
Affirm Universal Truths For Financial Abundance

(Photo by refracted moments on flickr)

Frederic, a reader to this blog, shared that embracing specific Truth statements can help in the healing of our physical bodies. He also said that the same concept applies to all areas of life i.e. relationships, finance, family, etc. On the blogosphere, I have been reading about how people are forced to make drastic cuts in their spendings, in the light of the recent financial turmoil. In the newspapers, I read headlines about pending wage cuts and retrenchments. Hence, I decided to interview Frederic to find out if there are Truth statements that we can use to improve our bank balance.

Evelyn: What Truth Statement can be used for those who are facing a hard time during the current financial crisis?

Frederic: The Truth: “Within me resides the energy that creates the heavens, moves the stars and makes my heart beat – the essence of Life. I am the creator of my reality, by the vision I have of myself of which the manifestation is the reflection. I am safe as God. The Universe loves and protects me. I am blessed to receive an abundance of love. I am blessed with the opportunity to love, share and earn money, according to the gift I offer which grows daily. God, the speck of the Universe within me, is abundance and I accept its harmony within me. I am one with it and I am grateful.”

Evelyn: The Truth Statement sounds like a positive affirmation. Saying it seems easy enough!! Are there any steps to follow that are behind this Truth Statement?

Frederic: Yes, there are. Here are the steps:
Step one: ENOUGH! For a condition to change, we have to truly want it. We have to have enough of the rut we feel stuck in and say “enough of this!”. You can express this using your own words (mine used to be very colorful sometimes :). After all what we speak of is a change of consciousness, the old you will not even feel like it was you. You have to want this.
Step Two: If we have done the research to fix a financial lack of knowledge and we have resistance to applying the principles, we are in self-sabotage. It means that we have blockages. These blockages are rooted in self-worth and self-esteem.

My afterthought: I suppose if you find that the Truth Statement not working, then you’d need to examine if you have issues in self esteem or if it is a lack of prudent financial management knowledge and skills.

Evelyn: What do we have to do after saying the Truth Statement?
Frederic: You have to do a breathing exercise. Breathing is the process to remove the emotions out of oneself. Please breathe meaningfully! Three times is a good number to start, keep going if you feel emotions coming up. Allow them to get out. Sigh, sigh,sigh.

Evelyn: What is the purpose of taking the three breaths and sighing?

Frederic: Our breath reflects the state of our consciousness. Inhaling or breathing in is to embrace Life, our life. Exhaling or breathing out is to remove tensions, toxins, fatigue and emotions. Our life starts with an inhalation and it ends with the release of tension through an exhalation. Breathing out in a form of a sigh is to release the hold that an emotion has on our body.

When we feel inspired, the accent is on the inhalation; and when we express emotions, the accent is on the breath going out, think of crying, being angry, screaming, laughing etc. When we want to heal our body, we have to remove the cause which is ALWAYS emotional and rooted in our perception of reality. Being meaningful about it is to embrace the process. It takes great courage to breathe freely and meaningfully.

The number of sighs depends on the person at the time. Imagine yourself a free being, shining of a golden glow, moving with ease and effortlessness with a contagious smile on your beautiful face. Imagine, really imagine yourself like the time when you fell in love, imagine… Now, how are you breathing (where is the accent) , you feel inspired and already you are there. In an instant you have become freer, your eyes are smiling and you are anew. Be meaningful about your breath so that you can be meaningful about your life.

Evelyn: Do we have to repeat the Truth Statement several times a day or is this a do-once-only thing?

Frederic: You can repeat the statement as often as you wish. It will only reinforce the true you.

Evelyn: According to the Truth Statement, we earn money according to the gift that we offer daily? Can you shed more light about what this gift is?

Frederic: Notice that when you are good at what you do and feel great about the service or product you offer, you are not affected by the economy. Do not be beggers, not when you have the ability to create abundance and your reality. What people seek is who you are more than just the product you sell (how many times did you turn away from a product because the person either didn’t walk the walk or just had an abrasive personality?). The better you feel, the more passion you will have and the greater will you be in demand.

Evelyn: It’s interesting that you link The Truth Statements to spiritual aspects. Can you share what general principles of spirituality underlie the making of these statements?

