Category Archives for "Self Help"

Tools and techniques for self help

Blocks To The Law Of Attraction: Worry

Worry is a stream of negative thinking I know very well because I had lived with it all my life. Until recently, I did not realize that the presence of worry is not helpful for the Law of Attraction to work positively. After becoming more aware about my mental suffering from excessive worry, I observed that many of my friends suffering from the same. Worry can be over anything from health to money and at every stage of our lives.

I had worried about almost every little thing previously. I worried about how I would fare in my exams, when I was in school. Then, I worried about my career prospects, when I started working. I worried about not being able to find the person with whom I could share my life with, when I was single. When I got married and had kids, I started worrying about and for them. I also worried whether I would have enough funds to send my kids abroad for studies. I worried about not having enough money to retire.

My mind had chosen to ignore the fact I was already blessed in many ways but was constantly focused on what I did not have. The central theme running through most of my thoughts was worry about not going to have enough. I was undeniably miserable with having negative thoughts. My constant worries easily caused me plenty of sleepless nights many times before.

Does my life story sound familiar to yours?

Although you may argue that it is human nature to worry, you do not have to live in this state either. A good news to share is that you can do something about it.

An untrained mind tends to be preoccupied with thoughts of worry and it is important to realize that you can train it for more positivity. If you want the Law of Attraction to work in your favor, then you have to control what is going on inside your mind.

When you dwell too much on worry, you are in fact not confident that The Universe will give you what you want. You suspect that you may not get all that you seek. Worry is a negative thought. The Universe “hears” what you are saying. You put yourself in the position of attracting negative energy. This is the Law Of Attraction. You have to be aware that your thoughts can be brought into physical reality and come to past.

Hence, spend time training your mind to focus on the positive. Better yet, when it is focused on being in the present, it will invariably be blissful.

The secret of happy and successful living lies in doing what can be done now. You cannot go back into the past to undo the things you have done; neither can you anticipate everything that may happen as conditions are always in a flux and ever changing. This reminds me of a saying that I came to know when I started work at Citibank some years ago “Change is always constant”.

Kalidasa, a great Indian poet and playwright, wrote the following lines in Sanskrit on the truth of living in the present…

For yesterday is but a dream;
And tomorrow only a vision;
But today, well-lived, makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow
A vision of hope and joy.
Look well then to this day.

You only have control over the time that is “in the present”. You have the power to build something today, as yesterday is past and tomorrow is dependent on what you do now. The ability to change your future lies in “what is” and can be exercised this current moment.

Additionally, when your mind is fully in the present, can you make clear decisions that will impact tomorrow. Beyond the shadow of doubt, a mind which is present is at peace.
At peace, the mind has no space for worry.

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A List Of Feel Goods

Today is thanksgiving day. Although it is not a traditional celebration for my family and from where I come from, I’m making use of the opportunity to say my thoughts of appreciation of what I am grateful for.

I’ve learned that a sense of gratitude is important to generate positive energy.

So here is the top 10 list of what I’m appreciative for:

1) I am thankful for the family that I have; a loving husband, my two beautiful kids and my caring parents.

2.) I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food that I get to eat everyday.

3.) I am thankful that I am able and well; without which I wouldn’t be able to do half the things I would like to accomplish in my lifetime.

4.) I am thankful for the many experiences that I have that makes me realise how resourceful I am.

5.) I am thankful that I have learned about times when I do not feel particularly confident or secure, that I do the best I can.

6.) I am thankful to learn that it is okay to make mistakes but that I should learn from them.

7.) I am thankful to learn that I should stop comparing against others but to measure progress relative to where I come from every step of the way.

8.) I am thankful that I have learned to perceive high standards as inspirational goals rather than as pressure to perform.

9.) I am thankful that I have learned my kids do not need a supermom but just to be fully present in their lives.

10.) I am thankful I have learned that life is a journey and that I continue to grow spiritually and emotionally in every way.

If you have been wondering how to turn your negative thoughts into positive one, being thankful for what you already have is a good place to start. Hopefully this will trigger good feelings about your family, friends and love ones. You are training your mind to focus on the positives, rather than the negatives.

Make use of thanksgiving today to write down a list of at least 10 things that you are grateful for! Do share on this blog as writing them down is also an affirmation to yourself about your sense of appreciation. Feel good and you will start to attract positive energy.

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Practise Dilligence In Developing Positive Thinking

It’s important to nourish the brain properly.  A simple analogy is eating the right kind of foods for a healthy body.  If you eat junk, then diseases are likely to occur. If you fill your brains with useless stuff that are bleak, dull and devoid of hope, then do not expect yourself to feel uplifted.

You need to make a choice.  You can choose to fill your brain with garbage from the many TV shows that entertain but have little educational value.  Or you can choose to educate yourself with informational ones that provoke useful thoughts.

