
Heroes Of Healing: Neale Donald Walsch

Conversations With God
(Photo by Mufan96 on Flickr)

Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch was at a low point in his life when he decided to write a letter to God. He wanted to vent his frustrations. However, to his amazement, he received a response. What transpired after that were extraordinary answers to all his questions about life, beliefs, traditions, religion, family, sex and war, amongst others. His three books based on Conversations with God are in a Q&A format; very readable and yet profound in the answers contained within. Now translated into 34 languages, they have touched the lives of millions around the world.

Last week, Jenny Mannion contacted me about her Heroes of Healing project. She invited me to write about Neale Donald Walsch. I was honored by the invitation for I considered him and his books a source of deep inspiration and insights. So I agreed.

Conversations With God Video

There are a number of videos that you can watch on Youtube featuring Neale Donald Walsch. The one that I’m featuring is a movie trailer for his story on how he came to writing his books.

What I learned From Neale Donald Walsch (or God)

I started reading Neale’s books at a time when I was sincerely wishing to seek the truth. I was literally blown away by God’s answers. There were so much contained in three books that it would be impossible to condense everything here. Neither, do I wish my article to be reduced to a mere laundry list. So in my post today, I’m going to just focus on the top 3 things that have impacted me the most:

1) We are One

I experienced a paradigm shift, when I first read that essentially that We are all One. We are all One at Source; for we are all energy. The energy at Source chose to know itself through what it is not. Put simply, Source then divides itself, to incarnate on Earth, so that each part of itself (spirit) can know itself experientially.

“Physically is the only way to know itself conceptually”.
— Quote by Neale Donald Walsch

Then, in the physical Universe, we first have to experience the opposite in order to know the ultimate truth. Additionally, in knowing ourselves as Creators, we cannot experience our Selves as creators unless and until we create.

Essentially, god (our Creator) lives in us, as us, though us. But we have forgotten about this truth when we incarnate. In our human relationships, we see separation from one another. It is the separation that causes us to feel insecure, jealous, angry, envy, hate, and hurt.

As I started to reflect on it, I began to see less of a rift. I saw the beauty in others. I became less angry at the world and the people around me. I realized that if I see it in others, I would see it in myself too. I look for the common things that bind all of us together, rather than the differences that mark us apart.

Don’t get me wrong once again. I am not saying that I am now a saint or am enlightened. What I experienced was a positive shift in consciousness.

I also sought to heal myself from any illusions and limiting beliefs. I strongly agreed that healing ourselves was the first step in lifting collective consciousness and saving humanity. Problems like war, environmental issues, and politics on a larger scale can then be solved!

It is not the first time I discuss about Oneness on this blog. You can read more about it here on my previous posts on Planet of Dreams and Be One with The Spoons, when I demonstrated how I bend metal spoons to prove we are One in Energy.

2) We Create Our Own Reality

We are, more often than not, creating unconsciously. We do not take enough responsibility for what is happening around us. It is easy to pin point blame or judge external factors when things do not happen our way. Doing so further creates separation in us from others.

In reality, we create through our thoughts. What we fail to remember is that the world as it now stands, is a manifestation of humanity’s creation. We say that things are happening to us. Yet, it is really the case is that things are happening through us.

Thought is pure energy. It is creative. The energy of our thoughts does not die. What happens is that like energy attracts like energy, to group together into physical forms of matter.

“All that is required to know this. For you are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way than the way in which you think it will.”
— Quote by Neale Donald Walsch

What I also learned is that for manifestations, it is not a question of wanting or having. It is a question of Being. It is about a change in our state.

3) Purpose Of Life

Our life purpose is to give the God within us the opportunity to experience itself fully. Questions asked of oneself: Can I be loving? Can I be kind? Can I be caring, forgiving and compassionate? Can I be open and non-judgemental? Asking these questions in the experiencing of life – through its ups and downs, trials and tribulations, difficulties and lows – is an invitation for us to move to a “yes”.

