
How to Enhance Your Creativity When Making a Vision Board

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. – Edwin Land

vision board workshop
(Photo taken during Vision Board Workshop March 2012)

It is possible to feel a little nervous when making your first vision board. You have no idea how to begin but you want it to be perfect. Having already seen other people’s vision boards, you would like yours to be just as attractive.

The idea of making a vision board is nothing new. It has been practiced since ancient times. Wise sages of the past had already known about the power of making one. If you have not already realized it by now, you can watch the movie The Secret. Over the years, vision boards are also known as treasure maps, life maps or dream collages.

From conducting Vision Board Mastery workshops, I have observed how tense participants can be when making vision boards. Well, it is hard to be creative when you are experiencing nervous energy. Here are 7 tips to help you unleash your creative genius while you make a vision board:

1. Release Your Fears and Negative Thoughts

Do not let your desire for perfection paralyze you. Remind yourself that you are not joining some art competition or in a race to come up with the best-looking vision board. You are simply creating a vision board to be used as a tool for bringing your dreams forward.

Give yourself sufficient time to make a vision board. Avoid criticizing your work after completion. If you find yourself doing this, be sure to work through your negative self-talk.

2. Put on some Background Music for Relaxation

Don’t make a vision board when you are feeling flustered. Instead, make one only a time when you are feeling completely relaxed. Creativity is best unleashed when you are in a state of relaxation.

Consider putting on some light music in the background. Allow your creative juices to flow freely. You may even want to meditate first before making a vision board.

3. Spend Time Sourcing for Ideas and Inspiration

Get a variety of magazines or search through the internet for ideas and pictures. You may want to source ideas from the social site, Pinterest. Pinterest is a virtual pinboard and lots of people pin pictures of their dreams. Search for terms like vision board, bucket list or simply browse for ideas and inspiration on pinterest.

4. Think Out-of-The Box For Creating Association

Consider putting a picture of yourself in the center of your vision board to create “association”. “Association” simply means that you are able to easily see yourself living the dream depicted by the various images on your vision board. Thus, you are able to “step inside” your vision board. Remind yourself that you are in the center of the universe that you are a co-creator of.

Think out-of-the-box for creating association. Make the picture of yourself fun. You can depict yourself as a superhero or in the midst of a magical world. Let your imagination flow!

5. Make Your Vision Board Come Alive

Make your vision board more interesting by overlapping the pictures a little. Add embellishments for a lively effect. Think scrapbook style. You can paste flowers, maps, textured cards, beads or just about anything! Make sure that your board is strong enough to hold these, though.

6. Make Your Vision Board Magical

Depict pictures that convey miracles or magic on your board. Think angels, castles, fairy tales or mythical creatures such as unicorns. Use sparkly stars for stickers.

Make your vision board glow. Use gold or silver pens for the words on your board or sprinkle glitter to make your vision board sparkle.

7. Let Your Intuition be Your Guide

Ultimately, there are no rules on making a vision board other than setting the intention to select pictures that are appropriate for your vision. Follow your intuition and see what type of pictures you are drawn to. The pictures you have selected could help you gain greater clarity about your vision. Lay the pictures you have selected in various ways before pasting them onto your board.

All in All, Put Your Heart Into Making One

You will naturally want your vision board to look attractive since you are going to spend time focusing on it every day. When you create focus, you send more energy in the direction of your vision. Manifesting happens through focused attention.

You don’t need to be artistic to make an attractive vision board. You certainly do not need to have an art degree or background. What is most important is to put your heart into making one. Your vision board will eventually turn out to be meaningful. And when you look at your vision board, you will be able to connect with it right away.

Love and Abundance Always,
evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Life Vision Mastery Program Update

The Life Vision Mastery Program is now offered in two online packages – the standard and the gold package. The standard package is available for those who are interested to learn the basics of visioning and creating a more powerful vision board. The gold package is available for those who are keen to gain mastery on visioning. Click here for more information >>>

Share Your Vision Board on Pinterest

Have you made a vision board? Share your best tips in the comment box below.

Also, share a picture of your vision board on pinterest. Let me know about it below too. It will be nice if I can repin your picture on my Pinterest board.

Do also follow me on Pinterest as I hope to share with you the pictures I have collected on ideas for vision boards.

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Vidya Sury - August 13, 2012 Reply

I have always loved scrapbooking and collage-making. Making a vision board is an additional fun step in the process, I’ve found. In fact, the process you have outlined above itself is so refreshing, even as we look for pictures to represent our goals, there is a wonderful sense of joy.

I really like this idea, Evelyn. I am very glad you created the Life Vision Mastery ecourse . I think it is a great way to take a mini vacation and work on the vision board. I would really be interested to see how it works in school children.

Love, Vidya


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Vidya,

It is so nice to know that we share similar interests in scrapbooking, collage-making and making vision boards.

What a great way to put it – taking a mini-vacation! My kids enjoyed doing their vision boards too. I will be exploring offering workshops for kids sometime later. I will let you know about these.

With love,


rob white - August 14, 2012 Reply

Great tips Evelyn. Indeed, on the surface it may seem simple, but when it comes to putting our dreams and visions down on paper the counterfeit self will jump in and shout “NO! Who do you think you are?!” If we can learn to relax, we can allow the authentic self to flow through and encourage our superlatively creative nature to shine.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Rob,

Interesting that you said that. It was exactly what happened to me. I was even writing an article yesterday based on that experience. And yes, relaxation really helped me back then 🙂

Love and abundance always,


J.D. Meier - August 16, 2012 Reply

I always like how you share the process of going from dreams to reality. Blending dreaming and doing is a special skill.

I especially liked your tip on exploring Pinterest to find examples to model from.

I was surprised when I looked through vision boards on PInterest … the results didn’t jump out at me the way I expected. So I decided to flip on over to Flickr and search for vision boards there. Again, now the Wow, I was looking for. So then I searched for vision boards on Google, and flipped it to images, and that turned out to be a great collage of vision boards to get inspired from.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi J.D.,

Thank you for your feedback 🙂

Thank you for sharing what you have found more useful for yourself. Great! I think we just need to keep searching for those that can inspire or help us generate more ideas.

Love and abundance always,


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