went…

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Applying the same advice to the situation that I was in, I made the decision to feed my dream with positive thoughts.

Decide Doubt or Dream – Which to Feed

Now, unless you are Mohammad Ali, I won’t be surprised if you confess to encountering doubt every now and then too.

Perhaps you have been experiencing the constraints of living a human existence. You age, get sick, feel stretched, the clock is ticking etc. At the physical level, you perceive limitations. You have the doubt that you can achieve all that you hope to do. The idea that you are supposed to be a being with unlimited potential gets thrown out of the window on days that you don’t feel so great about yourself.

And perhaps you are like me too. Taking some level of risks when running your business. Doubt can creep in.

What is unhealthy is when you allow doubt to fester for far too long.

Doubt can be destructive.

It could kill your dream on the drawing board. It could hold you back from achieving success. It could put you in darkness, when you should be standing in the light.

Well, the next time you find yourself battling doubt, do yourself a favor. Ask yourself the very same question: Doubt or Dream? Which would I rather feed?

Love and Abundance Always,

Evelyn Lim

Abundance Alchemy Coach

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Suzie Cheel - July 11, 2016 Reply

Love that story of the wolves and it is so true, when we feed the negative we get more – in our lives and same with feeding the positive. The FUD factor I call it when we allow Fear, doubt and uncertainty in we squash our dreams. xxoo


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Suzie,

Thank you for sharing about the FUD factor. I definitely agree – these are dream killers!



Ellen Bard - July 11, 2016 Reply

Inspiring advice Evelyn. Especially as we can end up feeding doubt automatically without even a thought.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Ellen,

Yes, we can have a default setting to doubt without even realising it!



Dr.Hamid-Mousavi - July 11, 2016 Reply

Dear Evelyn
A heartfelt “Hi” from bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much for your kindness.
Have a awesome day.
In love and laugh.
Dr.Hamid Mousavi


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Dr Hamid,

Thank you for dropping by 🙂

Hope to see you here more often.

Love and abundance always,


Sandra Pawula - July 12, 2016 Reply

I love simple remedies like this powerful question. Thank you for this, Evelyn.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Sandra,

Yes, me too 🙂



Elle - July 13, 2016 Reply

That story is so powerful Evelyn…I remember the impact first time I heard it. It made so much sense to me.
And your question is one of those simple questions we can ask ourselves that keeps us on track to our preferred destiny.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Elle,

Yes, if we can find a way to ask ourselves more powerful and impactful questions, we get better answers.

Thank you for stopping by,


Vidya Sury - July 17, 2016 Reply

The Cherokee story is one of my favorites, Evelyn. “That which you feed, grows” applies to everything in life. Doubt is an integral part of the human make up and each one of us requires a regular dose of encouragement and someone to believe in us to keep us going! Hugs. What a motivating post!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Vidya,

It will certainly help to have a regular dose of encouragement if doubt is something that affects us often.

Thank you dear!



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