
21 Positive Ways to Start the New Year

The New Year offers an opportunity to start things on a fresh slate. It is the period for letting go of the old to make way for the new. If you have been going round in circles previously, it is time to let go of the energies that have kept you stuck. If you have been distracted along the way last year, it is time to once again set your priorities straight.

New Year Quote: Book is Called Opportunity

Thus, the turn of a new year represents hope. Hope is energy that renews you. It is an infusion of energy that moves you forward. Your eyes sparkle with promise when you have hope. Hope makes you come alive.

There are many ways that you can start the New Year on a positive note. Some may involve days of thinking over, whereas others a physical action. Here are 21 of my favorite ones:

1. Create a Vision Board.
Making a vision board allows you the opportunity to clarify the picture in your mind that you would like to manifest. You are to ask yourself what it is that you truly want. Applying visioning techniques thereafter, helps you set the energetic alignment that will bring your dream forward. (Need to learn more? Look out for more articles on visioning in the weeks to follow.)

2. Clear out the Physical Clutter. Get rid of the clutter, in order to make space for the new. There is no way that you can shift into a more positive state if you are saddled with old energies. Consider following the traditional custom of the Chinese. With good timing, the Chinese has the custom of cleaning up the household just prior to Chinese New Year. The first day of Chinese New Year (CNY) starts on January 23 this year and lasts for 15 days. Hence, all cleaning and clearing of clutter has to be made before the Eve of CNY.

3. Energy Cleanse.There is no better time to do some energy clearing work, if you are hoping to start things on a clean slate. Identify the blocks that keep you in resistance. Address these obstacles with Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki, Quantum Touch or an Akashic Record Clearing.

4. Create an Affirmation or Positive Script.Write out a script of positive affirmations that you would like to repeat on a daily basis. The use of affirmations is a great way to help reframe your mind, especially if you are in the habit of cultivating negative thoughts. The more you repeat the affirmations, the more powerful their effect on you over time.

5. Create a Bucket List. A Bucket List is a list of items that you would like to accomplish before you “kick the bucket”. To get your bucket list going, read this article 111 Ideas for Your Bucket List. Thereafter, during the year, check off the items on your list as you complete them.

6. Make Healthy Meal Choices. If you have been making unhealthy food choices, it is time to make a change. Do not procrastinate your plan on eating well and properly. Your resolution can be as simple as “no more candy” or “limit fried foods to two times a week”.

7. Create an Exercise Plan. So you have been sitting on your couch after work, pretty much last year? Switch off your television, stop snacking on chips and get up to exercise. Incidentally, my hubby has getting results with the P90X program.

8. Sign Up for Some Self-Improvement Program.There are many programs that you can sign up for self-help and improvement. Here are some online ones that you can look into: Silva Life, Silva Intuition, Quantum Jumping or Chakra Healing.

9. Meditate. A meaningful way to start the new year is to meditate. Better yet, meditate in a group for extra vibrational power. Set up a healing circle. Send out loving energies to all. Make the intention for more love, joy and abundance for the new year.

10. Start a New Business. Economic downturns offer the best opportunity for starting a business. Costs such as rental, employee and materials are relatively cheaper. It may also be possible to get more tax breaks. If you have just been retrenched or thinking of a second career, the new year may just be the best time to get your new business idea going.

11. Celebrate with Champagne. Celebrate the new year on a joyous note. You can celebrate it with a party or just by being with your family. It does not matter if the previous year has turned out to be a lousy one. The past is already gone. You can learn from your mistakes. You start the new year with renewed vision.

12. Look into Feng Shui Elements. Learn to use Feng Shui on how you can improve your success, health and wealth. Maybe it is to do with shifting the position of your bed or putting a good luck charm in your living room.

13. Change the Color of Your Wardrobe. Start the new year by aligning with the energy of change. Used to wearing black or something dull? Well, add some color to your wardrobe this year. Experience a state shift when you play with colors.

14. Volunteer Your Time. A meaningful way to start the year is to spend time in the company of those who need some kindness and care. It may be home for the elderly, an orphanage or some charitable organization. You align with the vibration of love.

15. Be a Sponsor. Consider sponsoring someone who is less fortunate as you. The idea is to provide a specific person with resources to break free from his or her limiting circumstances. Naturally, you do it unconditionally and not expecting anything back in return.

16. Journal. Journaling is a great way to keep records about your thoughts or feelings. The process offers you emotional release. Having written records also allows you the opportunity to review the changes that you have made and to track your self-improvement progress over time.

17. Propose. Maybe you have been holding off for a while but it now time to think longer time. Bring your relationship to the next level by proposing to the person of your dreams. Make plans to start a life together. (I got this tip from my brother, who is getting married in the new year!)

18. Practice Forgiveness. Give the year a loving start by forgiving those with whom you have borne a grudge. Forgiveness releases you from the toxic energies of hatred. It heals you by reconnecting you back with the present, allowing you to experience a new beginning.

19. Choose to be a Leader. Rather than remain in the background, it is time to step-up. Go beyond your discomfort zone and be a leader for a change. It is time to wing the job promotion that you have been hoping for but miss in the last year.

