
Goal Setting To Make Your Vision A Reality

Many do some form of goal setting during this period. It is a time of reflection of developments that have taken place this year and having some thoughts of what we would like next year to be. However, goal setting should not merely be a one-year target. Goals should be powered by a vision of what you want to achieve out of life. Having a vision for the future can help you set the direction, so that things fall in place, year after year. When you have a vision, you will feel motivated to make your dreams a reality.

Having a vision for the future provides you with a clear idea on how to make your decisions. You need to know where you are, your current resources, current obstacles, and where you want to go – the vision for the future. You make decisions so that you make strides in the direction of your dreams.

I used to make one-year goal setting targets. Although I had a general idea of where I want to go, I did not put much thought into a vision. So year after year, I find myself getting side tracked, losing interest along the way and changing my goals often.

Frustrated with my poor progress, I set about finding out more about goal setting. Here is what I found out.

Goal setting is merely a “What” statement; that is, what to do. However, if you have a vision, it is the “Why”, the purpose that determines the “What”. You can then break down your goals, “Whats”, into action-oriented daily, monthly or yearly tasks. You can have several hundred goals but you may only have a single purpose that you spend your life working for.

So here is an idea of what a vision statement ought to include:

1. Clarity and lack of ambiguity.
2. Painting a vivid and clear picture.
3. Describing a bright future.
4· Memorable and engaging.

Here are some examples of vision. Disney’s vision is “To make people happy.” For some, their purpose is simply “To serve”. I have a vision too. My vision is to “educate and empower in the area of self healing and self fulfilment”.

When you have a clear vision, it is amazing what you can achieve and having the determination to make it a reality. Write down your vision and stick it in front of your PC, so that you can see it every day. Then, you can set about having daily, monthly or yearly goals in order to achieve this vision.

At times, going about your plan will be a slow process, but you need to march on, getting over every obstacle in your path. Your chosen path may be difficult, but if others can succeed, so can you.

It does not matter if you think that you are unable to see how to make your vision a reality at this point in time. Heard of the saying “Don’t catch the paralysis of perfection?” Just know that ways will appear when you make a commitment to walk a certain path. You do not need all the answers when you start. It is more important to take one step at a time, and having trust that everything will work out. Start expanding the possibilities of what may be possible. “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe” — Anatole Franc.

Make a plan to inspire like-minded people to get involved. Also, make it a point to get to know like-minded friends who are on the same journey as you. Just think about the joy when you finally realise your vision and being able to share with everyone with the same vision.

It is better to create a future you love that to endure one you don’t. Hence, set aside some time to think about your vision. You may not be able to come up with one all in an instant. It requires careful thought, personal insights, and most likely, engaging your subconscious mind. Then, when you have decided, go for it with your heart and soul. As you start your journey with belief, opportunities will open up to make your dreams a reality.

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