Frederic: When we speak Truth, it resonates within us. It is a sympathetic resonance. We are born free with amazing potential, which is our true nature. When we hear or see something that reminds us of our true nature we vibrate, in other words we feel inspired. We are inspired by what we already are even though it is not yet manifested. Truth is the revelation of our True and Natural way of being. It is affirming Who We Are.

A Note of Appreciation

Thanks, Frederic, for sharing more about embracing the Truths of Who We Are in order to lead a financially abundant life. For anyone who has a persistent health, financial or emotional issue, do consider writing to Frederic at Frederic-USA [at] bellsouth.net to ask for some pointers. I sure like his approach in healing any brokenness (a false premise) for just about any life aspect and to be Spiritually Whole again!

Although I am far from being in a dire financial position, I am going to use this statement to increase my abundance!! I’m of the belief that I can contribute more to the world, with money being a spiritual asset.

Your Feedback Please
Do you use any positive affirmations for money beliefs? Would you like to share them?

What are you doing to help yourself energetically and in staying positive, vis-a-vis the current financial-meltdown?

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J.D. Meier - December 11, 2008

I’m a fan of clarity. It’s easier to get where you’re going if you know where you want to go 😉

I think thinking on paper helps, as would voicing a Truth Statement. The more the merrier. If nothing else, you might spot some incongruence between your words, thoughts, feelings, and actions. I think it’s great when we have ourselves all lined up with what we want to accomplish.

Lance - December 11, 2008

I love your last line Evelyn – about money being a spiritual asset. I think when we look at money this way, in more spiritual terms, our focus is shifted to what is “right” about money – and the good it can do.

The idea of breathing fits well with where I’m at currently – in the process of meditation. I will work to incorporate some of these concepts, the Truth statements into morning meditative sessions. What I like about this is the idea that as we continue to repeat the Truth statement – it begins to manifest itself in us – and I do believe that it will. Which brings up another point – the idea that I think we really need to believe in what we are saying here. And if we do, and really let it encompass our being – it CAN happen!

James Gilmore - December 11, 2008

Thanks Evelyn and Frederic
Excellent decree and dialogue. I will share this with a 5 thousand people in the next day or so.
If Frederic has any books,courses,retreats or workshops he does please inform me.
Blessings of the Highest Order to you both.

LifeMadeGreat | Juliet - December 11, 2008


Very interesting. I am very much in favour of affirmations.

I think that it is important to have some affirmations and positive thoughts to eaily access when one is feeling negative. The more one feels negative emotions, the more one is drawn into that space. Change in thought leads to change in outlook.

Negative emotions are probably a good cue to practice the Truth Statement.

Thank you Evelyn for the interesting topics.


Evelyn - December 11, 2008

@J.D. Meier, I second the idea of writing our thoughts down. I’ve often spotted the parts that I have no complete understanding. Writing definitely helps me clarify my intentions better.

@Lance, it’s wonderful that you find this post useful and have the intention of incorporating it into your daily routine!! Do share with us your findings from using the Truth statement!

Evelyn - December 11, 2008

@James, thanks for the excellent offer! One of us will be in touch with you via email soon!

@Juliet, how true about being easily drawn into the vortex of negative emotions!! It may seem awkward at first to say the Truth statement, especially if one is already negative, but I’d say to give it some time & an open mind to work its magic!!

Mary Madeline - December 11, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

Thank you both for sharing! Like the truth statement and will make it my daily saying.

For me, when I make an affirmation, I say it out loud and within myself, while paying attention to my body, emotions, thoughts, memories. If there are any discord coming up, I know I have a blockage(s).

Sometimes I change my affirmation to afformation; ex. “I am wealthy” (the subconscious mind will be working for proof & it will say back something like; no I am not, I don’t see it in my bank account etc.) When changing it to a question “Why am I so wealthy”? The mind is working on a different note. We all ask ourselves questions during the day, but most of them are negative (why didn’t I do that?, why did I say that?, why didn’t I remember that? etc) Some can be very judgmental. Try it and see the difference in your heart center and body.

Another one that I have found useful for me is to use:
I allow myself……
I give myself permission…..
I choose……..
I love how it feels when…..
I’ve decided……
I love the idea of……
I love seeing myself…….
What if……..
I am in the process of……(learning how to be rich and wealthy in all areas in my life) OR
I am in the process of attracting all that I need to do, know or have to attract my ideal financial situation. etc.

