
Stop Shaming Your Body For Gaining Self-Acceptance

Stop Body Shaming

If you are in the habit of shaming your own body, stop.

Shaming your own body because of your physical imperfections can cause you to feel lousy about yourself.

Perhaps you don’t like the way your nose looks, the slant of your eyes, the shape of your face, your freckles, boob size, etc…and the list goes on. 

While it may be true that they are not perfect according to some beauty standards, shaming yourself over them is not going to be helpful for your confidence. Well, it took me a long time to embrace my imperfections, including physical flaws.

In the past, I would be extremely self-critical.

There are parts of myself that I would notice and that I wouldn’t be happy with. With age, I started to notice the wrinkles, grey hair and skin laxity too. At one stage, my weight kept increasing that showed up in an expanding waistline. Fortunately, I’ve come to understand that self-love starts with self-acceptance.

In a world that constantly bombards us with unrealistic beauty standards, it’s helpful to remember about what it means to accept ourselves despite any physical flaws.

I remind myself that it’s okay to be imperfectly perfect and that true beauty comes from within.

“The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.” Audrey Hepburn

Today, I’m celebrating myself as I am and I hope you do too.

Stop shaming your body and learn to accept yourself
Instagram @ EvelynLimCoach

Once again, if you are body shaming, stop. 

Join me in the journey of self-love, because you deserve to shine just as you are! 

And if you are needing to dive deeper into self-love, get my Self-Love Practice: How to Love, Heal and Reparent Your Inner Child on Amazon today! Alternatively, contact me for a discovery call if you’d like to work on loving and accepting yourself. 

Shine your brilliance always, 
Evelyn Lim

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