
Goal Setting With The Law Of Detachment

Goal Setting PictureI have been receiving a couple of emails from subscriptions to various newsletters about goal setting. All of them talked about the importance of goal setting, something which I feel is also key before the start of a new year. However, in my opinion, goal setting should not be just an exercise activity to get some direction but should also be done in consideration with The Law Of Detachment.

The Law of Detachment says that for us to acquire anything in the physical universe, we need to relinquish our attachment to it. This however does not mean that we give up our intention to create desires. We do not give up our intent, nor do we give up desire. We just give up attachment to the outcome.

As soon as we give up this attachment, our intent, together with concentrated focus, can be brought into physical reality; that is, come to past. When we are attached, we become fearful and insecure. This usually happens when we have no or little understanding about our Self. Our Self is the source of wealth. It knows how to fulfill every need. Our Self is all knowing; having the power to create whatever we want.

Yet, many of us hanker for great financial abundance. When we manifest, we attached a monetary value to our desires. We think we will be happy when we have reached a million dollars or a 5-figure income. And hence, we make a goal to achieve “X” amount of dollars. However, money, designer clothes, big house, fast cars are all symbols. When we hanker for these, we are desiring the symbols but truly, we have exchanged our Self for them.

You become disenchanted when you have put in the effort and still, your material goals do not materialize. You get anxious and become attached to the outcome. You wonder if your dreams are ever going to come true. You start to give ourselves excuses about why you are not hitting our goals. These thoughts are negative energy vibrations. The Law Of Attraction kicks in here. The Universe obeys and reciprocates with negative vibrations, making them true for you: you never get to attain your goals.

Attachment is poverty consciousness. You focus on the lack. We place value to symbols. On the other hand, detachment is wealth consciousness. You have the freedom and creativity to create. At the same time, you still know that The Universe will give you what you want. So there is no need for anxiety.

To give up security, is also to live in uncertainty. You allow yourself the opportunity to experience adventure, excitement and mystery. You no longer walk on the path of the tried and tested. But you demonstrate a willingness to go out of your comfort zone. Think about all the various success stories and you will find that most successful millionaires have stuck to their vision, despite having to live through periods of uncertainty.

Obeying The Law Of Detachment does not mean that you do not do goal setting. You still set goals because you have a clear intent of your direction. But how you get from point A to point B is open to huge possibilities. You do not restrict what can happen in order for you to reach your destination. You also do not force solutions to problems. This helps you to keep your ears and eyes open to opportunities that may just come and go in an instant.

So this is where I am right now. On the threshhold of uncertainty.

Flashback…I have worked very hard in the last few years, striving for the goal of an online income. The web is awashed with make money quick opportunities. I do not deny having been attracted to the many bright shiny objects that flickered but for a second. Goal setting to me usually involved a financial target. I would be elated if I hit my goals but my emotions will come crashing if I don’t. In short, I became attached to the outcome of my goals. Hardly a fun way to live life!

I have decided to do it differently this time. Year 2008 is about to begin and it is time for some new goal setting. I acknowledge that I find it hard to give up old habits of holding on tightly to my dreams and goals. I will still write out my list of intents but I will choose not to be dictated by a strict path. With these new thoughts, I do not deny that I have been feeling pretty uncomfortable with the lack of certainty. But hopefully, I will grow accustomed to this unsettled feeling and hence allowing the richness of life and infinite possibilities unfold before me.

“Each one of us requires the spur of insecurity to force us to do our best.” — Harold W. Dodds

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2008 What are your goals? - Personal Development for Smart People Forums - December 27, 2007

[…] or financial target. I’ve decided to do things differently for year 2008. Read my posts here Goal Setting With The Law Of Detachment » How To Use The Law Of Attraction Goal Setting To Make Your Vision A Reality » How To Use The Law Of Attraction Cheers, Evelyn […]

barnabas ng - December 27, 2007

I believe a financial target ought to be part of my goal setting. But not till I am too obsessed with that target and ignoring the “how” process to reach it

A financial target is like a game of darts. Our goal is to reduce our points from 301 to 0. Zero being our target to win. We know we need to achieve that figure in the back of our mind. what is important is focusing on tactics and strategies to reach zero.

How fast we reach our goals depends on the tactics and strategies we adopt.

Are we using the right tactics and strategies?


Projet Pill Gates Protege - December 27, 2007

Goals in whichever forms, be it health, wealth, recognition, happiness, relationship and etc are somewhat dynamic. It shift from phases of you life

Reasons why some people did not achieve their goals is paradoxical that although goals in different stages of life are dynamic, you don’t give up until you’ve achieved them…

Then you move on to your next goal.

the velocity at goals are achieved are determined by your value, beliefs, confidence, determination and commitment.

That will cascade in to the strategies you formulate towards achieving your goals.

However, whatever masterplan or strategies you had in mind, Life will play it’s part and add an unexpected twist, depth and flavour.