This way, to me, my affirmation doesn’t take this big leap that my mind can’t handle at times,( when you put it present time). Like Abraham says, coax yourself from low vibration to the higher one, by “gently” changing your words.

JD Meyer: “I think thinking on paper helps” – this one has helped me many times as well. Another twist is to write down the “bad” things and then on another paper (or if you divide the paper in half) flip it 180° and write how you want(ed) it to happen. Ex. “The creditors called and I didn’t have an answer for them. They were rude and threatened me” FLIP: “I called the creditor and paid the full balance. I felt joy and relief.”

Everything above I have learned from different teachers in the field; Abraham, Joe Vitale, Velma Gallant, Noah St. John, Michael Losier + many more.

Thank you everyone for reading & letting me share this with you.

In Love & Light,

M. Madeline

Vincent - December 11, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

This is an article packed with useful information. I enjoyed your dialogue with Frederic and both of you really open up my eyes with the information you both have. I am wondering where do you pick up all the techniques of attracting abundance? Is it through courses or books? I am really interested to find out more about these.

Personal Development Blogger

Dot - December 12, 2008

I have to admit, when it comes to money, my affirmation sounds more like this — “My parents were poor, I grew up poor, and most likely, I’ll always be poor.” Hard to believe that just changing my beliefs will change my income.

Vered - MomGrind - December 12, 2008

You asked “What are you doing to help yourself energetically and in staying positive, vis-a-vis the current financial-meltdown?”

My answer: I remind myself that after every recession comes a boom. Every bear market is followed by a bull market. I am being patient, staying calm and looking forward to the next bull market.

Julie - December 12, 2008

First, thank you both so much. Evelyn, I really appreciate everything you offer us. Frederick, what a gem you are to be so generous and loving, helping us all.

To answer your question, I’m ALWAYS hopeful. I don’t see any point to the alternative. Also, I remind myself: that all the wealth of the world is still “out there,” that the media fosters fear by sensationalizing things; there’s still much good out there, but the media is choosing not to share it; that to be less than hopeful is detrimental to my peace of mind. 🙂

chris - December 12, 2008

“Notice that when you are good at what you do and feel great about the service or product you offer, you are not affected by the economy.”

I find this to be so true with people that I know and myself at times.

Frederic - December 12, 2008

Thank you all for sharing with us. This is about creating a world made of individuals who have self-ownership over their lives.

When you are free, true to your TRUE nature your talent will be evident to you and it will feel natural to do it. You will then know things that are not from books. Within us is the source of all knowledge, the challenge is to be quiet long enough to hear it. TRUST yourself there is a lot more than what you do…

You are not your parents. You are just the sum of what they taught you, unless you WANT MORE. You know that you are more, a part of you is driven to become free but still feel as if you are held back. These are emotions that do not belong to you anymore. Remember; we speak the word that defines us. SPEAK THE TRUTH long enough and BREATHE them you will be a different person. I believe in you.

The economy is made of individual’s trend and their perceptions of reality. Many of them becomes a movement and a big word (i.e: economy). This is about owning ourselves and not being owned by others or by any forms of “authority”. We are applying ourselves to be better, freer, more fulfilled, give more and receive freely and to improve our world. All this by believing in something greater than ourselves yet withing each of our heart beat. We are pro-active instead of waiting for others to change the trends. As is your declaration to wait for the trend to change, mine is to change it by reminding us of who we are and of our ability to touch the sky (litereally and figuratively), and to take a few with me to experience this. Yet you are totally right the market will come back up as it reflects the inner drive of our true essence: we will keep growing no matter what, and will never give up, NEVER.

Julie and Chris:
Thank you for your testimonials.

Tom Volkar / Delightful Work - December 12, 2008

I really believe that we are at choice whether the global economic challenges actually affect us locally. Basically we set the tone for what flows our way and we attract it by the confidence we express. I’ve heard from many abundance teachings the importance of full deep breaths. It makes sense and I do it.

Suzie Cheel - December 12, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I use and would recommend adding EFT to work on My financial abundance. Have put one of Brad Yates Taps on my blog to remind me too.

