
7 Top Christmas Gift Ideas

It is an annual problem because you have run out of ideas. You have been wondering what Christmas gifts you should buy this year for your loved ones and friends. Although you are spoiled for choice, it can be hard to generate new ideas year-after-year.

Christmas Gift Ideas and Suggestions

Well, stretch your imagination a little. Gifts do not have to be physical. Consider giving from the goodness of your heart. And so I intend to use great gift suggestions by Oren Arnold, a published author, as a basis for my article…

“Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. “~ Oren Arnold

1. To Your Enemy, Forgiveness

If you have been blaming your enemy for your lack of success or downfall, consider practicing forgiveness. Not forgiving keeps you stuck in the past. Everyone deserves a second chance. After all, if you have made a mistake or an unwise action, you would want forgiveness too.

Forgiveness springs from the well of spiritual love. Forgiveness heals your wounds. For all you know, you are only the one who has been hurting. Your enemy has no awareness of the extent of the pain that he or she has inflicted upon you. There is no point for exacting revenge either. It creates a bigger rift between you and your enemy and causes you to experience separation from your true self. You won’t be any happier.

With forgiveness, you are being generous. You become one with the flow of divine love. It is an expansive state – one of inner abundance. When the vibrational state of your inner being shifts positively, you also tend to attract more love and abundance externally.

2. To An Opponent, Tolerance

Tolerance suggests a permissive attitude that you accept that someone else may have a different belief or opinion from you. Conflicts often arise when one party seeks to control the views of another. If tolerance is not practiced, it is possible that conflicts escalate to full-blown wars.

Admittedly, tolerance suggests some sort of resistance. It is after all, an act of enduring, which may therefore imply that you tolerate something against your will. I personally prefer the words harmony. You allow everyone the freedom to be different and because you value peace, you make harmony an important factor in the relationship with your opponent. You no longer see your opponent as someone who clashes with you. But someone with whom you can co-exist harmoniously with.

3. To a Friend, Your Heart

Love is what you can give to your friend. And so, you open your heart. You are in touch with your friend’s happiness and pain, joys and sorrows. You embrace your friend fully, even though there is a part of him or her that annoys and irritates you.

Your friend provides you with golden opportunities to align with your heart. Love keeps you inspired. When you are connected in the heart, you paint, draw or write poetry or sing, dance and laugh in the rain.

4. To a Customer, Service

When it comes to service, I cannot help but think of my friend, Angie. Angie is an investment adviser who provides excellent service. Not too long ago, she spent three hours with me, chatting about a wide range of topics from parenting to travel. And during the afternoon tea, I observed that she was in no hurry to push sales of her latest financial offering.

Angie admits to having her own personal struggles but tells me that she never lets them get to her. Her excellent service is probably what helped her afford her latest purchases – a new Mercedes Benz and a beach-front bungalow with a swimming pool. She works hard for her own success. Mind you, Angie is a single 30-something mother of two children.

When you provide service, you are saying that you care. You care that the customer is getting something of value from you. And you provide service with a genuine smile. You are happy to be of service. Not forgetting, service is what counts to the buying decisions of your customer.

5. To All, Charity

We usually think of charity as a monetary donation. But charity can also be the love currency that springs from your heart. It is loving-kindness for all. Your spirit brightens that of another in your giving and sharing. You can also consider dedicating prayer sessions for sending love to everyone this Christmas.

Charity is an act of benevolence. More specifically, charity to the community is to make a contribution for a worthy cause. You are compassionate towards those who are in worse off situations. There are many charitable organizations eg. children’s homes, that you can contribute to.

6. To Every Child, A Good Example

We are probably great at verbally teaching our children what good behavior mean. We make them sit through long lectures when they commit a mistake or have a bad habit. We do these because we have got good intentions. We care for their well-being. We may even be afraid that they will end up like us.

However the best way to really inspire them is to be role models ourselves. In short, practice what we preach. When we do so, we become congruent. Very importantly, our children would not gain the problem of getting confused over mixed messages. So, set a good example and the rest will follow.

7. To Yourself, Respect

Respect is a deep feeling of regard, esteem, reverence and honor. You value yourself as significant and worthy. You value your own dreams, hopes and aspirations. You do not put yourself down when you have self-respect.

Ultimately, you must first love yourself before you can cultivate respect. You need to stop treating yourself as your worst enemy. You cultivate healthy self-love from which respect grows. Check out my book, Self-Love Secrets, to learn the keys of loving yourself unconditionally.

