
Akashic Records On Chakra Imbalances

(A beautiful harmony of colors; photo by Niffty..)

Our chakra system exists on all of our energy bodies; that is, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Imbalances of chakras are found at any of these levels, resulting in symptoms (eg. difficulty in verbal expression, inability to access intuition, sexual dsyfunction, etc). To deal with the symptoms, it is best to address them at root cause. Chakra imbalances can arise from various root causes, information of which is available from your Akashic Records.

Here is an illustration. If you have a root chakra imbalance, the symptom that you experience is one of being ungrounded. However, a root chakra imbalance can come from a misalignment in the expression of your soul gifts or it can come about because the root chakra is where your soul has had a negative imprint installed.

Nadia from Happy Lotus was one happy soul who resonated well with the findings about her chakras in her Akashic Records. In her feedback, she said that the findings I gathered for her confirmed what she already was working on.

For your greater understanding, allow me to briefly explain three possible root causes for a chakra imbalance that can relate to a finding from a soul’s Akashic Records:

1. Primary Angelic Realm of Training. Each of us represents the energy of an Archangel realm here on Earth. The expression of this energy helps us to align with our highest path and purpose in our lifetime. Each soul is usually assigned to one primary Archangel realm. Sometimes, two. At the physical level, these energy centers also correspond to a chakra. Of course, each of us work with all seven chakras. But there would be one particular realm or chakra that we are most aligned to.

Without revealing any private information that belongs to any of my clients, here is mine. My primary Angelic Realm of Training is with the Archangel Raphael. It is the energy center of Divine Love and Healing. It is also associated with the heart chakra.

Raphaelites are known to empathic and have a tendency to give love. They are accepting of others, often without judgement. They may give, without necessarily receiving any love in return. When out of balance with their energy center, i.e. the heart chakra, they often forget to practice self love.

2. Tears in the Golden Web. While our Akashic Records hold all the information about our soul, it is the Golden Web that projects the information (every word, thought or action) onto the Akashic Records. The Golden Web is an energetic membrane, that is made up of 144,000 intersection points representing all our available life choices. With a Golden Web damage, our life choices can get drastically reduced.

Damage can be in various forms. One such damage is a tear. A tear usually corresponds to a specific chakra. So a tear at the fourth chakra level results in an energy leakage here. It is about the inability to give or receive love and to have satisfying relationships whether with self or others.

Life choices are not for your everyday decisions. Rather, they are about career options, whether or not to continue an existing relationship or what direction to take for the path ahead. It is also that the more advanced we are spiritually, the more choices we have. Now, wouldn’t you want to have access to as many choices as possible in your current lifetime?

3. Location of Negative Influence. Negative influences can be in the form of a belief, imprint, illusion, program, patterns, cords, hooks or bindings; amongst others. They are usually found in one or more chakras, resulting in over- or under-activity.

An imprint of betrayal carried through lifetimes can, for instance, be found at the fourth chakra, causing a soul to experience issues in trusting others. Not just in personal relationships, the soul faces great difficulty in entering into winning business agreements.

In Perfect Harmony

While you are already aware that you have an imbalance at a particular chakra, added perspectives on energetic levels can be extremely helpful. For one, from a reading of your Akashic Records, there is an opportunity to clear them additionally at the fifth dimension and across all levels. You bring about a connection at your conscious, subconscious and superconscious, harmony under all conditions.

Comments will be closed to this post. Do hop over to Nadia’s site to read what she has to say about chakras and the message she has for us all! Alternatively, consider making a booking for a reading of your Akashic Records!!

The series on self discovery continues with my next post to this site! Stay tuned!

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