
How to Practice the Art of Dreaming to Attract Abundance

Napoleon Hill quote

“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.” Napoleon Hill

It can be hard to believe yourself as a powerful creative being, with the ability to change your current reality simply by directing your thoughts. I have had tremendous difficulty with this myself as well, especially in the beginning when I started trying to practice deliberate thinking. Most of us invariably find ourselves slipping back into a world of victimhood. Any notion about being powerful co-creators gets instantly thrown out of the window when we are faced with stress.

Yet, the Law of Deliberate Creation is a law. In addition, there is already scientific evidence to support how our reality is influenced by what we believe in. Quantum physics has shown that just by the act of observation, a person can alter reality.

Alter Your Perception with Imagination

The crux lies in the perception. We can be an observer to the same situation but we can all perceive things differently and therefore arrive at a different conclusion from others. In short, it is the half-glass full and half-glass empty analogy.

We are colored by our filters. And depending on what the filtered perception says, we may view money as dirty or as a tool that can help enhance our well-being. Our results will differ drastically, depending on the perception that we take. A person going into bankruptcy can look at his situation and decide that there are important lessons that he can learn. He then decides to make a comeback by not repeating his past mistakes. Yet, another, facing bankruptcy, would sink into depression, convinced that he is an utter failure.

As I have shared, there was a long period in the past when I walked the lonely halls of misery in repeated self-bashing patterns. Eventually, I made enough insights from delving into debilitating thoughts to write my best-selling product, Self-Love Secrets. Which brings me to the point of turning our pain into power.

Winston Churchill famously says, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” You may not recognize yourself as an optimist at first. However, may I suggest that the ability to spot the opportunity in the difficulty turns you into one.

The Art of Dreaming: Use Your Imagination

To put it creatively, I call it “the Art of Dreaming”. At the core, the ability to spot opportunity for an expansion in possibilities begins with the use of imagination. All of a sudden, darkness is dissipated upon the dawning of a life-changing idea. You are able to transform your moment of despair to one that empowers you.

Then again, you may object by saying that using imagination may tantamount to being fluffy and therefore, impractical. You could be someone who likes to rely on left-brain logic. Well, you can continue to insist on this stance and stay stuck or employ your imagination as you take a leap.

“Live out of your imagination, and not your history.” Steven Covey

I guarantee you that you will begin to have a lot more fun 🙂 in your life once you connect with the creativity of your right brain. Plus there is the added bonus of using it intentionally to create more wealth and abundance in your life. Which is the whole idea of this follow-up discussion if you are currently stuck in a rut.

3 Tips to Practicing the Art of Dreaming to Attract Wealth and Abundance

Practice the following 3 tips:

(1) Dream big. Avoid putting a limit to what you can imagine. As what my husband used to tell me, dreams are for free and we don’t need to spend a single dime to dream. And since you are going to dream, you may as well dream big.

(2) Avoid focusing on the “How”. When dreaming at first, don’t use your adult thinking brain to analyse the “how”. Focus on the end dream, which is to see yourself living the lifestyle you desire.

(3) Engage your feelings. Connect with your feelings of joy, inspiration and love when you dream. Be child-like.

Note that dreaming aimlessly is not the same as visioning. You do have to start with using your imagination. But once you have decided on the dream that you truly desire, visioning starts. You actively work on your heart-centered dream to bring it about. Get a mentor or life coach (such as myself :-)) to hold you accountable, if you are prone to collapsing into doubt.

Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach | Work With Me

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