Increased awareness has allowed me to constantly challenge myself in my thoughts, feelings and reactions, to what I am experiencing day-to-day. I may have my grievances and complaints but I always ask myself if it is possible if I can view life from a more loving lens. (Now you see why I am so keen on using the Enneagram as a tool that can lead me to spiritual wholeness!).

“The purpose of the human soul is to experience all of it – so that it can be all of it.”
— Quote by Neale Donald Walsch

In physical form, we are really here to remember, and re-create, Who We Are. You may then ask, How? Go by this axiom “If I do not go within, I go without” mentioned in the book. The way to know God (and to all abundance) is from within, not externally. In the search for divinity and in experiencing God, we will get to experience the ultimate truth and all that we have come here to know: Love.

“I am the wind which rustles in your hair. I am the sun which warms your body. I am the rain which dances in your face. I am the smell of flowers in the air, and I am the flowers which send their fragrance upward. I am the air which carries the fragrance.

I am the beginning of your first thought. I am the end of your last. I am the idea which sparked your most brilliant moment. I am the glory of its fulfillment. I am the feeling which fueled the most loving thing you ever did. I am the part of you which yearns for that feeling again and again.

Whatever works for you, whatever makes it happen – whether ritual, ceremony, demonstration, meditation, thought, song, word, or action it takes for you to ‘reconnect’ – do this.

Do this in remembrance of Me.”


1. Official Site for Conversations With God

2. Site to the Author Neale Donald Walsch

3. Conversations with God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1)

4. Conversations With God : An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 2)

5. Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialog, Vol. 3

6. The Complete Conversations with God (Boxed Set)

7. Conversations With God DVD

8. More articles on Heroes of Healing, featuring other inspirational teachers.

Share Your Insights

Have you read Conversations with God? If so, what is the single One message you feel has impacted you in your life?

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Neale Donald Walsch -- Hero of Healing | Heroes of Healing - October 9, 2008

[…] Neale Donald Walsch by Evelyn Lim of Attraction Mind Map […]

Jenny Mannion - October 9, 2008

Hi Evelyn, Wow! What a beautiful post! About 6 months ago I began to receive Neale Donald Walsch’s “What God wants you to know” to my email every day. It is the first thing I look forward to reading every morning and it never ceases to center me. I look forward to learning more about him — thank you for sharing all your insights as well as the resources for him. I am so grateful you decided to take part in the Heroes of Healing Group Writing Project! I love your writing and it means so much to me! 🙂 Thank you! Lots of Love, Jenny

Evelyn - October 9, 2008

Hi Jenny,

It is my pleasure to support you in your Heroes of Healing project. I had fun writing the post! I’m glad to know that you are as much inspired by the same person (or God) as me.

With much love,

PeaceLoveJoyBliss - October 9, 2008

Hi Evelyn, I’ve never read anything by N.D. Walsch, but I did watch one of his videos where he gave a talk to a small group on abundance. By his example, he showed his audience how attractive it is to be, to just be as you are, to be the way that comes most naturally to you: be the abundance you wish to see, whether that means being kind or loving or compassionate or ecstatic or serene or joyous or humorous. His message: whatever your key to abundance happens to be, let the doing and the having flow easily and effortlessly from your most natural state of being. And let us not forget this ancient pearl of wisdom: The way to do is to be – Lao Tzu

In the light of truth, for the love of truth,

Daniel Richard - October 9, 2008

Golly. I haven’t read the book before. But it sure looked really inspiring especially after watching the upcoming movie trailer based on his true life story.

Thanks for sharing Evelyn!

Evelyn - October 9, 2008

@Christopher, I’m surprised to learn that you’ve not read any of his books. I highly recommend that you read them! His books jumpstart my learning into New Age Spirituality. Those of my friends who read them gave his three books a thumbs up!

@Daniel, keep an open mind when you read his books. He does make a distinction between Religion and Spirituality. His books provided a lot of the answers to those who dare to question.

Caroline - October 9, 2008

The power of prayer is awesome. I just crated a new blog called zen prayers…it is a simple and quite place to go and pray. To be with your soul and God…

Thanks for this great post…again!!!

