
Short Story: The Spiritual Warrior of the Labyrinth

The Spiritual Warrior hesitated. Even though she was standing still, her mind was racing a thousand miles. “Should she proceed or abandon the hunt?” She wondered. Beads of perspiration gathered on the side of her forehead. The Warrior started to reflected on her journey so far.

Labyrinth to The Truth of Light

Since entering the labyrinth, the Warrior had found herself chasing a strange looking beast. The Warrior felt somewhat disappointed by the memory of the chase. She was dismayed that she had not been successful with a quick conquest.

Coming into the labyrinth was no accident. It had in fact instantly appeared when she unwittingly invoked an order to the Universe. In a moment of thoughtlessness, she had asked for deeper revelations from her psyche. Yet, at the entrance of the labyrinth, she had shuddered at the thought that there might be no turning back. The Warrior had read about labyrinths previously. Legends, spiritual text and myths of the past had often piqued her curiosity. According to one fascinating story, only a few were able to emerge from the labyrinth alive. It was a mysterious force that drew her into the labyrinth eventually, even whilst she was not absolutely sure that she was ready for it.

The Ultimate Treasure: Truth of Light

For a long time, the Warrior had an insatiable need to discover, or rather rediscover, the Secrets to Life. Knowing the Secrets to Life would grant her more power than anyone else in the world. The Secrets were, after all, answers to the entire cosmos. It was not so much the power that she was hoping to find. Her first intent was to find herself. For a start, the warrior knew that having the Secrets would allow her to find out more about the meaning of her own existence.

Within the heart of the Secrets to Life was the ultimate treasure as well – the Truth of Light. More than anything else, the Warrior knew that possession of the Truth of Light would grant her immunity from darkness. The world had been shrouded in darkness, ever since she was born. It had a dreary effect on her mood. She wanted to feel the warmth of light, something she knew existed in the few masters who have uncovered it.

The Warrior was driven to go on a journey for the Secrets to Life because of her nightly dreams.She would wake up to haunting images of places where she has never been, people she has never met, and mostly, of herself in various odd-looking costumes. More recently, she was even tuning into alien-like pictures that looked as if they came out from some science fiction magazine. The Warrior had instinctively known that the images were not to be dismissed as figments of her imagination but of long-forgotten realities, answers to which lie somewhere deep within her psyche. They bothered her, obviously. She knew that they were clues to her origination. From a different galaxy, dimension or realm, she thought.

The Warrior had self doubt issues. In a way, she already knew that she was more than just her physical body. Yet, she found herself needing to validate over and over again her intuitive flashes or to decode the messages contained within her dreams. She did not trust herself enough to interpret every single one of them. Resignedly, the Warrior also knew that there were few with whom she can share her nightly encounters with. She feared ridicule. Few would fully comprehend how tormented she felt by her need for answers. She felt like a misfit in social outings. So she had largely searched for the Secrets to Life alone.

Inside the Labyrinth

Upon entering the labyrinth, a chain of events started to take place. The chain of events catalyzed in a beast that kept luring the Warrior deeper and deeper in. The Warrior had to go through many adventures, while searching for the beast. She walked down endless corridors, looked into dark corners and got lost several times on the crooked lanes of the labyrinth. She had already sensed that slaying the beast would bring her one step closer to the Truth of Light although she had no idea how a conquest could specifically help her with it. The Warrior had to abandon sleep and rest in order to move fast. She understood that any delay or distraction could potentially set her back in her journey.

Her adventures in the labyrinth led her through a whirlpool of emotions; including anxiety, desperation, rejection, abandonment, worry, fear and betrayal. At every turn, she had caught a glimpse of the beast. It had morphed into close to one hundred different faces, at last count. Each was uglier, larger and more vicious than the last. Each required her to encounter herself in her worst nightmares. Again and again, the beast would appear briefly before disappearing upon being spotted. The Warrior felt weary. It had been going on for weeks.

Finally, it appeared that the chase was coming to an end. For there in front of her was the beast with its back turned towards her. The Warrior could feel her own fear, as she crept behind the beast’s back. She caught a whiff of the surrounding air. It was bitter, metallic and salty.

The Warrior drew her sword steadily. Its sharp tip glimmered in the streaming light.

But No!!

Just at the crucial moment, the beast turned to face her.

It let out a snarl that frightened the Warrior so much that she dropped her sword.

Cornered, there was nowhere that she could run.

The Warrior had to use whatever skills she knew to save herself.

Like the above story?

I wrote it as a metaphor to describe my personal experiences in a slew of events over the recent weeks. Yes, I am back from the labyrinth. I not only survived but had a major breakthrough. The Truth of Light represented illumination for an answer that I was searching for.

It feels great to be back; better and lighter than before 🙂

Lastly, for those who are on the spiritual path, here is something that I would like to share…

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.”
~ Paul Coelho in “The Alchemist”

Abundance always,

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sally - September 3, 2010

Nice like ya story

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Sally,

Thank you for your feedback!

