
How Validation Can Help You Attract Abundance

(Photo by gpwarlow on Flickr)

Christopher, a reader to this blog, sent me a lovely message late last week. In his email, he pointed me to a movie link entitled “Validation”. Initially, I did not quite know what to expect from the show. Boy oh boy….I soon found myself smiling from ear to ear!!

I thought it would be wonderful to share it on my site too. If your spirit needs an uplift, you definitely need to watch it!!! Get ready to tap to the beat of the show. You’d know why in just a second….curtains apart….click on the play button below….

Enjoyed it? I would like to think that the often-cynical Tim Brownson would smile too, if he manages to catch this show!

Christopher had an accompanying message to share in his email: “Our relationships are so important to how we feel about ourselves, and how we feel about ourselves is so important to our ability to attract and manifest abundance in our lives.”

I like what he wrote. The message is simple and yet so befitting to the law of attracting abundance.

Validation: A Love Energy That Multiplies

Validation is a love vibration. It is an energy that multiplies. When you feel good, you naturally reach into your own well of love, joy and happiness to spread it around. Abundance comes back to you many times over. What you give, you also receive. By being open to receiving, you also feel validated and you have more to give back! Abundance never dries up!

Let’s Get Cool

Allow me to do some validation…..

*Showers of Confetti* YOU FOLKS ARE AWESOME!! *More Showers of Confetti*

To all readers (including Christopher) and fellow bloggers, thank you for your lovely support and warm encouragement throughout the whole year! By reading, commenting and/or spreading the word about my site, you’ve all contributed in one way or another to how this site has grown. You’ve validated my purpose with this blog: to share my law-of-attraction findings and spiritual insights and thereby invite readers to realize their own Truths. A million thanks for helping me enrich my life!!

P.S. Do you have any thoughts about the movie? Do share your feedback!

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Gemma - December 15, 2008

Evelyn, YOU are awesome – Christopher, YOU are the best! Both of you do things to make other people feel better, it doesn’t get any better than that!
Kepp rocking peoples worlds!

Lance - December 15, 2008

So, I saw this movie…16 minutes…I don’t have time for that… And yet, something was drawing me to at least watching a couple of minutes. In fact, I thought, maybe I could multitask – do something else while the movie was playing. And what happened…the movie drew me in. Completely. This has been the best 16 minutes of my day! And, I focused completely on this the whole time. And why? The message! What an awesome message, in fact – I was starting to get tears in my eyes by the end – we ‘he’ was validated – it was beautiful!

Evelyn, and Christopher – thank you, so much, for sharing this! I have been touched in ways I didn’t think would happen, by the emotions of just making someone feel ‘good’! You, both, are amazing! I find so much light radiating from this post today, what an uplifting presence you both are in our world today!

Evelyn - December 15, 2008

Hello Gemma,

Thanks for being so warm in your compliments! You’re awesome too!


Evelyn - December 15, 2008

Hello Lance,

Same here. I was thinking I didn’t have the time to watch a movie. But if a great friend like Christopher is to recommend a show to me, it has to be something! And it is!!

I’m glad that you like the show! My kids love it too! It’s a simple but very powerful message, and presented in such an entertaining way!

Love & light,

Al at 7P - December 15, 2008

Wow, what a cool video! Thanks for sharing it Evelyn!

Tom Volkar / Delightful Work - December 15, 2008

You are wonderful! Thank you so much for this. I’m going to dedicate the rest of my day to acknowledging others!

I got all of that after watching only 2:17 minutes in.

I’ll be back later for sure.

Tim Brownson - December 15, 2008

Me cynical? I’m shocked to read such a thing 😉

Great video and it made me smile.

BTW, I am almost ALWAYS smiling when I’m being cynical. I just love to stir the pot!

Mary Madeline - December 15, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

Thank You and Thank You Christopher for bringing love into my day, You are both awesome! The gratitude and warm tingly feeling that grew in my body as I was watching – you are amazing! Again, Thank you for sharing such a beautiful message.

When I go to the store I (most of the time) make a positive comment to the cashier. Now I’ll keep this short movie in mind and do it more often, because it is true, it makes you smile.

Wishing All of You a Day filled with Love and Smiles.

