
Inner Alchemy Through Life Lessons

So you have experiencing situations that show up your low self confidence?

You are a subject of constant emotional abuse since 3 years old?

Been dumped for the 7th time?

Been betrayed by your unfaithful spouse?

Engaged in daily fights with your family members?

Do You Dare To be Wise?
(I keep myself contemplative via creative reminders of my life lessons!)

Well, all these situations can potentially hold life lessons for us. The thing is that if we do not build some awareness to their underlying meanings, we would have missed out on the gems. We would be simply reacting, avoiding and distracting ourselves from the true heart of the matter. We would merely be looking at the wrappings without knowing that there are treasures inside.

These external situations take place to help us discover what is truly in our minds. Life is a mirror held up by the hands of the Universe. When we smile into the mirror, we see a smiling picture in the reflection. When we frown, we see ourselves frowning in the mirror. Hence, we can look at the mirrored reflections of life to know what is going on in our minds. Situations of harmony reflect the harmony inside us. Situations of love and peace reflect the loving presence that we are. On the other hand, situations of stress reflect our inner stress.

Explained in energetic terms, we attract the same vibrational frequency that matches with the state of our being. So whatever we are already enjoying in our external life right now is a match to the vibrational frequency of our inner state. When we attract situations opposite to our desires, it goes to mean that we are not carrying that specific energetic quality. Such essences can be of “disempowerment”, “insecurity”, “disharmony”, “distrust”, “pain” and so on. These would manifest as life lessons for us.

“Pain is feedback letting us know that something inside of us is out-of-balance.”
— Abundance Tapestry

Life Lessons on Planet Earth

Life lessons is a metaphoric term to represent the insights we can gather within the folds of our external situations. We would first need to unfold the outside layers to reveal what is contained within. In many cases, there can be multiple layers. Delving down the layered meanings bring about ultimate transcendence.

In a previous post, Earth has been explained as a school with plenty of opportunities for learning experiences. Learning opportunities can be in different forms. They can also be big or small. Where they are major, you observe lessons of the same theme being replicated across all areas of your life; from workplace to your home. Where they can start small, it is possible for them to snowball into major ones especially when you repeatedly ignore what the external components of life have been trying to convey. Earth also comes with a huge playground where you can choose an array of fun things to do. These also offer areas for growth.

Major life themes are likely to the ones that your soul has agreed to prior to incarnation. It’s more like some unfinished business. They are lessons carried over from past lives. To evolve, your soul needs to incarnate in order to experientially move up in consciousness. And this is precisely why you are here. Your soul purpose, generally speaking, is to discover who you really are. And there is much that you can discover about the many dimensions of self. Most certainly, you are an interesting divine aspect of source!

Wising Up Through Inner Alchemy

Inner alchemy happens when we are able to understand what the situations mean and undergo the necessary personal transformation. We look inside ourselves, instead of shifting blame at others. We learn to take responsibility. Our investigations reveal that we have been in constant self-sabotage. The seeds to our inner hurts have been planted ever since we are young. These seeds have been allowed to flourish in the backyards of our mind. Over the years, we become even more convinced that we deserve the repeating theme, that everyone is out to get us, that we are genetically wired to be “like this” or that we are just not born lucky.

To begin, we are to be alert to the underlying meaning beneath any negative or over-reaction. We ask ourselves: what are we trying to avoid, resist or hide? It is through seeing ourselves in our true light that hold the key to transcending our life lessons. We wipe off the layers of cosmetic color, concealing powder and makeup foundation to know ourselves with warts, blemishes, moles and all.

In deeper work,a floodgate of tears is likely to follow. Using up boxes of tissues, we are unable to stop the copious flow of the dam. It is a dam that has been holding up the reserves of hurt, pain, and neglect all this time. What is to realize is that these tears represent our deep connection to soul. They come from the wisdom of our heart. They pave the way for healing. They pave the way to gaining strength.

The Path to Wisdom

Ultimately, the key is to be open and to allow ourselves experience the dimension of source from within. We discover Truth through insight. Meditative practices can help.

Experiencing ourselves as we truly are continually is Pure Being. It is continuous consciousness and not just in spurts of inspiration, fancy or mere talk. It is one of complete freedom and therefore abundance. In this state, all of life’s most perplexing questions associated with our lessons would have been solved.

