
In Gratitude to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

“I have no regrets.
I have spent my life, so much of it, building up this country. There’s nothing more that I need to do.
At the end of the day, what have I got?
A successful Singapore.
What have I given up?
My life.”
– Mr Lee Kuan Yew

I was going to post my usual spin of articles on my blog. However, I had been feeling rather blue the whole morning. And so I thought I would share what’s been going on with me.

My tears flowed when I woke up and read the news. Singapore’s founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, had passed away at 3:18am. He was 91. He was the leader who guided us for 50 years since independence.

While many of us do not agree with all his autocratic ways and policies, I would like to celebrate his contributions. There is no doubt that he has done much for this nation. Singapore will not be where it is today without him playing a major role. I feel privileged to be born here. I am proud to be Singaporean.

Mr Lee Kuan Yew gave his life to the building of our lovely home. In particular, my parents saw the transformation of Singapore – from a small port into one of Asia’s most prosperous city. They supported him with their votes for many years. Even while there were many negative remarks against Mr Lee, they stood steadfast by him. My parents are going to miss him.

His decisions did not all go down well. However, as he said, he did what he could; based on the resources he had at that time.

“All I can say is, I did my best. This was the job I undertook, I did my best and I could not have done more in the circumstances. What people think of it, I have to leave to them. It is of no great consequence. What is of consequence is, I did my best.” Lee Kuan Yew

Mr Lee had lived passionately. His legacy will be remembered. He talked about living a life with no regrets. He certainly gave us food for thought about living with purpose. If we have not already started, perhaps it is time to begin reflecting on the higher meaning that we wish to give to our lives.

I thank him for his leadership, guidance and service.

I wish him much love.

Rest in peace, Mr Lee.

In gratitude and appreciation,

evelyn lim signature

P.S. I will be back next week with another inspired post 🙂

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