
Making Sense Of Life Events

(angela7dreams on flickr)

Before incarnating on this Earth, did you read the fine print in your soul contract? If, in the recent weeks, you have been moping around, feeling depressed, helpless and all – due to the current economic downturn or any other difficulty that you may be presently facing – then perhaps, you have not.

Either you agreed to the terms of a soul level agreement without full awareness of what you are getting yourself into with life on Earth, or you currently cannot remember what you have said yes to pre-birth. Now that you are on Earth, you have been in bitterness, anger and despair over events apparently outside your control. You wonder why innocent people get killed with no “logical” explanations for at all. Well, according to Ajahn Brahm, the fine print in your soul agreement before physical incarnation had the wordings “you can die at any time for any reason”.

Here was a real-life story that he told….

Ajahn Chah, a well known forest monk and teacher to Ajahn Brahm, had a Thai disciple. The novice monk got drafted into the army soon after. He returned home wounded. He was puzzled as to why he was not invincible. After all, he was a monk right? So the novice monk went to look for Ajahn Chah.

He asked the reverend “Why was I hurt?” Ajahn Chah looked at him and replied cryptly “Because you joined the army”.

The Cycle of Life?

According to Buddhism, tsunamis, bushfires, loss of jobs and earthquakes are part of the cycle of life. Hence, there is no point spending too much time asking ourselves why disasters or difficulties happen.

More importantly is how we choose our response to them. If we are not able to see the lessons for what they are, in all likelihood we keep ourselves stuck. This is called karma. If we choose to flee from and not confront our problems, we are also choosing not to transcend above them.

As you walk to go home, you step onto a pile of dog shit. Don’t scrape it off, just yet. Consider wearing your shoes home and then scrape it off under the mango tree. A year later, you notice juicy ripe mangoes on your tree. You pluck and start to eat them, relishing every bite.

But really, what do you think you are eating? A pile of dog shit! It is dog shit transformed. In the same manner, difficulties are “fertilizers” for gaining wisdom, peace and compassion.

—- Ajahn Brahm

Awakening to An End?

Explained in terms of new age spirituality, it is in the collective unconscious that negative events have been brought about. The collapse of the world economy arose from greed and separateness, a departure from love and oneness.

Some spiritual or religious experts also predict that the world is coming to an end. The recent round of natural disasters or the current economic crisis happening around the world is proof, they say.

My Thoughts

Well, I honestly don’t know if the world is going to end or not. Neither do I wish to pursue finding out the answers for such a question. What I do know for sure is that history has shown that life events go through highs and lows. Economic downturns signify the beginnings of a new period. They are often much-needed breaks when things get too heated up. My previous job as a banker gave me a chance to observe the trends of stock market cycles closely. What goes up appear to come down after a while.

On a soul perspective, we have chosen to incarnate with an agreed plan for life lessons. It is of little wonder therefore that in the physical plane, we attract continual experiences for us to learn from. In our lessons, we may have gotten a “passed” grade previously but we are also looking to graduate advanced levels with flying colors.

The Law of Attraction also tells us that we attract like frequencies in vibrations. If energy expands on where we direct our thoughts, I would rather focus my thoughts on useful ones. As such, I prefer to remain positive in the intents that I wish manifested.

What I do agree on, however, comes from my own personal observations, soul readings and experience. If there is anything that is happening to the world, it is that a shift in consciousness is going on. The positive shift in consciousness only points to one thing: Increased Spiritual Awareness.

From a practical point of view, how do I go about “making sense of life events”? I prefer to spend my time in quiet contemplation. Rather than complaining, I am better served by experiencing peace, taking responsibility for my actions and thoughts, transcending my everyday trials and tribulations. I have every hope to evolve spiritually.

Practical Spiritual Wisdom

Slade from Shift Your Spirits articulated my thoughts well with what he said in his latest article. He said “For me, the greatest challenges in producing a blog like this on a regular basis is finding a reasonable middle ground between everyday reality and the mystical — between addressing the panic and pessimism that many people genuinely feel and wearing some crazy Happy Face mask of Magically Delicious News that you can’t relate to.”

