
7 Misconceptions on The Law of Attraction

The “noise” of misinformation can make it difficult for you to discard what is false. I have been through the experience of being doubtful and unclear myself. There can be misconceptions about the Law of Attraction. Some people have even criticized it because they believe that the claims that it can be used to attract money are false. Others say that learning how to use the Law of Attraction promotes greed.

(Photo of the DVD cover: What the Bleep: Down the Rabbit Hole)

What is important to remember is that just because it may be used with intents that are not altruistic by some people does not make it any less true. This article is intended to help you gain greater clarity, in order to help dispel some common mistaken ideas associated with the Law of Attraction. I uncovered these, much through personal study, reflection and self-discovery.

Seven Misconceptions about Law of Attraction

1. Law of Attraction is not Based on Science

Perhaps our confusion is caused by holding on to traditional definitions of “science”. If we take science to be simply based on observable evidence, then we can say that the Law of Attraction has no proof. However, just because the Law of Attraction cannot be seen by the human eye, or the fact that it is not taught as part of the science subject in school, does not make it invalid.

While some of the theory has yet to be verified by scientific method, there are enough studies that support it. One example of such a study includes electroencephalogram images of brainwave frequencies (electrical impulses) and experimentation with ionic charges performed by well-known scientists such as Nicholas Tessla. If you need more scientific proof, you can watch the “What the Bleep” movie. There are enough detailed explanations in the movie to let you know that the Law of Attraction or quantum mechanics is not hocus pocus.

There is also a good deal of therapeutic evidence to support the physical benefits of mental visualization and affirmation. If you believe that there is such a thing as qi or energy flow, then there are good reasons to believe that there is such a thing as the Law of Attraction. A multitude of supporting anecdotal evidence also exists, in the form of personal testimonies and experiences.

2. The Law of Attraction Is Based on Greed

Some people think that Law of Attraction programs are get rich quick schemes because they promote the idea that you can get whatever you want. However, if you take the time to understand the Law of Attraction, then you will know that there is a lot more to Law of Attraction.

The core principles that underlie the Law of Attraction are based on gratitude, thinking and feeling positive, self-discovery, being in flow, abundance consciousness and love. Where greed often leads people to want more and more, teachings related to the Law of Attraction recommends that you start from being contented with what you already have.

3. Law of Attraction Does Not Work

Perhaps, why some people are skeptical is because they have not heard in school about the Law of Attraction being a natural law. Well, the laws of nature work all of the time, whether we realize it or not. And this includes the Law of Attraction.

Consider Newton’s first law: “An object set in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest, unless the object is acted upon by an outside force.” Newton realized that people and objects have influence upon the laws of nature. When an outside force stops a moving object, we don’t assume that Newton’s law failed to work. In the same way, energy, thoughts, emotions and human existence all have influence on the Law of Attraction, but none of things alter the fact that the law itself is valid.

4. Law of Attraction Requires too Much Effort

There is some work involved in learning to master your own thoughts and influencing your own destiny. Yet, this work should ultimately not put you in struggle. In fact, it can even help you improve your quality of living.

Consider the alternative. If you are not making an effort to direct your thoughts towards desired outcome, you will be led by your own random, temporary emotional and mental responses to life. Where traditional thinking leads to “getting whatever you get”, Law of Attraction proponents teaches you about focusing your mind, directing your path and taking charge of your own reality.

5. The Law of Attraction is a Current Fad

The law has been in existence since the beginning of time. A written narrative naming the “Law of Attraction” dates back to 1903. However if you consider the words of Christ “As you believe so it shall be done unto you” or “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain ‘move’ and it shall move” then it would appear that the law has been taught since the last century BC.

6. Law of Attraction Principles are Self-Centered

Law of Attraction principles may seem self-centered because it involves finding out what you truly desire. However, it is also very much about your relationship with every other person and thing in the world. It is only when you come to realize that your thoughts have the ability to interact with what is around you, that in some way you are connected to every other element on earth.