Thanks for asking the questions

Evelyn - December 12, 2008

@Mary Madeline, thanks for taking the time to share what you use for affirmations. I’ve heard about afformations but have not applied them enough to know if they really work. It’s great that you’ve gathered a wealth of resources from very good experts and coaches.

@Tom, I’d agree with you that it does boil down to a choice how we allow external events to affect how we feel. When we allow ourselves to feel negatively, it is obvious that we are not going to be attracting very good situations to ourselves. It is a cycle that we put ourselves in. Glad to know that you are practicing the deep breaths. I need to do these more!

Davina - December 12, 2008

Hi Evelyn. I believe that positive affirmations work, if they are used consistently. That is my challenge… to not forget them, or fall of the wagon so to speak. I’m trusting as much as I can that this is a temporary phase as we’ve seen throughout history; that things will turn around.

Evelyn - December 12, 2008

@Suzie, it’s nice that you also recommend using EFT. It’s great that we are exploring healing modalities to help us realize our Wholeness.

@Davina, it is my challenge too!! I’ve got the poor excuse of having a lot of things on my plate that I forget to say my daily affirmations!!

Have you read Frederic’s reply to Vered? While we allow ourselves to be filled with hope of a financial turnaround, we serve ourselves best when we start to know Who We Are right now!

Maya - December 12, 2008

Hi evelyn,

Being positive certainly helps! I always think of it as “if I do well now, imagine how well I will do when things start to get better with the economy” – I tell myself just that and then focus on working hard now.

It seems to be working so far 🙂

Wenny Yap - December 12, 2008

Hi Evelyn
I am using my new found hobby, blogging on a topic that’s close to my heart, the Law of Attraction, to keep me energised and stay positive, irrespective of the economic situation.

I am still on the learning curve on the Law of Attraction. What I’ve learnt so far is that I need to identify my true self, appreciate whatever I already have and rewire my subconscious mind to think positively and feel good before I can achieve all the abundance I desire. Basically, I refused to be bogged down with all the negativity of the financial downturn. Good or bad, I believe it is our own choice, how we want to face it. My organisation had not been doing well for years but I just continue to maintain confidence in my employer and work on myself to sent out the good vibes. As it goes, the Universe will return the same to me. So far, it has ensured I receive my paychecks every month albeit very late at times.

I agree with Frederic on the usefulness of breathing. It helps us to calm down and concentrate on healing. I find that Frederic’s healing method emphasised alot on TLC (tender loving care) on our mind and body. Just to update you, the pain on my toes is practically unnoticeable now, thanks to Frederic’s advice. At first, I was contemplating to cancel my doctor’s appointment for tomorrow but I guess I’m just curious to hear what the doctor’s diagnosis of the pain I had earlier.

Frederic - December 13, 2008

Wenny Yap:

Congratulation, you have proven the law of attraction and cause and effect to yourself. You made my heart sing “happy for you.” Apply this to anything else you wish as long as the intention is in harmony with your true self, you will see amazing results. Yes, do see the doctor and share your improvement. Remember that regardless of his “good intentions” his approach is based on who he is in relation to what he knows. You know better, he doesn’t. When I was twelve my mom set up a physical. I was asking the doctor a lot of questions one of which was” how low can I lower my heart beat ?” He said it was impossible to do that as the heart has its own nervous system. I said “not true, listen” with his stetoscope on my chest I dropped it in a few seconds. The more it slowed the more his face was contorting. To say the least he was perplexed. When I walked out I realized I knew something about myself he didn’t. Walk out of his office tomorrow with the same smile I had that day. Wenny Yap, beautiful achievement. Thank you for sharing as it will inspire others to have self-ownership as well.

Cath Lawson - December 13, 2008

Thanks Evelyn and Frederick – This is just the kind of info I need write now. I realise, after reading this, that it will also help a lot if I have more confidence in my own abilities. As Frederick says – it is you folk are buying – not just the product.

Lately I haven’t been feeling as confident. This happens every time I change career paths – you’d think I’d be better at it by now.

Evelyn - December 13, 2008

@Maya, I’m so glad that you’ve decided that the way to go is by just being positive right now!! Glad that it is working so far!

@Wendy, let us know what happens from your visit to the doctor, okay?