“You are an abundance alchemist, the source of your own illumination.”
Abundance Alchemy: Journey of Gold

With best wishes,

evelyn lim signature

PS 1. This post is written as part of the Life Lessons Series, started by Abubakar Jamil and in collaboration with Farnoosh Brock. Thank you, both, for being an inspirational force in the personal development blogging niche 🙂

2. Do share in the comments box below what your major life lesson has been for the previous year and what you’d do differently for 2011!

3. 2. Submit Your Questions Abundance Alchemy Series on 5 related articles is to start two weeks from now and once I know what issues you would like me to address about creating abundance. Hence, submit your questions, comments and thoughts under the Discussion thread “Blocks, Obstacles and Resistances to Abundance” at Abundance Tapestry Page.

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The Vizier - January 11, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Great post you have here! I always believed that there are lessons to learn from everything that happen to us, especially the “bad” things. If we do not take heed and learn from these lessons, they will come back to haunt us again and again until we finally learn them and move on. Before I understood this lesson, I kept on making the same mistakes. The situations may have been different, but the mistakes were the same. Only when I realized that I could not ignore the mistakes I made and corrected myself did I grow and learn to deal with greater things. And if we have unfinished business in this life, it is better to finish it instead of carrying over more baggage to the next.

I love your suggestions for getting to the root of the matter for the lessons we have to learn. There is little we can do to control others, so blaming them resolves nothing. Rather we should pay careful attention to our role in the problem and what we can do to bring about a more favourable outcome. Only by reaching deep within our souls, cutting through all the barriers and lies we feed ourselves can we access our inner abundance.

Thank you for sharing this article! 🙂

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

It’s great that you have found what I shared in this post to be vastly true: that we will first have to learn our lessons to avoid the same patterns being repeated. I am also on the similar path of addressing my lessons – it will be a life with little regrets as far as I can help it! Which is why I spend a fair amount of time on inner work!

Reading what you’ve shared made me know that you’re well on your way to creating a life of true freedom and abundance. I wish you continued success, love, peace and power!

With love,


Abubakar Jamil - January 11, 2011 Reply

What a unique perspective to Life Lessons Evelyn, and I wasn’t expecting anything less from you, since I have known your blog for more than a year now. 🙂

Thank you so much for being a valuable part of the Life Lessons Series Evelyn. I appreciate that.


Evelyn Reply:

It’s great that you’ve found my post interesting, even though you’ve probably read all the articles written by the 99 bloggers before me. I’m glad that I made it as the 100th blogger in the amazing project you started. A case of perfect timing, I would say!

It’ll be awesome to see the Life Lessons Series turned into a free ebook to be given away soon!

To your continued success,


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Farnoosh - January 11, 2011 Reply

Dear Evelyn, this was such a deep and well thought-out post. I don’t think it qualifies for light reading but a very worthwhile one instead…
“We look inside ourselves, instead of shifting blame at others. We learn to take responsibility.” <== Love this line even though you have far more poetic and gorgeous prose up above. I love the idea here that we must take responsibility for the lot we have been handed in life and do with it what we can rather than go around blaming others….
Thank you so so much for participating and I think it's very good omen that you were our 100th participant. Now off to create this ebook which we have put off indefinitely enough ;)!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Farnoosh,

You are right. The post is written for those who wish to take a deeper look into their life lessons. I drew my work experiences as an Intuitive Consultant to write it.

I am glad that my post turned out to be the 100th. I almost thought I couldn’t, based on tight timelines.

Thank you – and also Abubakar – for putting the Life Lessons Series together. Cannot wait to see it!

All the best,


Alison Elliot - January 12, 2011 Reply

Excellent post Evelyn, extreamly meaty and chalk full of insightful wisdom. This post is great to use as a way to ponder everything from life in general to your last 20 minute interaction. No kidding, I plan to take some notes here.

As for major life lessons for 2011, hum, lets see. . . .oh ya, “Look carefully before leaping haphazardly”. I was so very eager to move forward in my business that I did it with too much haste and not enough research. I learned a lot though and am better equiped now to make future business ventures from a more well informed vantage point. In 2011 I will be proceeding forward with catious optomism instead of head strong impetulence.


Evelyn Reply:

Alison, you’re making me *blush*. I ought to be the one learning from you! Nonetheless, thank you for your feedback regarding my post.

I have also been taught valuable lessons about being patient, but with a difference in 2010. I found out that timing delays may not necessarily be a bad thing. Despite feeling that things were moving at a sloow rate, the space allowed me to gather new insights and for the universe to work things through in a better way eventually.

