
Procrastinate No More: A Numerology Explanation to 2016

“The best way to get something done is to begin.” Anonymous


Read about the numerology explanation that could be behind your yo-yo state of indecision…interspersed with bursts of clarity and yet, overwhelmed by the heaviness of doubt & fear…which has resulted in chronic procrastination for the longest time…but a state that you can ignore no more since the new year began!…

Since the start of the new year, I have been encountering a number of clients who had found that they no longer can close a blind eye to areas that required them to take a decisive action. They have been in procrastination for the longest time. However, they have started to feel that they are at some kind of breaking point, whereby they need to step up. In short, they became more acutely aware about the pain of being stuck.

Are you in the same situation too?

If you are feeling lost, confused and stuck, there is the numerology aspect to the new year – which could offer a plausible explanation.

The Completion Year of 2016

Should you add up the digits that make up 2016, you will arrive at the number 9. Well, 9 is the number of completion. It does not mean that things are coming to an end in a negative way; for in every ending or closing, there is the unfolding of the new. A completion year simply means completion of an old cycle, so that a new 9-year cycle can go on a fresh start.

9 is also the number of karma, thus it is a year of consolidating and reaping your past efforts – good and bad. You will find opportunities being presented during the year for closing of old chapters that no longer serves you. Old chapters may have caused you to be stuck but you are likely to find that you can no longer ignore a situation that has held you back. Things that you have put off are now pushed to the forefront and oftentimes, in unexpected dramatic ways! That you are in a state of pain is calling out to you to make a change. How you perceive and respond will naturally be important in charting the way forward.

Here was what one Radiant Goal Reimprinting client of mine said when she first contacted me…

“I wasn’t sure about my ability to hit my goals for this year. I also realized more than ever before that I have been going back and forth with my old story. It’s creating a sense of struggle whereby I have been feeling that I have not been making enough of a shift but yet, unsure that I am exactly clear where I am heading. And so, I have been stuck.

I am tried of being and feeling this way, and looking forward to clearing my old stuff with your assistance.”
Catherine Kay, Entrepreneur

Well, 9 is also the year of spiritual growth. So this is a great year for undertaking new learning. It may involve new areas of study for a change in career even. Then again, it could seem ironical that 2016, being the year of completion, will be the year to carve out a new path. However, it is great to plant the seeds, so that you can begin the next 9-year cycle on a more powerful note. Most certainly, shifting out of outdated belief patterns that are no longer congruent with your highest path and purpose is going to help you create a more solid foundation in the way forward.

What’s Next for You and I

As for myself, I have been called to revamp my websites for a start. It will be a revamp to reflect upgraded vibrations. Since the end of last year, my guides have been pointing out the way by repeatedly showing me the number sequence of 11. Accordingly, 11:11 are wake up numbers so that we can pay attention to the fact that changes are afoot or that we are in the right direction. It has been impossible to ignore the 11 appearing everywhere from numbers on the hand phone, the clock, bus number, receipts etc.

On the cards are also new programs that will help people gain greater life mastery. In the coming months, my plan is to focus my attention on making a smooth transition and getting these programs out. I hope to be in touch with blog updates on the progress.

In the meantime, my Radiant Goal Reimprinting Program is still open to those who would like to leverage on the energies of 2016 for working on planting a new empowering picture.

Stop making excuses but focus on the reasons why you need to get things done. To get going, it starts with investing in yourself. Let’s set the intention on shifting out from the pain of struggle and feeling like a failure because you can’t seem to get moving. Procrastinate no more! If you are interested, let’s explore working together. Contact me with your questions, if any!

Love and Abundance Always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach

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