
What Are You Manifesting?

The Life Adventures I Have Manifested

Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality Evelyn LimI have got exciting news. I am one of the authors in a new book that is coming out. It is called Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality.

Talk about manifesting! This is the year when my dream about becoming an author to a worldwide audience has come true. Not only once but by the end of the year, three times! And not just that!!

In the new book, “Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality”, I will be featured alongside with some of the best-selling authors in the world such as Dr Joe Vitale (featured as one of the teachers in “The Secret”), Fred Alan Wolf (featured as another teacher in “The Secret” movie and “What the Bleep do we Know” movie), Brian Tracy (author of several best-selling books on leadership, personal effectiveness and success), and other inspiring teachers, spiritual leaders and personal development.

Things have started to change for me ever since watching The Secret movie, applying the Law of Attraction and committing to my personal growth. What a change from working in the bank! It seems that somehow I am meant to do the stuff that I am currently doing.

Two years ago, a psychic told me that I would be an author of several books. Back when she did a reading for me, I was skeptical. I had barely written a word beyond a blog article. I could not imagine having enough words to fill a book. Even then, I could not deny the burning desire inside to have a book written.

It may seem to you that it has turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Undoubtedly, I have spent several hours trying to finding a voice, meditating, writing, listening and working on case studies; just to write a book. However, these are the affirming actions of my intent, after I got signs from the Universe.

Because I was skeptical after the reading by the psychic, I did not get on the bandwagon to writing a book right away. I first sent out the intent to Universe about writing a book but in my sending, stated that I have no idea how to get started. And ever since then, I received a number of assuring answers.

Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality

Take the latest book, Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality, for instance. It was a privilege to be contacted by Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick Simpson one day for the participation of this book. I did not know them previously. In her introduction, Sarah told me that someone pointed her a directory listing which had led to my site.

From our subsequent email exchanges, I knew that she and Sean were people with whom I would like to work with. Although the time line was extremely tight for me, I decided to say yes to joining in. And I was right! I had an extremely pleasant experience working with them. In fact, they were awesome! Although it was not easy keeping up with their super tight 48-hour response time for a number of their emails, I guess the book would not have manifested so quickly.

More about the new book, Adventures in Manifesting: Success and Spirituality, that is coming out. The book is scheduled for release on November 1. What Are You Manifesting is the online hub for the book. You may want to check it out for the full list of authors in the book. There are other books that are coming out too. I will be part of the community that is on the website too. So do check it out here >>>

Asking Powerful Questions

Sarah and Sean’s question on “What Are You Manifesting” makes you stop to think immediately about what you are hoping to create. It helps you align with your intentions right away. You become shifted to more empowering thoughts and feelings. Asking it right in the morning sets you on a more powerful state for the rest of the day.

Their question has the same purpose as the one that I like to ask myself: what do I really really want? My experience has shown that it is important to know what I really really want, before intentions can start to manifest favorably.

There have been several times when I have not been clear in what I want from the start. But as I repeat the question daily and my subconscious starts to assemble and line up things for me to consider, I get clearer and clearer in what my true desires are. Layer by layer, untruths, lies and mistaken beliefs peeled away to reveal what is at core. It is a call to greater authenticity. At times, what I really really want turns out to be totally different from what what I want. Other times, what I really really want is a further refinement to what I have initially wanted.

This will mean that the unfolding of time is needed to gain clarity, especially if I am unsure what my true desires are from day one. I need to ask and ask until I know deep in my heart that I have finally found the fruit. In many ways too, I may need to know what I do not want in order to get to know what I really do want. It is pretty much a self-discovery adventure.

What Are You Manifesting?

So let’s hear it from you in the comments below. My questions to you are:

– What are you intending to manifest today?
– What life adventures are you hoping to have in the next six months?
– What do you really really want?

Manifesting what you truly want can only start with clear intentions. Hence, do yourself a favor if you hope to take charge over the direction of your life. Ask yourself some powerful questions that will lead you to charting the course of your manifesting adventure.

Abundance always,

fbprofilemktg-2evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Artist. More About Me.

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Julie | A Clear Sign - September 1, 2011 Reply

Evelyn, That is SO exciting! Congratulations!