You can only begin to improve your relationships with others once you find the connection with your true self from deep within. You learn to cherish and be thankful for what is inside you. As you begin to appreciate who you are, you will invariably develop an appreciation of others and everything that is around you. You will realize that you are no different from any other human on this planet.

7. Law of Attraction is Not for Everyone

In a bid to avoid getting into confusion, you may dismiss the Law of Attraction. Well, whether you want to be in the know or not, the Law of Attraction affects everyone. To say that the Law is not for everyone is like saying that gravity is not for everyone, or that fire does not always generate heat.

As long as we exist as human beings on earth, fire will always be hot to the touch, gravity will always keep us from floating in to space, and the Law of Attraction will always bring to us the things we focus our attention on. Since it is at work all the time, we can help ourselves by understanding what it is and how to apply it to our benefit.

Proving the Law of Attraction

There is no way of being absolutely convinced, not unless you have experienced it for yourself. Proof can be an entirely personal thing. If you are seeking proof that the law really exists, simply commit to testing its principles for your personal knowledge.

Anyone can master the principles of Law of Attraction. There is no complex formula or difficult mathematical equation to grasp. Some of the simple principles are:
1. Be thankful for what you have
2. Believe that everything that you could ever want has been provided for you
3. Visualize yourself where you want to be
4. Focus on abundance, rather than need or lack

Through experiential learning, you can find out if you are able to attract a different reality for yourself. Go down the rabbit hole and discover truths. Find out if you start experiencing benefits such as greater happiness, reduced stress levels and more empowerment.

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Share Your Experience

Have you watched the movie, “The Secret” (you can watch a trailer when you click over) or “What the Bleep” yet?

Share about your journey. How has it been learning about and applying the Law of Attraction?

You can of course always read more about my journey in my downloadable book, Abundance Alchemy: Journey of Gold, here! It is also available in kindle – check it out!

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Hannah - April 23, 2012 Reply

Dear Evelyn
I just had to write and confirm what you are saying! I have been through a very hard and difficult time involving a court case with the father of my daughter. I have resurfaced out of an abusive relationship but have been left with very little self esteem, confidence and self belief. By magic I stumbled across your website. I started creating vision boards and using EFT techniques. I have used meditation for a year now but this time I focused on abundance. Within a matter of weeks I now have a new home to move to, I have met a lovely man through showing people around my home which may turn into something great I hope, I had the guts to take my daughter abroad on holiday (just the two of us) and today the Family Court have thrown the father’s case out for contact and shut the case down. I don’t know how it works but I am so happy! I feel I have turned a corner in my life and something great is happening here. Positivity breeds positivity. Thank you so much Evelyn! I’m with you all the way on this one!


Evelyn Reply:

Dear Hannah,

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your validation 🙂

You have just made my day by sharing your experiences with working on the tools, techniques and ideas (EFT, visioning and self-love) I have been talking about. I’m so happy that you have put them in action and managed to reap the benefits you are looking for.

It is true that positivity breeds positivity. There will be times when things turn challenging but we stick to having a positive outlook. Focusing on our blessings and abundance is a great way to keep our vibrations up.

Wishing you abundance, love, success and wellness always,


Julie | A Clear Sign - April 24, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Beautifully put. There is something about blogs that focus only on LOA that I tend to allow to get my goat, because from my POV I see there being so much to it than just LOA (like all of the other laws also at play). I have to agree with all of the points that you made here.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Julie,

There is indeed a lot more to the Law of Attraction. It is not just about wishing and manifesting what you desire.

The way I see it is that there is a lot of good that has come out from learning and trying to apply the Law of Attraction. I didn’t start with LOA, I actually started with learning EFT but it was really trying to apply the LOA that prompted me to start my site. In the process, I have discovered so much more.

I continue to learn more and more each day. What is great is that the more I share, the more inspired I become.