With love,

Delia - September 3, 2010

Hi Evelyn,I love your creativity with your story telling incorporated into
your spiritual journey, and I love your drawing simple yet tells
your story exactly as it is… Glad you are back often life is a
labyrinth and we are the creator of it and we surely can find
the light at the end. Love & Peace Delia

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Delia,

Love what you said about us being the creator of our own labyrinths. Yes, there is light and there will be help.

Love always,

Rebecca Johnson - September 3, 2010

I really connected with the warrior. The warrior described my own feelings as I have stumbled into my own labyrinth in an attempt to be the change I wish to see in the world. Thank you for the beautiful picture, the graphic imagery and the ability to connect to my own story through yours and outside of my own head. It gives me courage the strength to think of myself as a warrior and to know the beast will always eventually present itself, and that once the light is actually shone on the beast his power is diminished– even transformed into a gift.
Thank you for being brave and bold by telling this story. You are a gifted story teller.

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rebecca,

Thank you for sharing about your personal experiences. With your comment, I know I have found someone who have gone on the same journey. Only one who has walked through darkness of one’s own labyrinth to self investigate can truly understand the deeper meanings of the story.

The psyche can conjure strange looking beasts or just about anything that will trigger a strong emotional reaction in us. We find ourselves asking if we want to abandon or go after these subconscious nightmares. To abandon the chase would be to abandon ourselves. So the only way is to continue.

You have used a great word in “diminished” power. It is true. Its power is greatly reduced. And even then, I have never felt more free and alive! Truly amazing!

I wish you the very best in your journey. We have all that it takes to conquer just about anything!


Hilary - September 4, 2010

Hi Evelyn .. life certainly can be troublesome .. as I’ve had in recent years – the light is ahead. I loved this tale and telling thereof, as well as the picture – you’re one talented lady ..

We have so much to learn in this life .. to reach our light .. Thanks Hilary

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Hilary,

Kudos to you for staying strong even though circumstances can be really challenging. Thank you! I am glad to know that you’ve enjoyed my story.

Let’s continue to support each other with words of encouragement and inspiration!

Love always,

Christopher Lovejoy - September 4, 2010

Hi Evelyn,

I’m happy to hear that you’ve come back from your journey of growth through the labyrinth feeling better and lighter than before.

Your story as metaphor certainly captures some intense moments – not to mention some intense feelings as well. We can only imagine what you had to endure over the past few weeks.

Of course, something tells me that the story is not over quite yet. The warrior is facing the beast without a weapon!

Love and light,

Evelyn Reply:

Hi Chris,

The emotions were most certainly intense. What was great was that I experienced a vibrational shift as I emerged from the labyrinth. There was a distinct movement in the body when the energetic shift took place. It’s great to enjoy the after effects: that sparkle in my eyes, the skip in my walk, and the singing from my heart.

How perceptive you are! Oh yes, the above narration is not over. It is a story within a story within a story.

Love, light and laughter,

diego - September 4, 2010

Es maravilloso el mensaje de ese libro, yo lo he leido antes y en realidad me parece muy bueno.
Felicidad para todos.
Gracias Evelyn Lim

Evelyn Reply:

Gracias por sus comentarios sobre el cuento. Me alegro de que te guste!

Con amor,

Patricia - September 4, 2010

I have one question to finish on my course now, but just had to come and read your story…which sounds very similar to the labyrinth of my journey right now..I just knew I had to get here – it was calling me.

I agree the fear of suffering is so much greater than the suffering itself…very nice structure, whereas I must write my words in essay form – the story conveys the experience without the specific monsters or situations.

Thank you for sharing and your your kind words on my blog too

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Patricia,

I am not aware that you are going through a labyrinth right now. How timely! Hope that my post can help in some ways for yours.

All the best in your exams!

Take care,

Keith Davis - September 5, 2010

Loved the story but the thing that caught my eye was the quote..

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself…. ”

How true that is for Public Speaking.
The fear of Public Speaking is worse than giving the speech!

Guess I’ll have to send my timid speakers over to read this story and quote.

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Keith,

I certainly can relate it to public speaking. It’s great that there are tools available to help anyone address nervousness and fears.

Glad that you’ve enjoyed my story!

With love,

Lance - September 5, 2010

So good to see you back.

Your journey is one that touches upon your soul…and in that…it reaches in to my soul. May you find peace in this path your are on…

Evelyn Reply:

Hi Lance,

Thank you for your encouragement. It’s nice to receive words of support.

All the best in your journey as well!

