
Be Afraid of Nothing, Act as if You Have Wings

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” ~ John Bingham

butterfly miracle

Be Afraid of Nothing, Act as if You Have Wings
written by Tess Marshall

It takes courage to overcome your fear and do great things.

Doing great things don’t always mean doing big things. Sharing your opinion, meeting somebody new, or driving to an unfamiliar city are relatively small steps that take courage. And they’re all great things.

If you want to overcome fear, begin with small steps.

If your habit is to talk a lot, begin to listen more. If you mostly eat the same foods, try something new and unusual.

If you want a career in public speaking, begin by introducing yourself to others and then initiate conversation.

Small steps have the power to break lifelong habits. It’s like dipping your toe to test the waters. You can slowly introduce scarier tasks as you realize that life only gets better outside your comfort zone.

You’ll soon discover, like everything else, that discomfort is temporary and bigger steps become easier.

When you choose to try new things and embrace change, you’ll meet new people. With new people come unexpected opportunities, amazing experiences and daring adventures.

Before I started my online business, I was very outgoing. My social life was active. I entertained a lot in my home. Now after several years of working from home, I’ve become socially shy and uncomfortable around new people.

In 2015, I’m going to accept social invitations even when I don’t feel like it. I’m coming out and I’m moving up! I’m going to do bold things and claim my power, genius and magic.

I’ve been inspired by Mary Oliver’s quote, “I want to think again of dangerous and noble things. I want to be light and frolicsome. I want to be improbably beautiful and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings.”

I invite you to try the following steps; act as if you have wings and do great things.

Drop your excuses. “I can’t.” “I’m too busy.” “I’m not smart enough.” “It’s too late.” “I don’t have enough support.” Instead believe, “I can find the time.” “I am intelligent.” “I can begin now with one small step.” “I’ll find the support I need.”

Do your best. People will notice. Go the extra mile for others. Create an intention to be of service. Remember why you are here and what your purpose is. Forget the superficial. Don’t get caught up in gossip, comparing and competition.

Follow successful people who are going your way. Read their books, take their courses. Pay attention to their choices, their actions and their systems. You don’t have to recreate the wheel. But you do have to be original and bring your own thoughts and ideas to fruition.

Listen to your intuition. Go deep. The more important the decision, the more time you take in making it. Most things aren’t life or death. Nobody what’s best for you better than you do. Connect with your inner wisdom. Your wisdom is bigger than your fear. Tap into it and use it.

Invest in a story telling class. It’s an intimidating activity, an exercise in overcoming your fear and allows you to increase your confidence and build your courage muscles. Speaking in front of a group forces you to take risks and reawaken your creative juices and overcome stage fright.

Commit to taking 100% responsibility for your own life. Witness your own behavior. If there is an area that you’re unhappy with, change it. If you need support, get it. Nobody owes you anything. Nobody is coming to your rescue. You’re the one you’ve been waiting for.

Realize that the most successful people have fears: Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates. Fear is a universal emotion. If they can shift their way out of fear and do great things, so can you. We’re all wired the same. We all have the power of choice. Be brave.

Start now. Don’t wait until the stars align. Find someone to love now. Make healthy choices now. Write your book now. Tell someone you care now. Find exercise you enjoy now. Replace a bad habit now. Suck the marrow out of life now.

Expect the best is yet to come. Each morning, tell yourself that message. Expect people to care about you, support and love you. Expect that you’ll succeed. How would you live each day if you really believed that your life will only get better? It will, as you’ll only get wiser.

About the Guest Author

Tess Marshall M.A. is founder of The Bold Life and personal development-industry entrepreneur. If you would like help overcoming your fear and living your dream check out her newest creation, the Unstoppable Courage Club.

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anna - January 8, 2015 Reply

Hi Tess
thanks for the inspiration i want to believe i can fly…though my ownthought and self-consciousness pulls me down
though I have overcome fear in many ways like reaching out talking and caring for others …i feel i’m just not doing enough in terms of speaking up sharing my views and feelings …im not very transparent or vulnerable …which makes me come across unreal :/
real want to live out Mary Oliver’s quote!


Tess The Bold Life Reply:

What if everyday you set an intention of becoming aware of when you don’t do these things. No judging yourself…just awareness. Then after a week of observing you begin to step forward at least once every couple of days and act courageously. Appreciate how far you’ve come and know that you can keep going!


Sandra Pawula - January 9, 2015 Reply

What a beautiful and inspiring title and theme to this article! Tess, the examples you’ve give of the small steps we can take to overcome fear are exquisite. They make it feel very doable! You’ve helped me see a whole new way to access courage! Thank you.


Tess The Bold Life - January 9, 2015 Reply


Thanks for the compliment. I think we’re bombarded with inspiration to do epic and great things. They’re all fine if that’s what one wants. However, I find the smaller things are often over looked and they are the ones that create permanent change and lead to bigger steps and eventually leaps.


Wariebi - January 9, 2015 Reply

All is well this year 2015 for us.


christopher - February 11, 2015 Reply

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” ~ John Bingham

I have never seen this quote before, i love it, so inspirational.
Started reading John Bingham now a very motivational quote.



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