Dot - October 9, 2008

I read Walsch’s first book and found it interesting, but ultimately I couldn’t get past the idea that he thought he was talking with God, and there was no way to tell whether he was just imagining that.

Lance - October 9, 2008

What a wonderful article Evelyn! The concept of God living within us – is powerful. And something I haven’t really thought of much before. I tend to think of God as out there – someone I reach out to – but not necessarily within me. And when I think of it this was, that makes me want to be more loving, more giving, more caring. Knowing that I do this with God’s help, within me. Wow! It’s hard to feel as much anger, or remorse, or bad thoughts – when I think that God is really with me. And it makes so much sense. God is within us! What I do, I’ll do in remembrance of Him!

Thanks Evelyn (and Jenny) for sharing this story!

Marelisa - October 9, 2008

Hi Evelyn: I have all three of his books on “Conversations with God”, and I have a CD with music selected by Walsch (it’s very soothing). I loved his first book and felt it was full of profound insight. To tell you the truth, when I got to the third book it sounded more like Walsch’s own personal view of how the world should work, so I didn’t read that one. I still recommend his first book to people though, it’s very uplifting.

Harmony - October 9, 2008

From God’s point of view, nothing is a surprise. 🙂
Great post to offer in some destablizing times. Beautiful focus for creating the life you want. THANKS

Davina - October 9, 2008

Hi Evelyn. The beauty of understanding how we are all connected is even more reason to not play small, right? Imagine the possibilities! Enjoyed this!

Evelyn - October 9, 2008

@Dot, I never questioned if Neale was really talking to God or not. I just took the lessons. What he wrote was profound and made significant changes in the way I think and live.

@Lance, I’m also trying to get used to the idea that God is not an external “thing”. I think most of us grew up believing or knowing that God is outside of us rather than within us. Neale does make a clear distinction in the difference between Religion and Spirituality. It’s really important to keep an open mind to his books and teachings.

@Marelisa, hmm…interesting about what you said about the third book. I’d have to go back to read it thoroughly. I spent more time on his first two books. Yes..I enjoyed Neale’s books. I didn’t think I would but would now even recommend them to others.

Evelyn - October 9, 2008

@Harmony, it’s the case that there is so much fear out there, isn’t it? Thanks for liking my post!

@Davina, hmmm…”not play small”? Yipe! I didn’t think of it that way. The possibilities are endless no doubt. Well, it seems that I need to continue to work on moving beyond my limitations in thinking! Thanks!

Cath Lawson - October 9, 2008

Hi Evelyn – What an amazing contribution to the project – which reminds me, I better get my skates on, or Jenny will be kicking my butt.

I have heard of Neal before, but i haven’t read his stuff yet. I will definitely do so after your recommendation though, as I have enjoyed the things you’ve recommended to me before. And also – what you said about us all being one really resonates with me.

Kelly@SHE-POWER - October 9, 2008

Inspiring post, Evelyn. I read the first Conversations with God over 10 years ago now and it was an important book in my personal journey because I still had big issues at that time with the word “God”. I associated “God” with religion and there were a lot of things I didn’t like about religion. Neale Donald Walsh was probably the start of me learning to let go of my fear of “God” and religion and to more fully embrace my spiritual self.


Irene | Light Beckons - October 9, 2008

You know what Evelyn … I bought this trilogy a few months ago and they’re still sitting there on my book shelf, waiting to be read! So your sneak preview is kinda nice, and thank goodness you didn’t reveal too much. 😉

I’m currently in the Dr John Demartini phase when it comes to books – really good stuff there too. I’ve also just received Steve Pavlina’s book in the mail. I think I’m going to be busy again!

Evelyn - October 9, 2008

@Cath, if you have an open mind and I know you do, you’re gonna find Neale’s books awesome. Put them on your to-read list! His books changed a lot in the way I think.

@Kelly, it may be worth going back to his books to read over them. You may be surprised how much more willing and free you are in agreeing to and accepting his teachings.