With love,

Joy - September 6, 2010

Hi Evelyn,
Wow. What a vivd description of this stage you were in..I *love* how openly you share with us..Thank you!
When I travel, I seek out labyrinths..even while I am unsure what I shall ‘find’ while I am in them, I love the exploration…
And, “The Alchemist” is one of my favorite books…the quote you chose is very fitting..
I like Christopher’s reply..I would like to add I do not think the Warrior needs a weapon because she has allowed her heart to be open fully to the Truth..and the beast was only Fear growing larger in her mind..looking for attention, now the Warrior may apply what she knows to embrace it, rather than fight it..
Much peace to you Evelyn, may you continue to shine radiantly:)

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Joy,

It’s great that you can relate to the story. I also like what you’ve added about not needing a sword. The idea is certainly not to run away from or fight the beast.

With love,

Allen Loomis - September 6, 2010

I think you have a great blog here and was wondering if you would be interested in exchanging links. Please comment back on my blog and let me know!

Success Demands Action

Evelyn Reply:

Welcome to my blog, Allen. I will be taking a look at your site in a minute!

All the best,

Nadia - Happy Lotus - September 6, 2010

Hi Evelyn,

What a beautiful story! I loved reading it. You are a very talented person and it is nice to have you back. Life has a beautiful way of showing us what we need to know. It is wonderful that you are aware of such realizations and that you proceed with the guidance.

And thank you for leaving that quote from “The Alchemist”. The timing of it could not have been better. Thank you, my friend!

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Nadia,

I haven’t got the chance to respond to your email. Thank you for your warm welcome back. It’s great that you are back too 🙂 Will be taking a peek into your website soon!

Abundance always,

Chris Edgar - September 8, 2010

Thanks for this Evelyn — I definitely got from this post and other ones you’ve written that you’re on a search for answers, and I can relate to getting the sense that others don’t understand or empathize with that search. I suppose it’s the (seemingly) solitary nature of the journey that makes it all the more heroic.

Evelyn Reply:

Hi Chris,

While I had been through a number of labyrinths, the last had been one of my most adventurous. In all honesty, I was not sure if I could really survive the “beast”. I didn’t feel quite a hero or heroine.

Yes, most certainly, I know that not many people would be as “crazy” as me to go on my last adventure and would have no understanding about the intricate details of the search. However, if I have chosen to abandon the adventure and stayed within comfort zone, I would not be able to develop the insights and sensitivity needed for my work. I don’t hope to merely quote from outside sources, I intend to experience the depths of my soul for myself. The wonderful thing is that I have not experienced much freedom since 🙂

All the best in your own journey as well!

Take care,

Suzie Cheel - September 9, 2010

Hi Evelyn,
I am happy to see you back, I was wondering where you were. Then I went into my cave as I wonder about reinventing myself and stepping up. Thank you for sharing the Paul Coehlo beautiful quote as well as your story- I appreciate you and understand the spiritual quest sometimes places dragons on the path as another way to grow. Your storytelling is magical.
The more I listen to my heart the stronger I become to follow what feels good and a path to freedom that I embarked on many years ago.
it must be great to feel lighter:)

Evelyn Reply:

Oh gosh, Suzie, thanks for thinking about me! It is great that you like my story! I am delighted to know that you’ve been taking the time to reinvent yourself. Hopefully your cave time has been most fruitful!

It is wonderful to know a friend, such as yourself, who believes in following the path to freedom and has found much peace, love and light in the process. Thank you for being you!

With love,

Dave Ursillo - September 11, 2010


I love your unique method of storytelling. It is truly unique and a gift to give to readers who choose to embark upon a path of weaving their own abundance tapestry.

Keep fighting through the labyrinth when those moments come, and as always, you have us here to help fight alongside you!


Evelyn Reply:

Wow…thanks for the show of support, Dave! Glad to know you as a friend!!

I wish you all the best in your journey too!

With love,

Jun Sasaki - September 13, 2010

How are you getting along?
I am Japanese , I don’t understand English well.
therefore,please forgive my any mistake.
I am glad to have visited the site of you.
The site of you was enough to satisfy my interest.
Accordingly,I added the site of you to the site of me.
Please, link the site of me with the site of you.
I’ll never forget your kindness.

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jun,

I took a look at your site. Unfortunately, I cannot understand a word of Japanese. However, from the little words that you have used in English, it looks like you’ve got interesting content to share.

I wish you all the best in your journey!

With love,

Preeti @ Heart and Mind - September 14, 2010


Wow, I love your story posts and how it relates to your personal life.

Right now, I am going through such a phase and coming to end of it so I know how it feels, with it struggle and triumphs! Thanks for sharing a great metaphoric story.

Evelyn Reply:

Hello Preeti,

Good for you! It is nice that you know what it feels like. May you find the answers for what you need!!

All the best in your journey,

staying where my hands are - September 16, 2010

Awesome depiction, love it and am right there with you. I could never settle with hiding from the “beast” like so many are able to do in life and am now learning to appreciate the battle scars because they have made me so much stronger than I ever thought possible.

Thank you for sharing!!!

Evelyn Reply:

I smiled at the part where you said that you would never settle with hiding from the “beast”!! Awesome!!!

With love,

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