That is exactly what I have been thinking about this week – getting crystal clear on my intentions. I have a very obvious “end result” I need to have happen, but have been somewhat wishy-washy on the vehicle or the”how” or the “what it has to look like.” I have this idea that most of the time the universe seems to understand far better than I do what is possible, and sometimes the “answer” comes in a completely different form than I would have ever expected or imagined. I don’t want to lock it down so much that something better gets squeezed out. That may be holding me back from being as specific as I need to be right now, though.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Julie,

My finding is that if I am confused or unsure about what I want, I tend to get mixed results or it will feel as if I am stuck in the same position. We don’t want to specify too much on the how, we just need to focus on the “end result” by getting clear on what it is.

When we make the request to the Universe, we can always say “this or something better please”. In my case, I did not specify that I wanted to be working with (or featured with) other best-selling authors. Hence, I did not actively seek these opportunities. My first desire back then was simply to sell books to a worldwide audience. I received more than what I asked for.

Thank you for your warm wishes! I sincerely wish you every success in your manifestation!

Abundance always,


Kate I - September 2, 2011 Reply

Congratulations Evelyn…wonderful for you! A great reminder that all things are possible when we put our intention and energy towards our dreams.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Kate,

Thank you for your warm wishes. All of us, including myself, need constant reminders to keep going. It will be great to be able to think that if it is possible for someone else, it can be possible for me too.

Abundance always,


Jimmy/Life Architect - September 2, 2011 Reply

Evelyn Congrats!

It must feel wonderful to be on your way to become an international author.

Looking at your questions, I just can’t help but feel that I have answer those before but in other ways or question forms. What do I want to manifest today? Well, everyday, I just want to take a step closer to what I want eventually and that is to be an inspiring contributor to society. How? My instinct seems to be pointing me towards what I am trying to do with mylifearchitects. I seem to enjoy and relish every moment devoted to it. In fact I can’t find enough time to do more on my site and promote more materials. In the next six months, I hope my family has a house of our own and that I will be more vibrant in my field of work with my site. But I do agree that we need to constantly ask questions to clarify our intent for manifestation to take place.



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jimmy,

It does feel wonderful, even though a part of me cannot believe what has been happening lately.

Go for it, if your instincts tell you so! I can understand the passion that you have been feeling. I can also understand the desire to want to do so many things, all at once, within a short period of time. It has been the same for me too.

I wish you the very best and that your dream of having a house of your own in the next six months will come true.

Abundance always,


Hilary - September 2, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn .. that is absolutely amazing – fantastic news .. you’ve worked long and hard, and offer so much to so many – I’m certain it will be so successful .. with many thoughts – Hilary


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Hilary,

Yes, I have worked hard all right. Thank you for your warm wishes. I wish you much success in your dreams!

With love and hugs,


Deepsha - September 2, 2011 Reply

Great news Evelyn! Congrats from my heart…:) nice post . I hope LOA will help me to put my life together again… I believe my “Dua” has started being accepted by the Universe..thats why I could find your web page while I was randomly browsing .. Everything has a purpose.. perhaps your blogs are not just blogs, but signs..signs which the universe is sharing with the mankind…and you are the chosen one, who is capable to make some one choose the abundance of his/her life… my regards..


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Deepsha,

Thank you for your kind feedback and support. I have not been able to answer all your questions to some of your other comments too. Apologies with that!

I enjoy sharing what I know and hopefully, it will resonate with the readers. I am glad that my posts have been helpful to you. May you attract more love, prosperity and success into your life!

Abundance always,


Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition - September 2, 2011 Reply

That’s awesome news! Congratulations on the new book. It sounds fantastic. I think your life is going to go in a great new direction and take you places you never expected. You deserve it so much!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

Thank you for your warm support. I hope to do the best I can. I want to live without regrets.

I sincerely wish you every success, love and abundance!! You deserve the best too!



Bryce Christiansen - September 2, 2011 Reply


This is the first time stopping by for me, but that’s a great accomplishment.

Today I’m attending to make more friends with the blogging community.
6 months from now I want to have a living, growing community on my site as well.

I’m learning great things from you and Angela.

Looking forward to more,



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Bryce,

Welcome to my site.

It’s great that your intent is so clear. I hope to see you around on the blogosphere.

Thank you for your warm wishes and kind feedback,


Justin | Mazzastick - September 2, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Congrats on becoming a Worldwide Author, that must be really exciting for you.