Hence, to put things simply and in a nutshell, downtimes are really opportunities for us to become more aligned to our highest path and purpose for this life. They are periods that remind us not to go too far off in our values, if we have done so. They are about reconnecting ourselves to Oneness. There is no denying that humanity has prospered when people got together in spirit and in loving kindness in the aftermaths of disasters, tragedies and difficulties.

Here is a real life story, closer to home, that is inspiring….

A businessman in Sydney picked up his telephone. It was a call from his doctor.

The doctor said, “I have bad news for you. Your medical results are out. You have cancer of the blood. Your condition is basically untreatable. I am so sorry but you are in the final stages.”

There was a pause.

The businessman asked in a cracking voice “How long more, sir?”

The doctor replied sadly, “Max 3 months.”

Upon hanging up, the businessman decided that he wanted to spend his remaining days with his loved ones. He had been stressed out for so many years while building his company. Upon learning that he had not much time left, the businessman sold his company at a price that he thought reasonable (not the highest though). He then bought first class tickets so that his family could travel to Europe, an idea that he often talked about but never had the time for.

Then, while he was on holiday, his handphone rang.

It was the doctor on the other line again.

The doctor cleared his throat and then said, “I am not sure how to tell you this. But there has been a mistake. There is one other person with the same name as you. He is the one with cancer and not you.”

The doctor waited for a full two minutes before he heard a reply.

The businessman said, “I am not sure how to thank you, sir. I am having the most amazing time here with my family. You are a great teacher! You have taught me an important lesson!”

When the businessman returned from his vacation, he started another business with the remaining money. It was one which was far less stressful but which gave him more time with his family. He was a much happier person!!

Your Comments Please

My post came about in part due to thoughts arising from a talk that I attended last week on “Making Sense of What is Happening to the World” by Ajahn Brahm. The topic was tabled in response to numerous questions on why life is handing us a heavy blow recently.

Do you have any thoughts to share? Any thoughts to the observation of a “world crisis” from the string of natural disasters, calamities and bad news? Do you agree that there has been some good that came out from them?

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Irene | Light Beckons - March 9, 2009

My dear Evelyn,

I have been out of touch with the world for a little while, but I do feel that some good has come out of this “world crisis”. Love this article … and why do I feel so sore that I missed 2 chances to meet Ajahn Brahm in Singapore??? Please make sure I don’t miss the next one! 😉

Ariel Bravy - March 9, 2009

This is funny, Evelyn. I JUST wrote a post on this subject and then *just so happened* to find myself here reading your post addressing the very same topic. How wonderful it is to synchronistically dance with you! 😀

Something I’ve been realizing lately is that EVERYTHING is in its proper place. The degree to which the statements “there are no accidents” and “everything is perfect” are valid is astounding.

I’m talking every person you pass on the street, every direction you glance while driving, every thought you think every traffic light you get stuck in, every song on the radio… I mean EVERYTHING! It’s like all of life is one incredibly synchronized dance and you and I are consciously awakening to more of the synchronized interplay that we are immersed in.

We are incredibly supported, unconditionally loved, and infinitely appreciated. We’re not lone blobs floating in a big dark world, fending against problems like an economic crash and trying to sustain ourselves. No no. We are Love itself, allowing ourselves to shine and break through any limitations.

As we grow as conscious beings, the old ways of living are falling away both within us and without us… which is obvious since it’s all One anyways and there really is no inside or outside… which is why the LoA works the way it does.

This economic change we’re experiencing, just like everything else in our lush physical reality is MEANINGLESS. It just is. Everything just is. Yet we have the ability to, if we choose to, apply any meaning we wish to what is and thus get out of what is whatever we put into it.

If we put in love, we’ll get out of it love. If we put in fear, we’ll get out of it fear.

If we allow the mind to go silent and overlay nothing extra on top of what is, we simply experience what is, or the silent bliss of the divine. Nothingness.

Whatever the choice, it’s all up to you. It’s all up to me. You and I are One.

One Love,


Evelyn - March 9, 2009


I’m glad to know that you are still around…LOL!!! What would I do without you? You’re a like-minded friend on the same spiritual path, someone I would love to keep in close touch with.