If you want to develop [tag-tec]positive thinking[/tag-tec], then be sure to immerse yourself with the highest forms of learning from self improvement and motivational experts.  Reading books written by them is an activity that you should set aside time for.  Attending workshops is another; as do listening to audio while in the car. 

Developing [tag-dtec]positive thinking[/tag-dtec], especially if you have been so entrenched in negativity before or even right now, is not a one day event.  So if you have just attended a motivational workshop, do not expect to feel magically charged up without putting in any effort weeks later.

You need to make a dilligent effort on a daily basis for positive thinking. Ask yourself what would it be like, 10 years from now, if you are as negative as you are now.  In all likelihood, you will not be imagining of being a great success at life! 

I have found it useful to read about success stories from others.  These help spur me on.  I find it necessary to re-affirm whenever I encounter challenges thrown onto my path.  Instead of viewing difficulties as disastrous events, positive thinking helps pull me through the bad times.  During such periods, I have made it a point to double my time spent to engage in [tag-ice]positive thinking[/tag-ice] through reading, listening and reviewing materials from successful achievers.

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Accessing The Alpha State

I personally had the most amazing discovery about accessing my subconscious mind just 2 nights ago. Although I’ve not finished the book on The Silva Method, I could not wait any longer. I decided to put what I’ve read so far to use.

I sat down to meditate. With counting backwards from 100 to 0, to my amazement, I reached the alpha state (the state between sleeping and waking). I recognised it immediately as the same state I was in when I tried hypnosis some weeks back. I would have been happy to be in this peaceful state. But I’ve read far enough in the Silva Method book to know what mind control can do.

With great reluctance, I forced myself to move from the peaceful state to visualize what my current lifestyle is and what I would like it to be, using the techniques as taught from the book. It was truly an amazing experience, one that is peaceful and at the same time, filled with images of joy and hope. The feeling was overwhelming: a happy family with my two beautiful girls, having personal freedom and at the same time, enjoying a life of abundance.

After coming out from the alpha state, the lessons from the Silva Method became clear to me. It dawned on me that I’ve not been practising positive visualization in the best way possible since watching the “Secret” movie. While I had tried to visualize what I wanted, I was only doing it at the beta state (the waking state). As the Silva method clearly demonstrated, much more can be achieved in the alpha state. It is the state where your mind is clear and receptive to information. Accessing this state can help remove negative thoughts and beliefs and empower you with new positive ones.

I’m embarking on this experiment. It will be interesting to find out a couple of years from now, whether what I’m visualizing comes true.

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Law of Attraction: You Attract What You Think

You attract what you think. This is a universal law that is so profound. When you eminate positive energy, the universe will reciprocate with positive energy back to you.

Just imagine an energy field around you, which you can’t see. When the aura around you is negative, there is no way you can attract good health, wealth and happiness. You may find it odd that no matter how hard you try say at work or in your relationship, things still don’t go your way. It is the energy around that counts! How and what your mind truly thinks has a close causal-effect relationship with the aura around you. As Gary Criag puts it “”The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

The video below says it all. Although it is pretty short, it is to the point. It starts out by asking you relevant questions about whether you are achieving your dreams. Are you sailing or are you drifting? The message is that perhaps, your desired dreams are not happening because of what your mind is thinking.

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Accessing Your Subconscious Mind Through Hypnosis

When you think of hypnosis, do you conjure the image of a magician elevating the body of a person hypnotized and asleep? That’s pretty much what you see on TV.

Hypnotherapy is actually a form of therapeutic healing that can help you access your subconscious mind. You may wish to access it to address the blockages to your success. Say you may wish to have more wealth, but your subconscious mind may tell you that you are not destined for a life of abundance.

The brain operates in four general states including full consciousness, hypnotic state, the dream state and the sleep state. These four states correspond to electrical activity in the brain and are defined by frequency ranges on an EEG.

Full consciousness occurs when the majority of the electrical activity in your brain is in the beta range (14-35 Hz). The hypnotic state occurs when brain activity is in the alpha range (8-13 Hz).  The dream state occurs when brain activity is in the theta range (4-7 Hz), and the sleep state occurs when brain activity is in the delta range (.5-3 Hz).  You will need to pass these 4 states sequentially before sleeping or before you wake up.

You spend most of your waking hours in full consciousness. In this state, you are mostly employing your conscious mind to think, reason and judge.

In the hypnotic state, however, the doorway between your conscious and the subconscious mind opens.  This is where you can access memories and store new information. Your subconscious mind “accepts” without questions and without critical analysis. This is where your hypnotherapist can make suggestions to your subconscious mind. This does not mean that  you would automatically accept anything that is suggested. In the first place, your higher self must allow it.

If you find that you have a self sabotage belief that may be blocking your path to a life of abundance and do not know how to access your subconscious mind, you can consult a hypnotherapist for help. Hypnotherapy can also help if you want to lose weight, quit smoking or simply just to clear out your negative beliefs.

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