Love and abundance always,


rob white - April 24, 2012 Reply

I love your clarity and wisdom, Eveyln. So many folks are confounded by the Law of Attraction it is of tremendous benefit to be clear on what it is and is not. It’s popular today to say that the Law of Attraction will accommodate you if you take the time to visualize your dreams. Thinking this is all there is to succeeding is the beginning of delusion.

What I put out there has to come back; it’s simply the Law of Attraction in action. Perhaps it’s better understood as a matter of sowing and reaping. There are universal laws that are immutable, so it’s best to work with them.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rob,

Thank you for your lovely feedback!

I find that a lot of us have the tendency to brush things aside without proper investigation. We are not willing to be open to fresh inputs because we believe that we already know what there is to know. We do not separate facts from opinions. If we can just give ourselves the permission to question, to wonder and to ask, we will discover a lot more.

Oh yes, it is always better to work with natural laws than go against them. Life can be less of a struggle!

Love and abundance always,


The Vizier - April 24, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Misinformation can cause much confusion, obscuring the clarity we need to make the best choice about something. I enjoyed reading your 7 misconceptions about the law of attraction. Here are the thoughts that crossed my mind.

1. Law of Attraction is not Based on Science

While many people rely on science and logic to explain the world around us, a lot of things cannot be explained by science and logic. Yet these things which we cannot explain exist and happen anyway. It could be that science has not found a way to explain such things, but until it does, it would not be prudent to have a closed mind.

Yet for some people, no matter what kinds of proofs they are shown, they remain unconvinced. In such cases, they are simply not ready or willing to open their minds to things outside their comfort zones.

3. Law of Attraction Does Not Work

With so many advocates of Law of Attraction out there, it would seem a little foolish to say or assume that it does not work. Surely that many people cannot be wrong or misguided. As you rightly point out, whether we are aware of it or not, whether we believe in it or not, it happens. Since this is the case, it is best to flow with the the Law of Attraction than to work against it.

Thank you for sharing this lovely article!

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

I agree to what you have said. Just because science has no way of explaining a phenomena does not make it less true. Not everything is based on logic. We have to ask ourselves what our fears are when our assumptions are challenged. Wouldn’t it be better to evolve into the truth rather than be stuck in false beliefs?

If we work with the natural laws, we will find life more of a flow. There is hard work involved, but there is less resistance and we will find the universe in support of us as we work towards our dreams.

Love and abundance always,


MyrkoThum.com - April 25, 2012 Reply

I think many people are using the LoA intentionally without being aware of it. The main thing that I always wondered is: how much action is necessary and responsible for the results in the end?


Evelyn Reply:

You are right! A lot of people are using the Law of Attraction without awareness. It operates all the time. No one can “avoid” or “escape” it in a sense.

There is no way of measuring cause-results. But I believe in being positive – it is the paradigm I choose to adopt: Positivity attracts more positivity, love attracts more love and abundance consciousness attracts more prosperity.

Love and abundance always,


inner-outerbeauty.com - April 25, 2012 Reply

Just wanted to thank you for the great article about LOA. Of course it works, I have many, many great examples from it. I also, of course, have many examples when it didn´t work, depending on various things, mostly myself…


Evelyn Reply:

It is great that you have many examples. In my case, I don’t get all beautiful results too. Mostly, I have found that it is my own doubt and disbelief that is obstructing the way forward. And so I need to address these first, in order to attract a more positive outcome.

Love and abundance always,


J.D. Meier - April 30, 2012 Reply

I always like how you walk through your explanations.

> gratitude, thinking and feeling positive, self-discovery, being in flow, abundance consciousness and love
That is a firm foundation, and the beauty is they have proven themselves over time. Much of the world’s wisdom is shared in quotes that echo these truths.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello J.D,

Thank you for your affirmations. It is nice to know a like-minded friend.