Still, I would say that no decision made is ever a “wrong” one. At least, you know now which aspect of business may not be the right move and learn to navigate better forward. I wish you greater success in 2011!

With love,


Radu Tyrsina Reply:

Hi there Evelyn! Please see my last post as it concerns you also. I have made you a “proposal”. Thank you!


Stephen - January 14, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn. Great post. For me there were a couple of Life Lessons for me through last year. The key enemy is Procastination – even if you convince yourself that it’s all right becuase you have DECIDED NOT to do anything. If you keep to the same beliefs etc, then, guess what – you can’t expect different results. So deciding to take action is essential – even if it turns out to be the ‘wrong’ decision. The next lesson for me is that empowerment comes from within. Once you understand this then another enemy, Fear, loses its stranglehold. I guess the final key lesson is persistence. You must remain focussed and know what you want. Take care. Stephen


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Stephen,

You have shared great lessons. Glad that these lessons meant something to you in the past year. Losing my fears was also a huge one for me too!

Thanks for sharing,


Tariq and Shaheera - January 15, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

this was a very deep and well thought out post. I especially LOVE your concept on how what we are experiencing in life right now matches our inner state of being. It made me think a lot about my own life and how everything is related to each other. I’m now thinking of ways to alter this but like you said, delving deeper is just going to start the waterworks which is not something I look forward to.

Thank you for sharing this with everyone. We had also put up our own Life Lesson article on our blog but I do believe there’s more to learn as the years go by.

We wish you all the best! Cheers!

Tariq and Shaheera


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Tariq,

In your comment, you wrote “delving deeper is just going to start the waterworks”. I find it true especially for those who’ve suppressed their emotions for a long time. However, I hope this is not something that is going to deter you from looking inwards.

It’s great that you’re sharing about your Life Lessons too. I look forward to learning from you.

With love,


Hilary - January 16, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn .. we have to be in the right mind to accept those lessons and learn from them – we may feel we are at other times, but the truth be told we’re not .. we don’t accept them into our life;

The importance is knowing those lessons are there .. and constantly striving to absorb them into our own life – the time will be right – if we are open to accept them.

Great post .. thanks Evelyn .. cheers Hilary


Evelyn Reply:

Great advice, Hilary, about being open to these lessons. Oh yes…the lessons are there but when we are ready, we will see them in their true light. No one can “force” us to learn what we are not ready to see.

With love,


Chris Mercer - January 16, 2011 Reply

I really appreciate your focus on inner alchemy. In life it’s not what happens, but how we react to it. I’ve seen many situation in my own life that I interpret as lessons and I’ve learned to have fun with them. The bigger the challenge, the more fun I seem to have!


Evelyn Reply:

Your attitude of fun and learning is amazing, Chris! I’ve got much to learn from you. I don’t find mine all that fun at times but I have observed that to be able to see the hilarity of it can be truly liberating!

With love,


Therese Miu - January 21, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn, my first time here found you through Farnoosh and I enjoyed reading this insightful post. Last year 2010 was about journey of self-healing and I went through a lot of self-reflection and most of the things you mentioned here. In the end, I discovered you do mirror everything in your inner state. It’s not the world out there but the world inside. You can read about it but once you go through it yourself, there’s nothing like enhancing ones inner growth to take you to new level of awareness.
Thank You for sharing. I’ll add you as a friend on FB/ twitter.
Love to become friends as well. As any friends with Farnoosh must be an incredible human being.

I thank you Evelyn 😉


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Theresa,

Welcome to my site! I’m so glad to know that the first post you read here resonated with you. Oh yes, personal growth requires your awareness and experiencing the truths to gain a deep understanding of life lessons.

I look forward to connecting more with you!

With love,


Life Lessons Series - February 6, 2011 Reply

[…] Inner Alchemy Through Life Lessons […]

sina88 - September 10, 2011 Reply

A really informationrmative post and lots of really honest and forthright comments produced! This certainly got me thinking a lot about this issue so thank a lot for dropping!


Self Improvement by 007designs - Pearltrees - December 11, 2011 Reply

[…] So you have experiencing situations that show up your low self confidence? You are a subject of constant emotional abuse since 3 years old? Been dumped for the 7th time? Inner Alchemy Through Life Lessons — Abundance Tapestry […]

Leto - February 14, 2012 Reply

Life is a big lesson ad that’s why we are to learn the lesoons from good and bad things that can happen, as it helps us to grow and make sure that we won’t make these mistakes in future!


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