@Irene, I know what you mean about having books that sit in the book shelf!! I’ve got a ton of them. For instance, I didn’t read the Enneagram book that I bought for one year. I honestly did not think I’d take to a personality profiling system. You know who recommended it to me? My dear friend, Siewfan, whom I introduced to you one to two months back.

I’d be interested to hear what you think about Conversations with God. Do let me know!

Vered - MomGrind - October 9, 2008

I haven’t read it, but I’m intrigued – especially by his ideas about life purpose. The questions you’ve listed are all very inspiring. Thank you for this post.

Evelyn - October 9, 2008

Vered, oh yes…go read at least Book One! You may find your life changing!

Asking the questions to myself has stopped me on my tracks in ranting, venting and complaining. It’s really about challenging & nudging myself gradually in a better way with every negative encounter. If I can say use a nicer word to comfort, or do a more inspiring action, then I’d have made an improvement in my self growth.

Love, light & truth,

Stacey / Create a Balance - October 10, 2008

This is such a lovely post. I have never heard of Neale Donald Walsch before and am now putting his books on my to-do list. Thank for you sharing these powerful words.

Tom Volkar / Delightful Work - October 10, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

His Book One still ranks in my top 10 favorites of all time. God explains complex topics with such startling clarity. I’d say that this book is a must read for any spiritual seeker. Thank you for this.

BC Doan - October 10, 2008

I have not yet read the books, which I’m intending to do so today, but I’ve watched the movie, and was moved by God’s mysterious hands.

This is a beautiful post! Thank you!

Evelyn - October 10, 2008

@Stacey, please do go ahead and put his books on your to-read list. You won’t regret it!

@Tom, thanks so much for backing me up on my recommendations here! You are right – Neale’s books are a must for any spiritual seeker.

I didn’t feel that motivated to write this post initially because I honestly thought that most people already knew about his books. Now I’m glad that I did.

Judging by the many comments posted here, it seems that there are many people who have not heard about him or read his books. It’ll be nice that those who haven’t already done so, pick Conversations with God to read this weekend!

@BC Doan, good for you! I always like action takers! If you’ve got the time, do come back to this post and share your feedback!

Dr. Cason - October 11, 2008

Wow- I have to bookmark this and come back. I am recently on a journey. Seeking and exploring the ways to find deep fulfillment. Not just for the achievement sake but really finding the joy is just being and doing.


Evelyn - October 12, 2008

Dr Carson, good for you in intending to explore ways for deep fulfillment.

In my personal search, I am guided by a quote by Buddha: “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” I’d like to encourage you to find and validate your own truths.

May you gain happiness – always!


Laurie - October 12, 2008

I agree that God is in us. I would be careful when reading Walsch’s material. He says things that contradict the Word of God. Just because something makes you feel spiritual, doesn’t mean it is really from God. You measure it by God’s Word. In this case, “Conversations with God” doesn’t pass the test. You may disagree with me and that’s ok but I felt like I needed to tell you to be careful.

Evelyn - October 12, 2008

Hi Laurie, I completely understand your sentiments. I take the good from the messages. I may be doubtful with all that is said but there is enough in the books that have helped me become a better person.

If you read my site, I also quote from Buddha and other spiritual masters. My measure is the relevance of each teaching to me and how much I can grow with it.

Love, light and truth,

Dot - October 12, 2008

“I never questioned if Neale was really talking to God or not. I just took the lessons. What he wrote was profound and made significant changes in the way I think and live.”

Good point.

Evelyn - October 12, 2008

Dot, it’s so sweet of you to post your response once again. Thanks so much!

Love, light and truth,

foongpc - October 17, 2008

Hi, first time reading your blog and commenting. I’m a big fan of Neale’s books. I read his first book Conversations With God Book a few years ago and was totally blown away! His subsequent books were all equally good, but the first book really made an impact on me. I like it when he said there’s nothing to learn, just remember. And we are all one. We create our own reality. All so deep and enlightening at the same time!

Gratitude, Gratitude and MORE Gratitude | Heal Pain Naturally - October 23, 2008

[…] Neale Donald Walsch by Evelyn Lim of Attraction Mind Map […]

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