Tag Archives for " affirmations "

4 Ways to Water Programming with Positive Affirmations

water programming emoto masaru

One of the best techniques I have learnt is about how to do water programming with positive affirmations.

The use of water for healing is nothing new. For instance, in churches, for centuries, blessings of water have often done for the purpose of baptism or for the blessing of persons, places or things. Hence, water programming can be used for just about anything that you wish for.

As such, I am going to suggest that you look into using water for carrying messages of positive affirmations on success, health, relationships, love, happiness and abundance, to every single cell of our body.

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How to Overcome Your Money Gremlin

Overcome Money Gremlin

What is a Money Gremlin?

The Money Gremlin is the critical voice that goes inside your head on matters related to finance. If you are to go silent for a while, you will become aware that what occupies your mind is your self-talk. In fact, 80-90% of our self-talk tend to be negative.

And I am guessing that more women than men is likely to have a horrid looking money gremlin. Not too long ago, I had found out from a research study that women tend to be more stressed than men and for most women, our main source of stress comes from money.

With the Money Gremlin in charge, you are having this internal negative dialogue about finances all the time. If you are constantly having money worries or struggles, chances are you are being hypnotised by your Money Gremlin. It happens when you can’t stop thinking and fretting over finances. The non-stop chatter can also cause you to experience insomnia, keeping you awake at night.
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Angel Message: The World is Your Oyster

Angel in my Dream: The world is your oyster quote

An angel appeared in my dream last night.
She gently placed the globe in the palm of my hands.
And she whispered, “the world is your oyster“.

the world is your oyster quote

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Apply The Power of Incantations for Visioning Success | Tips from Tony Robbins

power of incantations for manifestation

What are Incantations?

I assume that you are already very familiar with what positive affirmations are by now. But what about incantations? What is the difference between an incantation and a positive affirmation? Well, I found out what the difference was when I attended Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within seminar.

What are incantations, in the first place?

As I understand it, one easy way to know what incantations are is to recall the Harry Potter movies that you’ve watched. You would have seen Hermionie Granger making an incantation as she waves her magic wand and in a powerful stance. Incantations are usually made with a lot of energy, which leads to powerful manifestation or visioning success.

Incantations are statements of wishes or desires that you say with absolute firmness. You engage your full body and physiology when incanting. You have 100% belief that manifesting your desire is coming true for you. No doubt exists in your mind.Continue reading

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Download Your Free Abundance Check Here

Abundance Check for New Moon Manifestation

Download a free Abundance Check from this article after following the instructions as follows below.

Why Write an Abundance Check? 

A Money or Abundance Check (or Cheque) is a great tool for intention or goal setting. Get inspired by the movie The Secret and leverage on the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desired amount. Best yet, write the Abundance Check on a New Moon date to accelerate your results.

Law of Attraction Abundance Check

The blank Abundance checks I created are coded with the energies of the Universe, Ascended Masters and Angels for powerful intention setting. Also, while green is a natural choice for money checks, I kept mine to pink for the cradling of our heart’s desires. I’m happy to offer you a gift – free updated blank Abundance Check for your use. It is available as a download – scroll down- on this post!!)
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How to Believe in Yourself When Believing Feels Hard

How to Believe in Yourself

How to believe in yourself could be a question that confounds you when you don’t find yourself special, unique or have any attributes that make you stand out. Believing can feel “hard” when you perceive that you have got nothing to show for. As someone who has wrestled with low confidence for years, I understand how difficult it must be to know where to start.

How do you even begin the process of believing in yourself? If you tend to downplay yourself in every way, believing in yourself can be a difficult exercise. Well, I would like to share what has worked for me with some of the tips in this post.

Resigning yourself that you will never find out how to believe in yourself is not the answer. You already know by now what low confidence can do to you. The outcome is downright miserable.
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101 Positive Affirmations for Women

positive affirmations for women

Positive affirmations for women are helpful to use if you are struggling with limiting beliefs due to gender issues. For instance, do you have the view or negative self-talk that you are less deserving of success, less worthy of respect or that you can’t make as much money because you perceive yourself to be the weaker sex?  Or that you need to be of certain body proportions to qualify as being more attractive?

Well, what you say to yourself is backed by the limiting beliefs that you hold. Hence, I suggest changing your thought patterns so that you can bring about a more balanced state of empowerment. Your beliefs have an impact on your life experiences.

You can  find yourself experiencing low self-esteem, poor body image, inability to accept aging as you approach your 40s or 50s and difficulties with manifesting money and abundance. As I have found from working with others, more women than men tend to struggle with issues related to gender roles because of the disparity in society’s expectations of them.If you have immense challenges with accepting and appreciating your role as a woman, I recommend using positive affirmations to reverse old thinking.

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Pick the Abundance Affirmation for You Today

abundance affirmation

What is the Abundance Affirmation
That You Need to Make Today?

I created a slideshow with 30 abundance affirmations embedded,
so that it is easy to pick one for the day.

Here’s the affirmation that came up for me, when I was writing this post…..my abundance affirmation for today

my abundance affirmation for todaymy abundance affirmation for today

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Are You Spiritually Rich but Financially Poor?

spiritually rich abundance

Are you spiritual but feeling broke?

Many spiritual people have problems reconciling their wants for spirituality and money together.

It could be the same for you too.

You have been reading spiritual books, going for Reiki sessions and attending meditation classes and so you do know a lot. As a result, you may even have experienced vibrational shifts. You are already more aware. Yet, despite all the spiritual and personal growth made, you are finding that your financial life is lagging behind.

Well, I’ve been surveying my newsletter subscribers to find out more. Typically, they share the interests of spirituality, law of attraction and personal growth. What struck me was the same energy of struggle or confusion.

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How You Do Money Is How You Do Everything

How You Do Money is How You Do Everything

How you do money is how you do everything. How you do everything is how you do money.

How you do money is your financial behavior. Your financial behavior is a function of how you have been responding in the world. Your response is found in your emotions and thoughts. From your external actions, you are likely to find a common pattern or a set of beliefs that underlie every aspect of your life.

Everything is inter-related. Thus, how you do anything is how you do everything. Your external world mirrors your internal one. Your inner world influences how you are showing up in the world. A process of self-inquiry will lead you to uncover what perceptions you have about the world and about yourself. You can dive in to find out what your core beliefs are, whether through a money situation, relationship situation or any other life situation.

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