Results: You may arrived at the destination via a totally different journey from what you had in mind. (if you began and follow through the journey at all…)

My two cents: enjoy the journey and welcome the destination.

admin - December 27, 2007

Hi Barns, I’m not too sure if having a finanical goal directly (defined as a goal that says “I want to earn X dollars by when”) is the best way to go. Not unless we can become detached from the outcome. But the problem is that the basic human emotion of anxiety and insecurity often comes in.

I’m suggesting reframing the goal to get round this problem. Example, instead of saying that the aim is to earn X dollars per month, the aim is reframed to “everytime I conducts a workshop class, the class will be filled” or “I intend that my newsletter touch the lives of more than 10,000 subscribers every month”.

This is not to say that if an aim to earn “X dollars per month” is wrong or that it will never work. But as Deepek Chopra points out, such a goal is synonymous with poverty consciousness.

True wealth consciousness has to embody a spiritual element. This is when you will feel truly abundant and thoroughly fulfilled.


barnabas ng - December 27, 2007

Hi evelyn

Deepak Chopra has his own opinion about what it means when someone sets a goal. I am not saying he is wrong but I can’t agree with that statement. Our goal is our compass, our life direction. Without a goal, we will be complacent with what we have and stay at the same level. Some people are at this stage.

When we doing different things we have a different goal. for example, I quote your statement “I intend that my newsletter touch the lives of more than 10,000 subscribers every month”. The goal is not for monetary gain but to touch people lives. Therefore setting a financial target for this is irrelevant.

However if you are doing business, I believe setting a financial target is valid target. No one is willing to do business that is not making money or only break even. Setting a financial target will drive a person to find ways to achieve that target. How he does it, whether good or bad, that’s another story.

admin - December 28, 2007

Hi Barns, I’m wondering if you have misundersood Deepak Chopra. He never said not to set goals. In fact, he said that goals and intent are important so that the Laws Of the Universe can give you what you want. Without an idea what you want, the Universe cannot possibly grant you your desires.

Hence, it is the same with business goals. There must be an intent in the direction of the business. Deepak also mentioned this in his teachings; specifically under the Law Of Intent and Desire.

He brought in the Law Of Detachment because the problem is not the goals, but the ATTACHMENT. It has been found that many people IN GENERAL get too caught up with the results of their desires and when they start to develop anxiety and fear, they are sending out the wrong signals to the Universe.

There is a subtle difference. It is not even easy to achieve what Deepak is proposing. But therein seperates the poor from the truly wealthy. You can be finanically rich but yet poor in consciousness. It is far better to be wealthy in every sense of the word.

Of course, if you do not fall into the general group of people, then by all means, set a financial target.


Shalini - December 28, 2007

This is an interesting dilemna in my life connecting within the soul of spirituality, has become very difficult at the present time. My dream is to be blessed with unconditional love , admiration, affection, appreciation, for the sake of my devotion to serving the humankind. I am seeking what I am giving- is that not permissable? I love to be around people and seeing them happy assures me that I have done right. My current situation is a choice I must make for the sake of being happy. It is a choice between career and family, which one makes me very happy. I cannot bear the pain of hurting anyone I love and at the same time I am not completely happy without a career. I am an artist. I feel free when I am working which makes me really happy.

As you can see, I am quite confused as to how to apply the “Law of Detachment” to my situation. I understand I fear the result of the outcome for each choice. But this is quite an interesting dilemna.


admin - December 28, 2007


I’ve got to admit it is hard to practise all the laws together. But just because it is difficult, does not mean that we do not work towards the ideal state.

Detachment is something you find is pretty much what Buddhism recommends. Although The Buddha talked about letting go, he also said that the first responsibility that lay people (other than monks) have would be to the needs of their family.

Read here for further insight http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/various/wheel294.html

Religion aside, it does not matter whether you are Buddhist or not as many of the great thinkers will probably share the same ideas.

Yet at the same time, your passion is what fuels you. Is there a way that you can find ways to creatively express and yet earn an income at the same time? This exercise may also require thinking out of the box. If you cannot find a way, then the alternative is to express yourself in art in your spare time yet holding on to a dream.

A friend I have had a dream to become an online entrepreneur. He worked in the night for 4-5 years, while working in a sales job that he hated. He had a young family to feed. Whatever spare cash he had in his day time, he channelled to making his dream work. It was tough for him, having to work late into the night and to wake up early in the morning to report for work for 5 ardous years. He failed often. But he was motivated by his dream. Today, he has quit his job and is into his millions, living his dream.

If you have the intent, let The Universe know what you desire. Be grateful for your family. You also want to send out the right positive signals, so that your desires can manifest.

Take care,

kylie - February 26, 2009

iv been trying to get pregnant for a very ver long time could you help me with how i should let go of the attatchment in order to become pregnant.

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