
How to Resolve Emotional Reasons for Cancer Prevention

Emotional Reasons for Cancer

Resolving accumulated negative emotions can prevent cancer or may even reduce its effects. Cancer invokes a lot of fear. It happens when the cells in your body divide in a way that is out of control. Many cancers form tumors, some of which can become life-threatening. Hence, it helps to understand early on what the emotional reasons behind it are. By knowing and understanding these factors, we can take preventative measures for cancer.

I’d like to reiterate that I am not a medical doctor nor profess to be an expert. However, I am happy to share the little that I know, so that those of you who are new to the information can have a starting point to finding out more.

“Ultimately healing is the result of a mystical act of surrender, an awakening that transcends any religion. It is an intimate dialogue of truth between the individual and divine.” Carolyn Myss

Emotional Reasons for Cancer

Long-standing Resentment Causing Cancer

According to Louise Hay who previously tabulated the metaphysical connection between our emotional/mental and the physical body, the probable emotional cause to cancer is deep secret resentment eating away at the self.

Resentment, in my opinion, can be a sign of under-the-radar seething anger. Where it is secretly harboured over time, it becomes toxic. Resentment stems from hurt that has been carried for a long time. Hurt with no outlet has to find a way of expression. It manifests in the form of tumors.

There is evidence that indicates a connection between resentment and cancer, and specifically breast cancer.

“Extremely low anger scores have been noted in numerous studies of patients with cancer. Such low scores suggest suppression, repression, or restraint of anger. There is evidence to show that suppressed anger can be a precursor to the development of cancer, and also a factor in its progression after diagnosis” [source]

“Extreme suppression of anger was the most commonly identified characteristic of 160 breast cancer patients who were given a detailed psychological interview and self-administered questionnaire” [source]

Resentment, while it may seem triggered by an external party or situation, can also become directed at the self. In short, you are actually pointing anger inwards. Anger tears down your auric field.

If you practice regular emotional or mental housekeeping, imbalances can be restored by your body’s natural healing ability.

However, resentment, anger or hurt accumulates to form emotional blockages when they are not resolved. Your chakras are the relays that are most susceptible to the forming of blockages. I found out that where the location of the cancer tumour is could also correspond to a major chakra that is blocked.

Generally, negative emotions tend to accumulate at the 7 major chakra centers as follows…
Emotional Reasons for Physical DiseasesHence, you may also wish to investigate if it could be something else that is causing you a disruption instead of resentment alone. You could also be leaking energy from more than one chakra at the same time.

In the past, medical professionals have viewed the notion of emotional trauma causing the onset of physical illnesses with a great deal skepticism. However, a medical specialty known as Psychoneuroimmunology is increasingly gaining prominence. Called PNI for short, this field deals with “the study of the interactions between psychological factors, the central nervous system, and immune function as modulated by the neuroendocrine system.” Many PNI studies validate how emotional imbalances lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.

A German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer, for one, has done many studies showing how humans create lesions in the brain and organs in situations of  shock and trauma. These lesions go on to creating cancerous tumors. CT scans also showed that concentric circle lesions often also form in a related organ at the same time as they appear in the brain. This is generally the organ that develops cancer.

How to Release Long-Standing Resentment and Other Emotions for Cancer

How do you release resentment and negative emotions that can potentially contribute to cancer-causing factors?

Here are some important steps to take.

1. Awareness.

Let’s say it is resentment that you need to resolve.

As resentment can be insidious, the first step is awareness.

You may not realize how much the anger you are having is bothering you. You may feel resentful to your parents, husband, children and relatives. You may have been feeling unappreciated, hurt and rejected. These are all related emotions. The events in your life may lead you to reaffirm the same beliefs that are triggering resentment in you.

Sit quietly and tune in. Find out if you are still harboring some resentment from the past. Engage in some healing meditation that brings about awareness. Become aware that the person that you hurt most is yourself when you hold on to anger or resentment.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Buddha

2. Let Love into Your Heart

Open your heart to love. Allow love to clear away the anger. Consider working on forgiveness, release and letting go of the past.

“Forgiveness, quite frankly, is the most selfish thing that you can do. Because it is the greatest thing that you can do for yourself.” Carolyn Myss

3. Change Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress.

Stress has been cited as a major contributor to the cause of cancer. Hence, find ways to reduce stress.

Exercising is one great way to work off steam. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins help to reduce your perception of pain.