Wrap Your Christmas Gift Ideas

Obviously, it will be great if you can practice all the above ideas the whole year round. Then again, we sometimes need an impetus or reason to get started. And Christmas is the perfect time to do this! Do consider the above Christmas gift ideas!

Alternatively, you may enjoy the tradition of giving a physical present. This does not mean that you cannot give something physical even while considering the suggestions in this article. You can make a card for your enemy, write a note to your opponent or give something symbolic to represent the loving essence of your gift.

For one thing, I know that my two girls are looking forward to receiving presents with beautiful ribbons and colored paper. I am not about to disappoint them. My presents (still a secret) will probably embody the value that I am hoping to impart.

I will be doing more Christmas shopping over the next few days. Do share. What are your best Christmas gift ideas?

Abundance always,

fbprofilemktg-2evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Final Note: Thank you to all those who have participated in my online “12 Days of Christmas Magic” Contest, held at Abundance Tapestry Facebook Page. The contest officially ends now. The winner to two books and one US$30 Amazon gift certificate will be notified by email.

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Jimmy - December 13, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Thronging our Singapore malls these last few weeks have been a challenge. From parking woes to long queues to pay for our food and shopping. We are truly and slowly becoming another Tokyo or Hong Kong. I wonder Xmas shopping is it like this in other cities?

With such crowd to content with, your seven suggested gifts not only warm the heart, but they do offer unique inspiration for those we are giving to.

I have always been a person who values gifts that will enrich my mind, soul and health. Not that I do not appreciate chocolates, flowers, soveneirs and such. But gifts like books and things I can use are so much more meaningful to me.

Merry Xmas my friend.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Jimmy,

Interestingly, many of my Singaporean friends are shopping overseas – particularly in the States. I have also been getting my shopping done by ordering stuff online and getting them shipped to a US address. It is true…Singapore is becoming an expensive city to stay in.

I am the same too. I appreciate receiving things that I need. I love flowers and perfume – but I would very much prefer a book or CD for self-improvement. I also do not like clutter and so the less souvenir items, the better.

Here’s wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season!

Abundance always,


Jessica The Gift Girl - December 13, 2011 Reply

This is an awesome list. My mind is totally reeling now with all the new ideas. Love it. Add some stuff from Knock Knock, and it’s like I wrote this listmyself. Thanks.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jessica,

Glad to know that you so enjoyed this list!! Oh yes, you can still make use of it with any physical gift.

Abundance always,


marc van der linden - December 13, 2011 Reply

Great idea’s, Evelyn,

I already have done some Christmas shopping and will have to do some more the coming days and during the weekend. It is indeed challenging to find a nice and great gift for everyone.

It is a wonderful idea to spice them up with your spiritual gifts idea’s in a form of a note, card or symbolic present 🙂

Thanks for sharing the idea


Evelyn Reply:

Hello marc,

Happy shopping! I have barely started shopping and will definitely be very busy in the coming days.

Glad that you like the idea!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season,


The Vizier - December 13, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Buying a gift is easy, but buying a meaningful gift can be difficult indeed. Yet it is true, all we need to do is to stretch our imagination a little and we might just find that perfect gift that our loved one needs or wants. Of the Christmas gift ideas you have brought up, the following stand out most for me.

1. To Your Enemy, Forgiveness

Not forgiving someone means we have to carry a grudge against them. A grudge is a double-edged sword that hurts us as much as it hurts our enemy. Sometimes it hurts us more. To see to the heart of the matter and to let go with forgiveness is a gift that both you and your enemy can enjoy this Christmas. It is a wise and meaningful gift.

6. To Every Child, A Good Example

Children carry the future of the world on their shoulders. It is important that we set a good example to them so that they will manage well after we are gone. At the end of the day, actions always speak louder than words so it is vital that we set a good example for children especially when they are at an impressionable age. You never know when something may inspire or scar them for life. Care should always be taken about how we behave.

For me, my Christmas gift idea would be something that the receiver would like and would hopefully improve their lives in some way.

Thank you for sharing this lovely article! 🙂

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about what I have written.

Indeed, a grudge is a double-edged sword that hurts both parties. It is not an easy thing to practice of course and maybe the hardest of this list.

As a parent, I speak from my own experience. There is a lot of dynamics involved when it comes to family. Having children can be very challenging. They “test” you in unexpected ways. More often than not, we need to go back to our own childhood ourselves to investigate into our own behavior towards the next generation.

Nonetheless, despite the challenges, it does not take away what you’ve also said. We need to be conscious about what we say or act in front of them. We still hold the awareness that it is the state of our inner being that drives our behavior.