M. Madeline

SpaceAgeSage - December 15, 2008

That was a great way to begin the work week! Awesome, indeed! It touches the heart and mind on an amazingly deep level. Thanks for sharing it with us, and I’ll pass it on to keep the validation going.

kiki - December 16, 2008

Good morning Evelyn!

What a wonderful morning Im having because of you!…Thank you!……I wasn’t only smiling I was actually crying and laughing =D.
I love sooo much being alive!!…….
Love & Light for you Evelyn!


Vincent - December 16, 2008

Hey Evelyn,

I posted that video on my blog too. It is really fantastic and I was so touched at the end of the video.

Maybe you will be interested in the article http://www.healthmoneysuccess.com/464/learn-how-to-get-the-most-sincere-smile/

Personal Development Blogger

Vered - MomGrind - December 16, 2008

I can’t believe you just made me watch a 16-minute video!

You, Evelyn, are AMAZING.


LifeMadeGreat | Juliet - December 16, 2008

Hi Evelyn

What a wonderful way to say thank you to us all.
Thank you back for all your efforts and sharing.


Evita - December 16, 2008

Hi Evelyn

First off is it not amazing what our readers bring to us, I am so grateful for what they do in every single email or comment and what our fellow bloggers bring to us to – so this is my way of saying thank you too!!!!

As for the video I had a little bit of a hard time watching it as it kept flickering (not sure if it was my computer?) but I got the point very quickly… indeed validation is a powerful tool and each day each moment we can validate ourselves and others and add to the amazing collective consciousness of being.

As for the LOA, what a great tie in here too. Indeed we can only recieve that which we are capable of giving. Great post!

Marelisa - December 16, 2008

Hi Evelyn: It’s definitely one of those videos that you need to bookmark for when you need a pick me up 🙂 This is in line with the findings published the week before last that our happiness is contagious and affects others. I accept your validation and send validation to you in return 🙂

Hunter Nuttall - December 16, 2008

I sent this video to my mailing list last week, and some people wrote back to say they loved it. Like some people said, I was surprised to find that something could hold my attention for a full 16 minutes! Isn’t it great?

And Evelyn, YOU are GREAT. You have amazing cheekbones, did you know that?

Davina - December 16, 2008

Hi Evelyn. Thank you — I’ll accept your validation! This was well worth the 16 minutes. YOU are brilliant!!! No, really 🙂

PeaceLoveJoyBliss - December 16, 2008

Evelyn, I wasn’t expecting you to share this video, but I’m glad you did, and judging from the reader response, I’d have to say your readers have been genuinely moved. I also appreciate the warm-hearted replies from some of your readers for my own very modest contribution.

And thank you for being here for us, Evelyn, beautiful soul that you are, for sharing your insights, for taking the time to be who you are, for validating us sincerely and warmly week after week after week. You inspire us more than you know. You are awesome.

It’s a wonderful feeling to bask in the glow of sincere validation – and then share it with others before it …

Basking in the glow,

Peter | The Change Blog - December 16, 2008

Nice find Evelyn! You’re right – I couldn’t resist tapping along to the beat and smiling as the guy got “validated”.

Conrad Hees - December 16, 2008

Congrats on all the success, Evelyn. Thank you for the validation, you are awesome as well! 🙂

Celes | EmbraceLiving.Net - December 16, 2008

Hey Evelyn! Thanks a lot for sharing the video – I can’t believe I watched the whole 14 minutes of it! (minus the credits) it definitely made me smile alright!! A simple message brought out in such a beautiful manner!

By the way, I’m a Singaporean as well and I happened to chance by your blog yesterday. Will definitely subscribe to your feed and check back regularly! 🙂

J.D. Meier - December 16, 2008

Free compliments. I like that.

It’s a great reminder of the Pygmalion effect – you get what you expect.

George - December 16, 2008

Thank you Evelyn for this movie. Maybe one day a smile will unleash a reaction that will go through the whole world.

Evelyn - December 16, 2008

@Al, glad that you like it!

@Tom, yes…do come back to watch the video. Well worth the time!

@Tim, I recall seeing your smiley pictures now. You do have a very winning smile!!

@Mary, it’s nice that you are spreading smiles around! You’re awesome!

Evelyn - December 16, 2008

@SpaceAgeSage, I’d have to agree that watching the video is a great way to start the week! Pass the smiles around!

@Kiki, I’m glad that you like the video!