Also, allocate time for rest and relaxation. Go on holidays and take frequent breaks. Spend time with your family and friends. Inject more laughter into your life 🙂

4. Increase Intake of Anti-oxidants.

Your body produces highly reactive molecules when it reacts with oxygen as you breathe and your cells produce energy. These molecules are known as free radicals. Free radicals can cause oxidative damage to proteins, membranes and genes.

Your body has the ability to produce antioxidants to counter the effects of oxidative damage. However, where it is exposed to excessive levels of toxins, your body’s ability to cope breaks down. Factors such as pollution, use of products containing toxic ingredients and consuming foods that are highly processed can play a part.

Oxidative damage has been implicated in the cause of many diseases, such as cancer. It also accelerates the body’s aging process. According to research studies, eating anti-oxidant rich foods such as tomatoes, broccoli and drinking green tea is going to help. Many of these foods are alkaline-based.

You can also add supplements that increase your anti-oxidant levels too. Here’s one that you should really consider: Ningxia Red. Ningxia Red is made from Goji berries, with anti-oxidant levels that far exceed other fruits and vegetables.

Ning Xia Red Information

ORAC-goji-berries-ningxia5. Use the Feelings Kit – Essential Oil Collection.

The feelings kit comprises of six essential oil blends formulated by Dr. Gary Young to promote emotional clearance and self-renewal. The Feelings Kit collection includes Valor, Harmony, Forgiveness, Inner Child, Release and Present Time. The blends of the essential oils are aptly named for what they are supposed to help in.

Would like to enjoy a 24% wholesale discount on the Feelings Kit? Here is the link to start an account. After placing an order, write to me for the 21-day protocol to be applied while using the Feelings Kit. The protocol involves setting intentions for chakra rebalancing and working on unresolved emotions.

6. Releasing Trauma Behind Physical Illnesses.

I highly recommend getting some inner work done, where there is deep trauma or in the case where a major disease has been diagnosed, getting some inner work done. For such situations, not just any usual tapping session will do. Where more adequate healing is needed, it warrants diving into traumas in the past.

Note that traumas do not need to be accidents or deaths to be qualified as major ones to work on. While they are important to address, the little traumas in the past could also work up to a cumulative negative effect.

A healing session typically involves going back to the past to release hidden emotional charges, change core beliefs and to reprogram a more empowering vision. If you are someone with phobias about developing cancer or other major illnesses, I suggest addressing your fears too. While there are no guarantees, having a positive future picture is going to increase your chances of manifesting a vision of wellness. Book a session with me here!

Heal the Emotional Causes and Reasons for Cancer Prevention

“Cancer is a word, not a sentence.” » John Diamon

Having great health is an important part of an abundant life.  As explained, toxins can build to a cumulative effective. Hence, take preventative measures now. You will be glad that you started today!

Don’t let cancer define you. If you are someone who is already ill, look into the emotional reasons behind your situation. You may discover answers that can lead to more complete healing and recovery.

Take care!

Love and Abundance Always,

Evelyn Lim

Abundance Alchemy Coach

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Elle - August 9, 2016 Reply

I’ve been a user of these essential oils for years Evelyn…it’s amazing how they have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Thanks for all these helpful tips in supporting our best health. 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Elle,

It’s great that you subscribe to the use of essential oils too. They are wonderful vibrational tools for emotional release and realignment.

Thank you for stopping by,


Debbie Hampton - August 9, 2016 Reply

Very useful information. I love Carolyn Myss. Her book “Why People Don’t Heal And How They Can” was a guide book for my recovery from brain injury. Learning that physical healing is always facilitated by emotional healing was key.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Debbie,

It’s great to know that Carolyn Myss has helped you in your recovery with her book. I love her work!



Sandra Pawula - August 10, 2016 Reply

These information about the connection between cancer and emotions is fascinating. I really liked the reminders that came forth from the chakra chart. Thanks for sharing these new medical insights and giving us such helpful solutions too. I’m a big advocate of awareness and stress-reduction as well.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Sandra,

Yes indeed, I find the info fascinating myself. I’m still learning a lot each day. The knowledge is helpful background info when I help my clients find out what their issues really are about.

With love,


Kacy Fletcher - August 10, 2016 Reply

This is a=such an great resource I remember an aunt sharing that repressed anger turned inward was a source of cancer and you have shared it again here. It’s worth letting go and collapsing for this.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Kacy,

Your aunt must be very insightful.

Definitely worth looking into for prevention and healing of major illnesses.

Thanks for stopping by,


Suzie Cheel - August 11, 2016 Reply

Yes Evelyn I totally agree about the connection between Cancer and emotions, so many women who get breast cancer are angry or suffer from low self esteem. Great article thank you


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