Category Archives for "Intention-Manifestation"

Pure intention and visualization tips and techniques for successful manifestations!

Cinderella And The Story About Attracting Abundance

Once upon a time, in a magical land far far away, there lived a young maiden, who lived with her stepmother and two ugly stepsisters. They were horrible to her, piling her with loads of housework, making her work near the cinders and eventually calling her “Cinderella”.

Cinderella's Vision Board

Cinderella dreamed of a life of abundance. She dreamed of riches, beautiful gowns and the man who would save her from her wretched life. Nevertheless, every once in a while, she could not help but focused on her rags, her miserable room in the attic and her lack to abundance. She could not help feeling envious about the pretty dresses and the magnificent finery that her stepsisters wore.

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Healing Cancer With The Silva Method

It was meant to be a time of connecting with old friends during Chinese New Year but nothing quite prepare me yesterday for the sight of a friend whom I have not seen in about two years. Kay was actually an ex-colleague of my husband. Previously in remission, his cancer is now in full force again.

He looked gaunt and did not bother to get up from the bed in his bedroom. Definitely not the person I remembered him to be – a pretty big guy with a slight tummy. He spotted a bald top yesterday; his hair must have fallen with all the chemotherapy that he was going through.

I have not known him well and was admittedly at a loss of words, because I had not expected to see him in this state. We were visiting a relative who stays in his neighbourhood and although it was not planned, we had decided to drop by Kay’s home.

Kay was finding the pain on his nerves unbearable and had to take morphine every 4 hours. I could see that he was in mental torture as the pain was intense moment to moment while we were there.

My husband tried to distract him from his pain with stories from work. (We have learnt previously that when we visit someone who is sick, it is far better to tell jokes or entertaining stories. The last you want is for your sick friend or relative to be focusing on his suffering when you ask him one too many question about how he is feeling. In answering you, it is likely he will be talking about his depression or how sick he is. But what you want for him is not to be thinking negative thoughts or to exude negative vibrations. )

Although I have hardly spoken to Kay previously, as he was more like an acquaintance, I decided to help him from afar. There was no opportunity to tell him yesterday about self healing as he was in too much pain to be interested in anything new.

So before I went to bed last night, I recalled what I knew about healing using the Silva Method. One of the techniques taught was how to perform healing for anyone in pain, whether physically or mentally. The technique involved a mental screen procedure.

In the alpha meditative state, I brought an image of Kay into my mind. I acknowledged that he was in great pain and proceeded to send him an energy of love throughout his body. For his pain, I “massaged” his lower back and spine. I did this for a long time. In the final screen, I visualized Kay as his old self, with his tummy back, smiling and free from pain. The organs in his body are whole and perfect.

Whether healing can happen or not will also depend on Kay’s desire and determination to fight his cancer. Nevertheless , I will do what I can by continuing to send him positive energy everyday. Hopefully, he can be free of his pain and suffering soon.

My guess is that all his previously well thought-out plans for his career are no longer as important to him as the battle that he has now. I’ve been thoughtful ever since visiting him yesterday. To be in good health is also to be in abundance. Let’s not forget that by taking it for granted!

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Gain Ideas And Inspiration From Your Creative Mind

Do you find that your best ideas always come from “out of nowhere”?

Well, the good news is that it need not be a case of mere coincidence that you get struck by a bright idea.

Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of “Think and Grow Rich” believed that the human mind was capable of tapping into universal fields of intelligence to access ideas and inspiration.

Napoleon Hill observed that….

The great artists, writers, musicians and poets became great because they acquire the habit of relying upon the still, small voice that speaks from within, through the faculty of creative imagination. It is a fact well known to people who have keen imaginations that their best ideas come through so-called “hunches”.

Napolean Hill shared about how one inventor from Maryland, the late Dr. Elmer R. Gates, came up with over 200 patents. Gates would sit in his soundproof laboratory holding a pad of writing paper and shut off the lights. In the dark, he would ponder on the known factors of the invention on which he was working for hours. He remained in the same position until ideas began to “flash” into his mind.