@Vincent, how coincidental!

@Vered, wouldn’t you agree that the 15 mins is well worth the time spent 🙂 ?

@Juliet, you are most welcome!! And thank you for being so awesome!

Evelyn - December 16, 2008

@Evita, I definitely find myself very appreciative of all the support I get for this site. Most certainly, we can do more to validate each other and spread the love around!

@Marelisa, yes…the video deserves to be bookmarked!! Thanks for validating me 🙂

@Hunter, this video must be spreading like wildfire!! High cheekbones? I’d take that to be a compliment…thanks!

@Davina, thanks for being so sweet!! You are awesome!

Evelyn - December 16, 2008

@Christopher, I appreciate your thoughtful comments on my blog and sending me messages that help spark a number of posts here! You deserve every bit of validation!! You’ve been a fantastic friend!!

@Peter, I became addicted to the beat and had to watch the video a few times over…LOL!! Glad that you like the video!!

@Conrad, thank you for your sincere encouragement!

@Celes, how nice…another Singaporean!! I don’t get to read the blogs of that many Singaporeans…not at least in the area of personal development. I wish you every success in yours!

@J.D. Meier, glad that you like the idea of the free compliments too!!

@George, maybe such a day has already come. There are a number of videos, this including, that bring smiles to people from all over the world!! Those that watch them are also likely to spread their smiles to their friends and family.

Barbara Swafford - Blogging Without A Blog - December 16, 2008

Hi Evelyn – Like the others I wondered about a 16 minute video, but you’ve never steered me wrong before, so I made time to watch it. Boy, am I glad I did. The message is phenomenal, just as you are. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful find, and thank you to Christopher, too.

Cath Lawson - December 16, 2008

Hi Evelyn – cool video. I think it’s great to make other feel good. But I also think it’s sad that we need feedback from others to have confidence in ourselves.

I don’t get why people think Tim Brownson is cynical though. I just think he is really funny – but he sees a lot of things for what they are.

Some folk slated his recent guest post on Social Media, that he did on my blog and accused him on being negative re social media. He wasn’t being negative at all. He was merely stating what he observed and writing a funny story about it.

And it was funny – there’s heaps of gurus on Twitter, who constantly peddle their marketing products on there. But none of them had the sense to pounce on an opportunity when they saw it – so they can’t be so great at marketing after all.

I think cultural barriers create a lot of misunderstandings online. A lot of us speak English but we don’t all speak the same language.

Daniel Richard - December 16, 2008

Of course, in Singapore we can use a variety of languages to validate. However, this being a dominant English language blog, I shall keep it simple and say “your’ awesome!” 😀

Steve C @ MyWifeQuitHerJob.com - December 17, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I loved the video so much that I forwarded it to my wife and all of my friends. Can I just say that you are gorgeous? Look at you. Your eyes…they’re just gorgeous!

Matthew Dryden - December 17, 2008

Fantastic video, thanks for sharing…

Isn’t everyone seeking validation? I know I am.

Evelyn - December 17, 2008

@Barbara, thanks for trusting me. Glad you enjoyed watching the video!!

@Cath, I didn’t mean cynical to be a negative description. I made my observation based on his confession here that he is a pessimist. You are right to say that he is very observant and says things as they are, sometimes to the point of being direct. I couldn’t think of a good word to describe all of that. In my haste, I published my post. My oversight and apologies!

In case you are wondering, I have the deepest respect for Tim. I wouldn’t be visiting his site, commenting, stumbling or digging his requests otherwise.

Of course, it is best that we do not derive our sense of self worth from what others say. Still, there is no denying that our environment can play a big part in the confidence and positive energy that we exude. Take kids for instance. If they are constantly faced with remarks like “you are stupid” or “you are useless”, they will grow up not having self confidence.

@Daniel, you are awesome too! Thanks for being such a great friend!

@Steve, hahaha…you are very kind in your comments!! You are awesome too!!

@Matthew, you are Awesome and Fantastic!!!

Irene | Light Beckons - December 17, 2008

Evelyn, Christopher – this is truly one of the best videos I’ve ever watched! This video is just so “Christopher” … always supportive, always validating, always an awesome friend. Heck, I can even imagine Christopher’s face (with the shades) over the main character in the video, hehehe.

