
21 Signs That You Are Not In Prosperity Consciousness

“Let not your mind run on what you lack as much as on what you have already.” – Marcus Aurelius

poverty or prosperity consciousness

It is in the little acts that you may not be fully aware of. They could be telling of whether or not you or someone else is operating from prosperity consciousness or not. Yet, if you are engaging in these acts often enough, they are indicative of what is going on in your mindset.

Here are 21 indicative signs of vibrating in lack and scarcity…

1. Set a limit to what you can receive.

2. Find it difficult to charge what you are worth; thus always undercharging and giving discounts.

3. Have a tendency to hoard eg. hoard food, money and stuff that you no longer need.

4. Refuse or avoid paying for your share often enough; by either giving the favorite excuse of having left your wallet at home or pretending to fumble through your bag for your wallet when presented with the receipt for shared dinner meals.

5. Find it hard to accept gifts or compliments from others.

6. Fear that your luck will run out by praying ceaselessly for miracles.

7. Beg constantly for bargains.

8. Being unwilling to pay for value and yet, complaining very loudly about the service that you have paid for.

9. Always looking for ways that you can skimp off your relatives, friends or just about anyone.

10. Justify your wealth at great lengths to your family and friends.

11. Keep blaming the government or the economy for your bad financial situation.

12. Keep blaming your lack of academic qualifications but not willing to do anything about it either.

13. Keep blaming your parents for your financial situation.

14. Blame your lack of resources to achieve success.

15. Feel like a victim all the time.

16. Feel extremely jealous of friends who are wealthy.

17. Distrust the rich with no supporting reasons.

18. Have tremendous fear about not having enough.

19. Get panic-stricken by any threat of a loss in income or savings.

20. Craving for one material item after another, never feeling satisfied or fulfilled.

21. Not willing to share with others what you have eg. find it hard to donate whether in money or in kind.

Shift from Poverty to Prosperity Consciousness

Your beliefs drive your actions.

It could be beliefs that you are not consciously aware of.

They pretty much lie in your subconscious.

Yet, they are powerful enough to cause a disruption to your energy system, such that you appear to be manifesting lack more than anything else.

Maybe it is no coincidence why you are reading this post. Could it be time to think about working on your sabotaging money beliefs?

Abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Life Coach. Energy Therapist. Author.

Share Your Thoughts

Notice any extreme behavior that reflect lack or scarcity in anyone around? Add to the list of what you think poverty consciousness constitutes below.

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Tara Woodruff - September 30, 2013 Reply

You must have been reading my mind! This is an excellent topic. Thank you so much for writing this. I am going to share with my readers as well!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Tara,

It’s great that my post resonated with you 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

Love and abundance always,


Angela Artemis|Powered by Intuition - October 1, 2013 Reply

Great post. You’ve highlighted many excuses that are used to justify scarcity consciousness.
I was reminded while reading your post of something I said just today, “I can’t afford to buy that right now.” If I said, “I prefer not to purchase this at this time,” instead that might be a better way to deal with this issue, right?


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

You have just made a wonderful reframe! Good for you 🙂

Love and abundance always,


Galen Pearl - October 3, 2013 Reply

#18 reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from the Tao Te Ching: “He who knows enough is enough will always have enough.” Great list. Glad to see that most of these do not relate to me, so I think I don’t spend much time in this consciousness of lack. Whew!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Galen,

What a great quote from the Tao Te Ching. Thanks for sharing!! It’s great that none of the ones I mentioned relate to you. Love ya!!

Abundance always,


Gavriel - October 8, 2013 Reply

Thank God I have left go of many of those, though a couple remain, not for long 🙂 The more we let go of all these limiting beliefs, the more we see them in others and feel so surprised we ever could have agreed with them, because they don’t make a lot of sense.

If I see someone with some money taking advantage of others out of fear of lack, I don’t think “they only have money because they use others” (which I was told my a family member not long ago and shocked me), but rather I automatically think “if they didn’t have that fear and didn’t use others, they would have EVEN MORE money”.

Nice list. I know I will have cleared all of those points in not too long 🙂


Murli Menon - November 18, 2016 Reply

. Most citizens have been programmed by bankers to think that resources are scarce and tomorrow is uncertain. Thus, they persuade individuals to invest in fixed deposits, mutual funds and bonds among numerous other financial instruments. However this is poverty consciousness in action. Those who believe in this theory spend most of their time im the future or the past buried in the share pages of newspapers. The second theory is the theory of Prosperity consciousness where it is certain that the whole universe is interconnected and the universe will take care of you if you surrender yourself unconditionally to the power of abundance. Your empty bank account becomes a vaccuum that pulls in wealth from the remotest corners of this universe. Whenever you hoard money or invest in financial instruments you are sending two signals to your mind and to your life that You DO NOT TRUST TOMORROW. Unfortunately, most so called progressive economies, where quality of life is the poorest are living examples of poverty consciousness. Whereas the so called third world countries are being forced to adopt poverty consciousness by their political and economic advisors as they have lost touch with the energies of this universe. Complete unconditional surrender to the universe is true prosperity consciousness. The universe is full of abundance and provides to those who believe. And don’t feel envious when you see the list of top 100 rich people in the world as they are the role models of poverty consciousness. An ancient tribal saying among the Bantu pygmies who live in leaf huts in forests where falciparum malaria is rampant but are role models for prosperity consciousness, says “For those who believe, no explanation is neccessary, for those who disbelieve, no explanation is sufficient.


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