On one occasion, ideas came so fast to Gates that he was forced to write for almost three hours. When the thoughts stopped flowing, he proceeded to examine what he has written. He realised that they contained a minute description of principles, with no parallel among the known data of the scientific world. What was amazing was that the answer to his problem was intelligently presented in those notes.

Naaaaahhh? Don’t believe? Think that he is an exception?

Let me quote you another two examples.

The greatest inventor of our time, Thomas Alva Edison, used a similar technique and he apparantly did it through sleeping. Edison was awarded 1368 distinct patents and invented, the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the film projector, and the first motion picture. Edison had a secret – he would always take frequent naps in the middle of the day. Edison was known to have said, “Ideas come from space. Well, it is likely that he came up with several ideas while at the alpha state.

Then, there is Richard Bach, the author to the best selling book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull. He revealed in an interview in 1972, that he wrote two-thirds of the book in a dream-like state.

And there are plenty more testimonials provided by graduates from The Silva Method. In the Silva Method program, you are also taught how to use dreams to get answers to the problem that you are seeking for. At the alpha and theta level, you are tapping into sources of knowledge not available at the waking level. Ideas won’t just be coming to you by mere coincidences but because you programmed for them.

Knowing that the answers can possibly come from within has been a helpful insight to me. Previously, I have always tried to analyse problems logically. However, there have been times when I got frustrated because I could not come up with something viable. I would then try my best to force out a solution and hope for the best.

I am no genius yet – unlike Thomas Edison, Dr Gates or Richard Bach. However, through their examples, I have learnt that there is another way of getting ideas and inspiration and definitely a far better one. I learnt now that it is best not to hold on too tightly to a problem. The best ideas come from the creative or subconscious mind, which I am learning to tap more from.

I’m also hoping to teach these concepts to my kids. Min, in particular, has been producing beautiful art work. It is highly apparent that she is creative. I hope to be able to teach her to access her creative mind not just for doing art but for a whole range of practical life issues.

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Accessing The Alpha State

I personally had the most amazing discovery about accessing my subconscious mind just 2 nights ago. Although I’ve not finished the book on The Silva Method, I could not wait any longer. I decided to put what I’ve read so far to use.

I sat down to meditate. With counting backwards from 100 to 0, to my amazement, I reached the alpha state (the state between sleeping and waking). I recognised it immediately as the same state I was in when I tried hypnosis some weeks back. I would have been happy to be in this peaceful state. But I’ve read far enough in the Silva Method book to know what mind control can do.

With great reluctance, I forced myself to move from the peaceful state to visualize what my current lifestyle is and what I would like it to be, using the techniques as taught from the book. It was truly an amazing experience, one that is peaceful and at the same time, filled with images of joy and hope. The feeling was overwhelming: a happy family with my two beautiful girls, having personal freedom and at the same time, enjoying a life of abundance.

After coming out from the alpha state, the lessons from the Silva Method became clear to me. It dawned on me that I’ve not been practising positive visualization in the best way possible since watching the “Secret” movie. While I had tried to visualize what I wanted, I was only doing it at the beta state (the waking state). As the Silva method clearly demonstrated, much more can be achieved in the alpha state. It is the state where your mind is clear and receptive to information. Accessing this state can help remove negative thoughts and beliefs and empower you with new positive ones.

I’m embarking on this experiment. It will be interesting to find out a couple of years from now, whether what I’m visualizing comes true.

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Using Mental Pictures For Visualisation

For the law of attraction to work better, it helps to form a mental picture in your mind of what you want. Mental pictures are powerful and leave a stronger imprint in your subconscious mind Also, it makes it easier to connect emotionally when you have a mental picture.

So if you are hoping to be a great public speaker, then form a mental picture that you are up on stage, speaking with confidence. Imagine that as you speak, your audience are filled with positive thoughts like the feeling of being moved by your words or an empowering feeling. Next imagine at the end of your speech, your audience gave you a standing ovation. Feel their love, support and admiration for you.

If you have a problem with visualising this mental picture, there are two simple exercises that you can do to achieve this:

1) You can physically draw out the picture.

Or 2) You can also cut out pictures from magazines for a visual representation of what you want and stick them onto a large piece of paper.

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