I’m very honored to have known both of you. 🙂

Evelyn - December 17, 2008


Welcome home!!! I’m so glad that you found the time to watch this video even whilst having a ton of emails to clear.

You’re right about the video being so “Christopher”!! He’d be happy to read what you said.

Thanks for being such a great friend!! It’s been an amazing year for me. I got to know both of you!! I can’t stop SMILING at how lucky I am!


chris - December 18, 2008

This post is really great Evelyn! The best video I’ve seen this week. Thank you for posting this. Now I’m off to Validate some people.

Pentad - December 18, 2008

Well, you have a great blog. Thanks for the work you put into it. Happy Holidays!

Brujita - December 18, 2008

I loved it!!! so great! This really brought me to tears too but only because of the message it sent! THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!

Evelyn - December 18, 2008

@chris, I am delighted that watching the video is sending you off to validate others!! You’ve made my day! Good for you!!

@Pentad, you are most kind in your comments. I do the best I can. You have a wonderful Christmas!! Blessings to you and your family!

@Brujita, you are most welcome. Thanks for letting me know that the video touched you. Have an awesome day!!

sjack - December 20, 2008

this is the only time of year that we look backward and forward at the same time! we think about our life and where we are in our growth, in our happiness, in our family, our financial achievements, spiritual balance….but do we ever plan our life?? i mean really create a plan and follow it?? we all followed a plan for school, for buying a car, for going on a trip, there is a method we follow to succeed in the areas of our life that are important to us, so why don’t we plan the most important most obvious reason we are here…which is OUR LIFE!!! we just randomly blunder through each day without a clear path to get to where we want to go…check out this ebook, i am giving it to family & friends for the new year, titled designing best year ever http://www.successonlinetools.com/bestyearever/

Cath Lawson - December 21, 2008

LOL Evelyn – I know you like Tim. It’s just that he writes amazingly funny things sometimes. And I wish folk from different countries could benefit from his humor as much as I do.

I see what you mean about making negative remarks to kids. It has a huge impact on their lives. And doing what the guy in the video was doing has a positive effect.

Janie Behr, Life Coach - December 23, 2008

This video was amazing! It shows how powerfully we can move other people into happiness with a few kind words. It shows how far reaching our own validation extended to others really is. We directly affect one (or many) who affect another and so on, and so on, and… Thank you for sharing this.

Roz Fruchtman - December 23, 2008

I too, thought I did not have time to watch a 16 minute film and found myself glued to the screen.

As well, I too got teary at the end when he was validated. We all need to be validated… We should be able to do it ourselves, but that’s not how it works all the time.

People just don’t take the time! It’s a human need to feel important, like someone cares!

Thank You for making the film and I will thank the person who sent me here to watch it. I will share it too!

Happy Holidays.

Roz Fruchtman

lauren lion - December 25, 2008

Thank you so much for validating my similar thoughts by posting this beautiful video and this blog!

Flora Morris Brown, Ph.D. - December 30, 2008

This movie was awesome with more twists and turns than I expected.

Thanks for sharing it with us. One lesson learned: practice what you preach.

Evelyn - December 31, 2008

@sjack, personally I have given up on making detailed plans myself. I set the general direction but let events unfold for me so that the next step is revealed to me at each choicepoint. I start out by making an intention to my guides/The Universe and as things get clearer to me, I let it be known more specifically that a certain direction is the way I want to go.

Still, I’d agree that having some sort of a plan or general direction is necessary. You’re right to say that a lot of people tend to blunder through life. There are no guiding principles. They usually end up unmotivated and uninspired.

@Cath, I believe that each blogger has his/her own appeal and therefore, attract the audience profile suited to the style of writing. In my case, the country mix of my readers is only relevant to me if I want to do more target marketing. I’m sure that Tim will naturally attract the group of audience that will enjoy his humor, irrespective of where they come from.

@Janie, I love the video too!! It is a wonderful reminder for me to use more positive affirmations on others in the New Year!

Evelyn - December 31, 2008

@Roz, I’m so glad that you sat through all 16 minutes of the video. You are awesome for just doing that!! The video has a great message to share and I am glad that you benefited from it.

@lauren, you are most welcome! I’m happy that you enjoyed the video.

@Flora, yes yes yes to “practice what you preach”. I’m learning that I have to do more of this myself!! Thanks for the reminder!

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