Hmmm….I’m not sure when Ajahn Brahm is coming to Singapore again. However, I don’t think it should be too long a wait as he has been attracting a huge fan club here in Singapore. He is very hardworking!! Every time he passes by Singapore, he does a stopover. He then comes out of the airport to give a talk for a few hours and then rushes off again.

I don’t know his traveling plans. Still as I volunteer my services, I keep my ears to the ground every time there is an announcement for a talk. Most definitely, I will let you know!!


Lance - March 9, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

I believe there is an ebb and flow to life. Ups and downs. That there is a “world crisis” right now – I don’t believe it. I see it all as a natural flow of life. Somewhere in this world today, there is someone who is on a high top – life never having been better. And also there is someone at the lowest of lows. And places all in between. I think every situation has the possibility for good to come out of it. These times we’re in now shall too. Especially for those who embrace it.

I believe very strongly that we control our future by our thoughts and actions. And if we do this in a way that is uplifting and positive – we’re setting ourselves up for long-term success. And that’s something worth aiming for!

Evelyn - March 9, 2009

Hello Ariel,

What an act of synchronicity! I was going to publish my article last week but was too tired from doing some inner energetic work to do so. I must have zapped your mind to fill in the words which I have been wanting to say myself….LOL!!

There is indeed “synchronized interplay”. When we awaken to the fact that we are indeed players in the dance of life, we experience much joy. Then, as you’ve said, difficulties will not be viewed in a negative sense. Rather, we choose to see them for what they truly are: a seamless opportunity to heal and reconnect to divinity.

We act as mirrors. Our external reality reflects what goes on inside our minds. We attract the experiences that we need to evolve from. In Oneness, if we are healing ourselves, we are really healing others. If we are assisting others, we are also healing ourselves.

Thanks for taking the time to write in your comments, Ariel. I’m going over to read your post right now.

Much love and peace always,

Evelyn - March 9, 2009

Hello Lance,

Well said!! “World crisis”? What world crisis? The current events are just opportunities in disguise. The person who is able to redirect his or her thoughts best is the one who benefits most!!

Abundance always,

Daphne - March 9, 2009

Evelyn, I love what you said about having to balance the practical and the mystical. I lean heavily towards the practical and I shall take your suggestion to meditate more. Lovely post.

Jay - March 9, 2009

This not the beggining of the end- it is simpy the end of a self obsessed greedy existance. We will have to do something evoultionary now- here it is. If you do not haver the cash to buy something……you can not get it. Companies will start caring about thier customers and employees because if they do not, they will fail. This is a new earth, a new beggining- I welcome it!

Cath Lawson - March 9, 2009

Hi Evelyn – LMAO at the dog shit story.

The business man story reminds me of something Tim Brownson wrote this morning. Both stories are good reminders that we need to live our lives, as we would if we knew death was imminent.

Regarding the world crisis – I do hope some good will come. Too many of us in the developed world are far too materialistic. Really we’re not so much developed as over-developed and we consume way too much.

I hope this crisis will help those of us in these countries realise that we are over-developing at the expense of the developing world and there needs to be more balance.

Metaphysical Junkie - March 10, 2009

I’ve personally come to embrace my struggles that have come about because of the economic crisis. Not being able to find a new job has forced me to deepen my own spiritual growth and realize the importance of relationships. I am now opening up in ways that I otherwise would not have. I’ve also come to trust the universe that my job opportunity will come when the time is right.

This was a great post, Evelyn. 🙂

Dot - March 10, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

I don’t believe the world is going to end or change into something new, but it does seem like we’ve had more disasters than in the not-too-distant past. The economic problems brought about, in part, the election of Obama in the US, and I think that’s a positive thing. I don’t know of much positive that came out of Hurricane Katrina, or the tsunami, or the terrorist attacks, etc. However, people do band together in times of crisis, so perhaps that’s positive.

As for “you can die at any time,” something I read some time ago (could have been Jane Roberts) said that we choose six or eight possible exits from this life before we start it. I certainly don’t remember reading any contract, let alone the fine print.

