Author Archives: Evelyn

Accessing Your Subconscious Mind Through Hypnosis

When you think of hypnosis, do you conjure the image of a magician elevating the body of a person hypnotized and asleep? That’s pretty much what you see on TV.

Hypnotherapy is actually a form of therapeutic healing that can help you access your subconscious mind. You may wish to access it to address the blockages to your success. Say you may wish to have more wealth, but your subconscious mind may tell you that you are not destined for a life of abundance.

The brain operates in four general states including full consciousness, hypnotic state, the dream state and the sleep state. These four states correspond to electrical activity in the brain and are defined by frequency ranges on an EEG.

Full consciousness occurs when the majority of the electrical activity in your brain is in the beta range (14-35 Hz). The hypnotic state occurs when brain activity is in the alpha range (8-13 Hz).  The dream state occurs when brain activity is in the theta range (4-7 Hz), and the sleep state occurs when brain activity is in the delta range (.5-3 Hz).  You will need to pass these 4 states sequentially before sleeping or before you wake up.

You spend most of your waking hours in full consciousness. In this state, you are mostly employing your conscious mind to think, reason and judge.

In the hypnotic state, however, the doorway between your conscious and the subconscious mind opens.  This is where you can access memories and store new information. Your subconscious mind “accepts” without questions and without critical analysis. This is where your hypnotherapist can make suggestions to your subconscious mind. This does not mean that  you would automatically accept anything that is suggested. In the first place, your higher self must allow it.

If you find that you have a self sabotage belief that may be blocking your path to a life of abundance and do not know how to access your subconscious mind, you can consult a hypnotherapist for help. Hypnotherapy can also help if you want to lose weight, quit smoking or simply just to clear out your negative beliefs.

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Missing Steps To The Law Of Attraction

I’ve been receiving emails with relation to “The Secret” and “The Law Of Attraction” from well meaning friends and have not responded. It is not surprising for them to wonder if I’ve completely disappeared under the radar lately as I do not write as much as before. So I feel inclined to post a little more about I’ve been up to lately. 

Fact is my husband and I have been investigating about energy healing even before “The Secret” was published.  We have been trying out some of the tools and techniques to deal with emotional blockages and powering the subconscious mind. We have long recognized that the subconscious mind is the one that determines our actions and behavior.

Over the last 2 years, and more so recently, we’ve gone for workshops, watch a bunch of tapes, read books and been in therapy ourselves. We learnt that there may be several layers to each emotional blockage that we have.  As we peel off the layers, we begin to feel happier, more empowered, more ready to take on the world.

Here’s the thing that I found out today over lunch with my friend, an energy healer. For the “law of attraction” to work, you need to approach it in a few steps. It is not a simple case of just visualizing about your ultimate dream lifestyle.

She asked me “what happens that while visualizing your desired dreams, your subconscious mind is also telling you at the same time that what you are dreaming about is impossible to achieve?” Know that nagging feeling that I’m talking about here? We all do have the little “voice” in us that doubts, fears and limits us in our thinking. She recommends that there are some work that has to be done even before using the law of attraction.

My secret is also out. I’ve just revealed what I’ve been up to when you notice the long lapse of silence from me. Busy finding out what are my big emotional blocks to success and happiness. Finding out the techniques to get better relationships, better health, make more money and feeling balanced all round.  Finding out the tools so that my kids can also achieve all of these in a shorter time frame.

Hope to get busy with more writings from tips I gather in the field of healing.

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Using Mental Pictures For Visualisation

For the law of attraction to work better, it helps to form a mental picture in your mind of what you want. Mental pictures are powerful and leave a stronger imprint in your subconscious mind Also, it makes it easier to connect emotionally when you have a mental picture.

So if you are hoping to be a great public speaker, then form a mental picture that you are up on stage, speaking with confidence. Imagine that as you speak, your audience are filled with positive thoughts like the feeling of being moved by your words or an empowering feeling. Next imagine at the end of your speech, your audience gave you a standing ovation. Feel their love, support and admiration for you.

If you have a problem with visualising this mental picture, there are two simple exercises that you can do to achieve this:

1) You can physically draw out the picture.

Or 2) You can also cut out pictures from magazines for a visual representation of what you want and stick them onto a large piece of paper.

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Influencing Your Subconscious Mind To Work The Law Of Attraction

You have two parts to your mind; the subsconscious and the conscious. Your conscious mind is your objective mind. It reasons through using your five physical senses. Your subconscious mind is the the subjective mind. It perceives through intuition. It affects your emotions and is the storehouse of your memory.

Your subsconscious mind wields more power thatn your conscious mind. It can see, hear and know of things without your physical vision. It is also clairvoyant; you can read the thoughts of others without them saying so.

It is possible to influence your subconscious mind for the law of attraction. The habitual thinking of your conscious mind can make deep inroads into your subconscious mind.

If you make it a habit to think of harmonious, peaceful and constructive thoughts, your conscious mind will influence your subconscious mind, In time, your subcious mind will believe it to be true. Your subconscious mind will then bring these thoughts to pass as conditions and experiences. Finally, whatever you have positive affirmed becomes a reality. Thus, you can see that influencing your subconscious mind is a key step for bringing the law of attraction to fruition.

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