@Cath, when we make a change in our course direction, it always helps to have some encouragement. Change is not easy. But it gets easier if we embrace rather than resist the process. You’ll get there some day, like all of us will!! It’s only a matter of time! The more confident you are, the faster it’s going to be!! Glad that Frederic and myself can be of service to you today *smile*

Wenny Yap - December 13, 2008

Hi Evelyn & Federic

I felt a little ridiculous this morning while waiting for my turn to see the doctor. As I didn’t have anymore pain, I assumed the doctor would probably think I’m nuts coming to him when I’ve got no problem. Anyway, when my turn came, I slowly described the pain and the severity, and then how it had somehow disappear after I’ve applied Federic’s TLC method on my bunions.

Being a specialist surgeon in orthopaedic, he seemed familiar with my problem and in fact managed to trace it again on my right toe. The pain was only mild now.
He explained that it was just an inflammation on the nerve due probably to an accidental contusion. He prescribed some inflammatory medication for 3 weeks and assured that there is nothing to worry about.

The doctor didn’t know what he didn’t know but as I know what I already know, I believe I have made his job less complicated. I believe the state of our body does depend on the state of our mind. Therefore, we don’t need to wait until we have some problem. It would be advantageous to just practise Frederic’s approach for our general wellbeing. I, for sure, will continue with his approach.

However, just a small reminder, this should not be adopted singularly but be continued as a complement to modern medicine when dealing with more serious or critical health problems.

Marelisa - December 14, 2008

Hi Evelyn, Hi Frederic: It’s interesting how money is tied to our feelings of self-worth in terms of the value we provide others. So really we need to increase the value we offer to others and appreciate ourselves more, both of which are under our control (as opposed to the general state of the economy which we can do absolutely nothing about).

Liara Covert - December 14, 2008

To reconnect with your heart and a warm spirit gives you an enormous advantage. Abundance is a state of mind. What you need, you always have. Many people spend their lives chasing what thye think they need and miss the truth.

Squawkfox - December 14, 2008

You asked, “Do you use any positive affirmations for money beliefs?”

I save a percentage of every pay and invest a portion in index funds and ETFs. It’s simple. I ignore the markets, as they will always go up and down. 😀

Robin - December 14, 2008

Hi there Evelyn – I really enjoyed reading this, and was interested Frederick included breathing as part of the process. And I especially liked his “Notice that when you are good at what you do and feel great about the service or product you offer, you are not affected by the economy.”.


Evelyn - December 14, 2008

@Wendy, I’m so glad to know that your toe is already feeling better. It is amazing that all you’ve done is to follow the instructions used for my knee by Frederic.

There is no doubt that the most appropriate type of healing method is to be applied to a specific circumstance. It’s not always about only using western medicine. In a lot of cases, alternative healing may be all that is needed!! In others, some surgical intervention may be warranted.

@Marelisa, most definitely!! We work on what we can control!!

@Liara, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree totally!

@Squawkfox, great strategy! We can learn a lot from you!

@Robin, I’m glad to know that you like this post and have found it useful!

Jannie - December 15, 2008

Thsi is just an amazingly uplifting post, thank you!

“When you are good at what you do and feel great about the service or product you offer, you are not affected by the economy” THAT IS SOO TRUE!

I feel so good now.

Carla - December 15, 2008

For me, its feeling gratitude. When I am grateful for what I have no matter how seeming small it is, it really helps my perspective and I feel more open to abundance.

All of my friends who enjoy their business/job, are not affected by the economy. Interesting!

sjack - December 20, 2008

this is the only time of year that we look backward and forward at the same time! we think about our life and where we are in our growth, in our happiness, in our family, our financial achievements, spiritual balance….but do we ever plan our life?? i mean really create a plan and follow it?? we all followed a plan for school, for buying a car, for going on a trip, there is a method we follow to succeed in the areas of our life that are important to us, so why don’t we plan the most important most obvious reason we are here…which is OUR LIFE!!! we just randomly blunder through each day without a clear path to get to where we want to go…check out this ebook, i am giving it to family & friends for the new year, titled designing best year ever http://www.successonlinetools.com/bestyearever/

LifeSuccessMission - January 28, 2009

Affirmations for money succeed only when you involve your emotions.

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