Andy Tay - March 10, 2009

hi evelyn
great post, love it! would really appreciate if you could keep me informed if Ajahn is back in town. i keep missing him 🙂

Jenny Mannion - March 10, 2009

Hi Evelyn,
GREAT post! LOVE the stories and the link to Slade!

I am like you, I am not going to spend time researching if the world is ending or not or spend time even thinking about it. I believe the world is learning that greed does not serve us and this is an opportunity for many. The old world way of working for a big corp until retirement is NOT the way for most now. I believe this allows for the opportunity for people to think about what they would LOVE to do, what their strengths are and how they can help humanity. THIS is a GOOD thing.

As always, it is what you focus on … sure, if you turn on Fox News and actually believe what they are saying — you would have a pretty grim outlook on life…. But more and more people are CHOOSING to look for the good and that is a beautiful thing!

Thanks Evelyn. I love the mango story and it is something I will remind myself of the next time I am “in a slump” like I was last week.

Lots of love,

Marelisa - March 10, 2009

Hi Evelyn. I just published an article on my blog about happiness tips from the Dalai Lama. One of his tips is that when something appears to be a negative situation you should shift your perspective. Then I stop by here and I read this: “downtimes are really opportunities for us to become more aligned to our highest path and purpose for this life.” Now, that’s a shift in perspective than can help us be happy even during economic downturns 🙂

Peter Levin - March 10, 2009

Thanks Evelyn, great post

My friends from Europe keep emailing me on a regular basis and asking the same question about crisis in US and how it affects me. I keep asking what crisis?

I am aware obviously that it is taking place in some way, but because I don’t watch TV and live in my own kind of world, I don’t think I notice crisis at all. Gas prices dropped more then twice 🙂

Everything goes in cycles and this crisis will teach a lot of lessons to people and countries which eventually will be a good thing. I thing progress is not possible without crisis. If we do not experience adversity we wouldn’t grow – the same is on mass level.

As always a lot of people become more rich then now and a lot of people become much poorer. It is always been like that (as far as I know 🙂

I think crisis is not a bad thing after all

Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coaching - March 10, 2009

I was definitely tested in 2008 — I was tempted a few times with going back to a full-time law firm job and leaving what I’ve chosen to do behind. I’m happy to say I did not give in to that temptation. This year has been going awesomely so far, both in terms of my outer circumstances and how I feel about myself. I may have needed the tests in 2008 to see that.

Vered - MomGrind - March 10, 2009

I agree there are cycles to life and to economy. Downturns are inevitable. They do end eventually. I’ve been talking to people who are so scared about the economy, they are making choices that I feel are made from a place of panic. I wish they had more faith. I wish we all had.

Evelyn - March 10, 2009

@Daphne, the mystical is fascinating but at the end of the day, the knowledge is only useful if it also helps solve our everyday problems. I find it most helpful to align the conscious and subconscious parts of myself, to lead an empowered life. Good luck with the meditation!!

@Jay, I love your comment!! I am currently re-reading a New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Aye to a new beginning!!

@Cath, so the world is merely going through a re-balancing of wealth and consumption? Great way of looking at things!!

@Metaphysical Junkie, things have a way of working themselves out if we have more faith and trust! I wish you much success in attaining well-being and abundance!

Evelyn - March 10, 2009

@Dot, I’ve not heard about choosing six or eight different departure points. Interesting! I sure do not remember what I agreed to prior to incarnation but I certainly am not moping around about the current economic downturn.

@Andy, if you register as a member to the Buddhist Fellowship of Singapore, you automatically get informed via email. Ajahn’s talks are not to be missed. His audience keeps growing in numbers.

@Jenny, yes it is great that in a shakeout, those who are flexible enough will seize the opportunity to move into something that they enjoy doing. We do need to see the GOOD in everything, even in our bleak moments. Lastly, never look at the juicy mango in the same way again…LOL!!

Evelyn - March 10, 2009

@Marelisa, I am going over to read your post in just a second! Thanks for sharing!

@Peter, if more of us can see that life indeed goes in cycles, we will arrive at greater peace for sure! As Ariel put it, the economic “downturn” is just-is.