To being in the flow, being in joy, loving unconditionally and so on,


Incorporating Visualization and the Law of Attraction Into Your Daily Life - May 3, 2012 Reply

[…] methods, your results are bound to come more quickly. Stick with it, and let me know how it's going!We know how important visualization is in being able to manifest what we desire using the Law of Att…things we desire.  This is a wonderful exercise, vitally important, and should be practiced […]

Tyson Russell - October 30, 2012 Reply

Great explanation Evelyn, law of attraction is for everyone who are willing to accept the being that they could be, some people just lack belief that they can achieve whatever they focus on. They miss out on the good things in life when they think negatively.


Don Allen - November 27, 2012 Reply

To anyone that feels learning how to use the law of attraction leads to greed I offer this quote:

“You can serve God and man in no more effective way than by getting rich; that is, if you get rich by the creative method and not by the competitive one.” – Wallace D. Wattles

It would stand to reason that anyone trying to manifest money for the sake of greed will not be successful. One of the principles we must follow is to be giving to receive.

What better way to show gratitude than by giving? How can you give unless you have the means?

Give your time, help out a food bank or volunteer at a local hospital. Guess what that will lead to if you give your time freely and from the heart.

More of EVERYTHING for you and those you serve!


saeid - December 18, 2012 Reply

hello Evelyn ,
hope you are well,
it’s Saeid, i’va a question ,can we determine a certain time for occuring our wanting ? or no we should let it to be occure itself ?

thnx in advance,


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Saeid,

There are generally two schools of thought. Some practitioners believe in stating a time frame as they think that it is important to be specific. Other practitioners feel that just by having a dateline creates stress and all kinds of internal disruptions.

You can try a balance of both; set a reasonable time frame rather than too much of a stretch and if any emotions come up, work to release them. It is best to experiment to see what works for you. Gradually as you become more proficient, you can set on tighter time frames.

All the best,


Parthasarathy - March 25, 2014 Reply

Hi Evelyn

Very nicely written. I recently attended a workshop and came to know about 68 seconds of pure thought principle. I have only one query,many a times in life, i could manifest things just by a couple of seconds, why is it mentioned by many coaches that it is 17 seconds?
I also noticed that whenever i am not exactly desiring a thing to happen, but randomly thinking about it, the event happens(like seeing a movie in TV which i was thinking the previous day). However, when i really focus on a specific thing like being more rich, it doesnot happen, why is it so?


Brenda - May 23, 2014 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
I can attest to this for a fact that the Law of Attraction indeed works. Let me first of all say that i grew in a humble background in a small village in Africa. Wearing shoes in that village was a luxury so you can understand when i say a humble village. As a young girl in the village i always had this visions in my head. I wanted to live in a big city, live in a sky crapper. Rub shoulders with the “who is who”. when i told people in the village my dreams, all they did was laugh. My ”fate” was to get married to some herdsman, be a good wife with many children and tend to my farm and garden. If i was lucky, id get married to a chief. As a 5th or 6th wife perhaps. One day i was walking in my neighborhood in Dubai and a flash crossed my brain. It looked like a deja vu. I was living in a beautiful most glamorous city in the world. My apartment was on the 29th floor, i worked for one of the biggest pharmaceutical company’s in the world, driving a porsche, rubbing shoulders with some of the richest most powerful persons in the world. I was living my dream….and then all of a sudden a huge fear engulfed me, what if i lose it all? Needless to say…the fear became so real. I lost it all. i recovered. Another example is that 7 months ago i lost it all. When i walked out of an abusive marriage, i lost my house, cars, property, friends, some family members, dignity name it. It was the lowest time of my life. But i held in my mind what i wanted. 7 months later i live in a gorgeous home, met a loving man who adores my son, i bought a beautiful car, i am starting my own company in a few months (im currently working for an equally great firm). I know the Secret. I wont stop here. I see myself talking and inspiring millions and millions of women across the world, a life coach and a great teacher. Sorry for the long long email. xx


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