20. Start a Blog. Starting a blog is not as terrifying as it seems. Sure there is lots to learn and do. But there are also many tutorials out there with getting started. Just do a google search for “start an online business” or refer to this resourceful site, Problogger.

21. Love Yourself. My favorite tip of all. To be able to live fully in the new year, you really need to start by loving yourself. Start with some self-care actions. Best of all, beat years of self-criticism, self-rejection and self-denial by purchasing Self-Love Secrets.

Abundance always,

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Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Share Your Thoughts

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” – Edith Lovejoy Pierce

What are you intending to write in the book of Opportunity for the year? What ideas are you hoping to pursue?

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Galen Pearl - January 5, 2012 Reply

#6 is for me. I have a pretty good diet, but as I get older, I’m more aware of the need to eat as healthy as I can. I went to the health food store today to stock up on things that will help me make better choices. Great list!


Evelyn Reply:

Good for you, Galen.

I have been moving towards healthier choices for some years now. It has been a gradual process but increasingly it is one that now focuses on fruits and vegs for most of my meals. I also read up a lot on health benefits of natural foods. I am all in for healthier food choices!

Wishing you great health and wellness in the new year!


Joy - January 5, 2012 Reply

I *love* the quote! I would just amend it to read “the first chapter is now” because we have the choice –each moment–to embrace opportunity/abundance/flow, exactly as we are, exactly where we are!
I am embracing new and different through my site–different ventures (such as photography and hosting meetups) which are exciting and fresh, yet challenging to me. In my life I have undergone a paradigm shift and am back to simplicity as a foundation, life enriching as a guide, and investing in transparent connections. And I am exploring the concept of commitment through a long distance relationship. I know remaining open in each of these areas is empowering and inspires me to remain fully open to new and different in all areas:) As I continue to work on removing internal blocks, my ability to tap into flow (and to see and receive opportunity) is becoming more natural and with ease.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Joy,

It’s great to see you making a wonderful start to the new year. You seem to be venturing into a number of new adventures. I’m glad that you are exploring things on a positive note and moving past your previously held ideas of how things should be.

I wish you much success on your way to reaching your fullest potential. May your journey be one of ease, flow, simplicity and love.

Abundance always,


David Stevens - January 5, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Certainly a list with many fine choices. Don’t know that I will get all of them done however definitely continuing my work on No4 & making a somewhat shaky start on No9
be good to yourself


Evelyn Reply:

Hi David,

Well, you don’t have to get all done; just focus on the few areas that you deem important. It’s great that you are starting on No. 9, even though it seems to be somewhat shaky. All of us going through the same experience. So don’t give up just yet. You will be glad to keep with it.

Wishing you much love, peace and success in the new year!

Abundance always,


The Vizier - January 5, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

The New Year is indeed an opportunity for a fresh start and with 21 positive ways to do so, there is really no excuse not to start 2012 in a positive way. I particularly enjoy the following.

2. Clear out the Physical Clutter

With CNY around the corner, I have been getting rid of my old stuff, especially books. It is a wonder to see the amount of junk I have accumulated over the years. Clearing out unwanted things definitely frees up living space and makes me feel lighter. Yay to new energies!

16. Journal

New Year new journal. Journaling is a good practice to have. Unless we track our growth, it would be hard to learn from our mistakes. Everything would be a blur and we aren’t quite sure if we are moving forwards, backwards or just stagnating. This is a practice I will continue into this New Year.

I think with this New Year, now would be a good time to go all out to do something you really want to do. Whether it is starting a blog, business or even proposing, it is best to seize the day!

Congrats on your brother getting married Evelyn! That is one happy occasion to look forward to. 🙂

Thank you for sharing this lovely article!

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

Good for you in your efforts for #2. I have been doing #2, starting and stopping and then starting again. There has been a number of distractions since the start of the new year. But most certainly, I hope to be done before the CNY starts. There is no better time to getting rid of physical clutter.

I also agree about not procrastinating in the things one longs to do. It is important to live our moments fully.

Thank you for your warm wishes!

Have an amazing year ahead,


marc van der Linden - January 5, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

It is indeed a great time to start with a fresh slate and update existing plans.

For me, creating a new vision board – I made one some years ago with very great results, will come on my to-do list.

Starting with a journal – more specific a gratitude journal, is also a idea to put on my list.

Thanks for the reminders


Lloyd Christie - January 7, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn, Happy New year – Great Tips. Clutter, can’t stand it! for me this is number one on the list. Dec 28/9 we had a massive end of year clear out. this was hard for my partner because she like’s to hold onto stuff, I find it easy to let go, so there was a bit of a battle. In the end she felt happy because we give a lot away to charity – No more Clutter, Now we have a nice clear space to meditate 🙂



Annetra - January 7, 2012 Reply

Dear Evelyn!
nice blog. I will try to incorporate a few habits into my life. I really appriciate you for sharing these wonderful suggestions. happy new year to you.


Stacy | Grow With Stacy - January 10, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

This is a fantastic list! I have implemented daily meditation into my schedule and I love the benefits! I’m finding that I am more peaceful and calm throughout the day, my mind is clearer and sharper and it helps me to sleep more soundly.

I had no idea that there could be so many benefits!


trpxwtuxcl Reply:



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