@Chris, I’m glad to know that you are moving into alignment with what you really love to do. Have faith and ride out the difficult moments!! All the best to you!

@Vered, it’s unwise to make decisions when coming from a state of panic. Unfortunately, these folks are so stuck in their own reality that they cannot see that there may be a bigger picture.

Ribbon - March 10, 2009

Hello, that was an enjoyable read & thank you.
Re. “If we are not able to see the lessons for what they are, in all likelihood we keep ourselves stuck. This is called Karma.”
My understanding is that this situation of being stuck in Buddhism is referred to as “Dukkha” and that “Karma” is the law of moral causation. It embraces both past and present deeds.

Best wishes Ribbon

Ariel Bravy - March 10, 2009


Yeah, that’s an interesting question. Did you cause me to write my post or did I cause you to write yours?

I don’t think either. Nothing outside of us causes us to do anything.

You know how when two people are in love, they can often complete each others’ sentences? Why is that? It’s because they’re vibrating on the same frequency and thus have access to the same thoughts. In that sense, they’re not literally reading each others’ minds, but simply dipping into the same vibrational “pool” of thought.

So synchronistic examples like the timing of our two posts, I think it’s more about the two of us individually vibrating in harmony together, thus producing a similar outcome in the end than it is one thing literally causing another.

Andrew - March 10, 2009

Great stories – especially the Doctor/businessman one – hit home with me.


Barbara Swafford - March 10, 2009

Hi Evelyn – I love how you worded that, “Hence, there is no point spending too much time asking ourselves why disasters or difficulties happen.

More importantly is how we choose our response to them”. I find that to be so true. No matter how big or how small a problem is, our response to them make all the difference in the world. Like you, I see the lesson, not the negative.

Although we are in what so many call an economic crisis, I still see it as a “correction”. We’ve been down before, and we’ve been up before. It certainly shouldn’t cause us to stop living our lives.

BTW: I LOVE the doctor/patient story. To think it took a threat of death for the businessman to open his eyes is rather sad when we have so much to be grateful for every day.

Alex Blackwell - March 10, 2009

This post is wonderful. A lesson I have learned in life is: “Our character is not defined by what happens to us, but rather by how we respond to what happens to us.”
Keep up the great work!

Evelyn - March 10, 2009

@Ribbon, I was not very clear when I wrote that line. Dhukka means suffering, while unjustified karma keeps us learning the same lessons over and over again.

@Ariel, it’s great to know that we help to add on to each other’s message to the world as a result of dipping into the vibrational pool of thoughts 🙂 Just over the last 2 days, I am also seeing more posts on the same subject being published on the blogs of others too!

@Andrew, thanks for the feedback that the story was helpful!

Evelyn - March 10, 2009

@Barbara, the word “correction” definitely has a positive note than “crisis”. It’s great to know that you share the same thoughts about how we should be viewing difficulties.

@Alex, I’m happy that you like this post! Thanks for taking the time to share the saying and to post your feedback!

Ariel Bravy - March 11, 2009


It’s wonderful! We are one in spirit and now we are seeing this being expressed more and more directly in the physical as well. You’re right about many similar posts being written simultaneously. We’re all starting to vibrate in harmony together. How exciting! 😀

Melissa Donovan - March 11, 2009

I believe that we are given challenges for a number of reasons, and most people complain about life’s difficulties rather than try to find the lesson or even simple acceptance.

Maya - March 11, 2009

I think we should put our energies to the best use possible – and that would be to learn and focus forward. When we do that we start to see an obvious opportunity in every downturn. Great perspective, thanks Evelyn!

Evelyn - March 11, 2009

@Ariel, it’s awesome to be part of the growing consciousness sweeping across the world!

@Melissa, we sure need to unlearn the bad habit of complain but to look for gems of wisdom in all that is around us!

@Maya, it’s great that you find that it’s best we put our energies to the best use possible!! If more of us can think in the same manner, just think how much brighter our world will be!!

Nadia-Happy Lotus - March 11, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

Thank you so much for writing such a post. I believe that things happen for a reason. It took me a while to see that but whenever something happens (good or bad), I know that there is a lesson behind it.