Me too. Tops for me is giving a practical and meaningful present. Ideally, it must mean something to the receiver.

Shine from the soul,


ADEBAYO - December 13, 2011 Reply

Thank you very much Evelyn, The enumirated christmas gift ideas is the best gift that can be given by any empathy mentor like u. The testimonies will be enormous in the next few months.

Once again am very thankful.




Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Adebayo, for your kind comments. I am happy to know that you have enjoyed this list very much!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you!

With best wishes,


Bryan Thompson - December 14, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn, it can be tempting to look at your ideas as ‘easy’ to do. But they aren’t. Loving our enemies and forgiving them is perhaps one of the toughest things to do in life. Maybe this is why we see so much about forgiveness and love in our religious texts. There’s something to it, and it doesn’t come natural to us. But there’s a freedom in letting go of all that anger. It doesn’t mean we forget the pain, but we can forgive the person. Hope your Christmas is off to a great start!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Bryan,

Agreed that the list is not easy to do, especially if we continue to experience resistance inside us. The more we resist, the greater our inability to practice the values that can help put us in an expansive state.

Anger weighs us down. If only we can remember that. Once we can let it go, we tune into a sense of utter freedom. Awesome!

Happy Christmas to you too!

Abundance always,


Evita - December 14, 2011 Reply

I just LOVE this Evelyn! So creative, and so from the heart!
Better than any wrapped or packaged gift the way I see it. Naturally for kids, it is a different story and that is very sweet that you are fostering all this, while giving your girls some physical surprises too!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Evita,

Thank you for your lovely comments. I think the same too. If we can practice these values, it will be the best Christmas yet – not just for the receivers but for ourselves as well. Which reminds me that I better get going on planning the gifts for my two girls.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Joyous Holiday Season!

With love,


Jason Fonceca - December 15, 2011 Reply

Woo! I haven’t been by for a while, but as usual, fantastic stuff Evelyn!

I whole-heartedly agree with 6 of these 7, and I’d like to add:

8. To Those Whom May Judge You, Authentic Expression

So many people ‘hold back’ who they really are, and their true gifts, style, and uniqueness because they are afraid of judgment — but the entire world benefits the more authentic human beings we have 🙂

My one minor, super-minor, quibble is I’d replace “tolerance” which personally to me, feels loaded with resistance with “allowing” which feels more like utter and complete freedom + permission.

Rockin’ post, thank you!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Jason,

Thank you for stopping by. It is nice to see you again.

I enjoyed reading your contributions. The one on authentic expression is wonderful. Indeed, the more authentic we are, the more the world benefits overall. It is a rather beautiful process.

Replacing “Tolerance” with “Allowing” is a great suggestion!

A Merry Christmas and a Joyous Holiday Season to You!

Abundance always,


Jonathan Gaurano - December 15, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

I think the hardest thing to give this Christmas is “1. To Your Enemy, Forgiveness.” Because a lot of people think that forgiveness means forgetting… which is going to be hard because I cannot forgive. Also, I find it difficult to forgive my enemy when they don’t ask for forgiveness.

However, though I say all these negative things, I must be cautious of what I’m doing and cannot thank you enough for writing this blog post. It’s going to be hard as I try to figure out the best possible outlet to complete these 7 Christmas Ideas. I will try. Just don’t expect me to finish everything…


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jonathan,

Forgiveness to an enemy can sound rather difficult. We feel wronged. We want justice. We want our enemy to suffer as much as we have done. But that is all the ego talking. And in a way, it is the greatest gift if we can overcome our egos enough to practice forgivenesss.

I am sure that you can think of physical gifts to represent the qualities that you wish to convey. Check out gift shops and all the bargains that are happening around Christmas time! Also, don’t forget to wrap your presents with a note of something to explain what your gifts mean.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Joyous Holiday Season!

Abundance always,


PJ Zafra - December 15, 2011 Reply

Hey Evelyn,

Such a great post here. It goes to show that a gift does not always mean material object but something more valuable than that. Something that money cannot buy. I really loved reading this post. Thanks for sharing it! Keep it up! 🙂 These are 7 really good gifts that we can give without worrying if we can afford it.

The only question is: are we willing to give it?

I most definitely am.

Thanks again! 🙂


Lavelle Mcoy - December 17, 2011 Reply

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Ajen - December 22, 2011 Reply

What a great Christmas gift that you have shared with us… the gift of ideas!

My Christmas gift idea…

To the world, change: to be a person of creativity who seeks to be of service to those in my life. I pray that my actions along with others will bring about more love and kindness in the world. May this progressive infusion be the change agent.


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