I can look back at my short life and see how all the pieces fit together. I have been through some hard times (who hasn’t) and with each experience, I became wiser. So with all the talk about the economy and all the depression it is causing, I think it is causing people to finally wake up.

What the future holds, none of us knows, but I do know that in the long run we will all be okay. I think people have to start taking more responsibility for their actions and realize that we are all connected. If the mortgage crisis has taught us anything, it has taught us that the greed of a few has effected us all.

Jonathan | EnlightenYourDay.com - March 12, 2009

Beautiful Eye catching Photo! This post is my most Favorite to date on AMM. The part about the Soul contract was a great way to get the readers attention; intriguing. It was a great start to my day. Thanks for sharing.

Carlota - March 12, 2009

The fine print on our soul contracts, “you can die at any time for any reason” is helpful to remember. I know for myself sometimes I over-analyze “why is this happening to me?!” trying aimlessly to find how I’ve attracted a situation according to the Law of Attraction.

Next time I come across an unwelcome (lol!) challenge I will remember that it is a fertilizer 😉

Thanks for telling these 3 insightful stories!

Evelyn - March 12, 2009

@Nadia, welcome to my site! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Oh yes…the world is going through an awakening. It’s wonderful that we can learn from the mortgage crisis and lay hope for a better future!

@Jonathan, I’m glad that you like the post. I’m finding out that a good opening is always essential to draw in the readers!

@Carlota, it’s great that you’ve found the stories here useful as reminders. Asking ourselves “whys” aimlessly cannot bring about clarity. Choosing a wise response in things that we can control will most certainly be helpful.

J.D. Meier - March 13, 2009

Good stuff.

I think you hit the key. It’s not what happens in life, but how we respond to it. Unless we’re a genie, we can’t whip up the ultimate experiences — instead, as a human, we make the most of what we’ve got.

Chris - March 18, 2009

I do not believe the world is coming to an end. The situation is much worse than that.

Millions of us will come to an end, and the world will continue on without us.

Bob - March 18, 2009

The Wealth of Nations and the USA constitution came out in 1776. The Bretton Woods conference in 1944 established the World Bank and the IMF. The World Economic Situation and Prospects 2009, a United Nations report from the Doha conference, says the Bretton Woods financial system is bankrupt and beyond repair.

We are working on developing a next generation economic system that replaces capitalist competition with economic cooperation that serves all the people of earth, rather than capital, or a few people at the expense of everyone else.

There is a diverse assortment of ancient and more recent civilizations that have been evolving separately and are now coming together. They are clashing because they are coming together.

Baha’u’llah says that, “Earth is only one country and all mankind are its citizens.”

The human race is coming together. A new global civilization is arising. This new universal and divine civilization founded by Baha’u’llah is causing the old world order to collapse.

This is not the end of the world, it is the beginning of the next generation of human evolution. Today, scientists investigate the Iridium layer and hypothesize that an asteroid or comet with more Iridium than earth, hit earth and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. 100,000 years from now, scientists will be investigating the pollution layer. Before that, there is war, crime and disunity. After that there is one universal and divine civilization evolving peacefully and prosperously.

Slade | Shift Your Spirits - March 20, 2009


Thank you for honoring my post with a link — I really appreciate that!

I was pleased to see the part of the post that spoke to you, because it originally felt like the most “personal” part of that message, and one that maybe a lot of people missed… I suppose that those of us who have established ourselves as a filter for Collective experience are that much more aware of the importance of making sense of events in our lives.

There is a blessing, I feel, in processing experience for others — that you have greater focus in examining it for yourself.

Evelyn - March 23, 2009

@J.D. Meier, I’m glad that you agree with me that it is all in how we respond to external events. The better our response, the more we grow!

@Chris, your comment made me laugh aloud 🙂

@Bob, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. It’s great that we are and will be seeing more cooperation, unity and peace!!

@Slade, well…it takes one to be in the same shoes to understand what you are trying to say. I am not sure if I am processing experience for others but I definitely feel blessed to be in my “observer” position and to be able to view things with awareness. Namaste 🙂

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