I often ask myself what changes in my life would I like to experience and what direction do I want to go. Good thing that there is some “lag” time before manifestations appear because what I may want at the moment is not really good for the long-term.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Justin,

Thank you for your warm wishes!

Having a time lag can certainly be a good thing, although sometimes we would prefer manifestations to happen instantly LOL! The time lag gives us the opportunity to work out what we really really want.

Abundance always,


sangeng - September 2, 2011 Reply

Hi, Evelyn,
cheers, your joy has radiated and caused positive vibrations over the universe. It has to be a joyous journey for you—hard work is joy and joy is hard work when you are in a flow. Yes, I see that you are living your life full, your dreams fulfilled, feeling the bliss moments by moments. As for intention, my take is that it comes from values and values come from practice/correction/approximation/lessons, from life’s trials and tribulations, from authentic experiences, for “experience is an arch, through which we glimpse the untraveled earth, its horizon fades, forever and forever, as we move” Ulyssus..Lord Tennyson(sp?). Well done, master. We are all masters, arn’t we?


Evelyn Reply:

Hello sangeng,

I certainly do not deny that I work many hours and that often, work does not feel like work. It is a joy to be able to help others, even though sometimes I think that the person who benefits the most is me. Each time I write, I affirm the direction I wish to align with.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Definitely, knowing what our values are and our past experiences help with the intention setting. And yes, we are all masters – masters of our own destiny.

Abundance always,


Kelly Rigby - September 2, 2011 Reply

Evelyn, I am so so happy for you. Congratulations! I can’t believe how far you have come in the few years we have known each other online. Your life has become an inspiring creation of the highest order and is testament that if we focus and ask the right questions, listen with an open heart for the answers then act with faith we really can achieve anything.

In answer to your questions because I really could do with a bit of focus right now…
– What are you intending to manifest today?
Some quality time with my children, a calm and peaceful mind devoid of stress for the day, and 15 minutes of quiet to myself.

– What life adventures are you hoping to have in the next six months?
To go skydiving, to travel to India for a belated 40th trip with my best friend, a girls spa weekend, and to start writing again.

– What do you really really want?
To have a close bond with my children and raise them into happy, healthy, emotionally balanced and ethical adults.
And to explore life fully so that I may understand my fellow human beings more and leave my mark on the world in some way. (this personal destiny has always been somewhat unclear. I don’t know how you get clearer on it when you spend most of your day taking care of the needs of others)

Again, congratulations on the book and them pursuing YOU. Fabulous!

Kelly x


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Kelly,

I cannot tell you how much your words mean to me. You have been on my mind every now and then, but it is so nice to hear from you again on my site. We have known each other for 2-3 years, have we not? Well said about acting with faith, although I have to confess to feeling struggle periodically.

Yes, focus is key. I have a tendency to go off-track myself but I help myself with constant reminders to stay on the path and not get too far off. If anything, I hope that commenting to my post has provided you with the opportunity to get clear in what you want. I have found listing down criteria and what I want in either in writing or in type helpful for intention setting.

I sincerely wish you the very best in your dreams. The life adventures you are intending for sounds awesome! I hope to read about you doing all these on facebook. You write so beautifully. It will be wonderful if you find the time to pick it up again.

I am sure that you will find a great way to leave your special mark in the world. The time will come and you will be ready to. In the meantime, it will seem that your first responsibility is to know yourself better and take care of your home and family. And soon, by the light of your inner being, you will give others the space to find theirs too.

I look forward to staying connected.



Robin - September 2, 2011 Reply

That’s exciting news, Evelyn – Congratulations !

love from Robin


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Robin,

Another dear friend of mine (your good self) dropping by. Today I am blessed and graced by your friendship and support 🙂

With thanks and love,


Isabella - September 2, 2011 Reply

Congratulations Evelyn.


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Isabelle,

With love,


Barbara Swafford - September 3, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Congratulations! This is awesome news, but I’m not surprised. Your work has always been phenomenal. 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Barbara,

Thank you for your feedback and warm wishes. I do hope to do the best I can. I enjoy what I do tremendously 🙂

All the best to you too,


Lance - September 3, 2011 Reply

I’m so, so excited for you…and for what YOU have manifested into your life!!! It really is amazing – what IS possible, when we think about what matters to us, and then put it out there – and let the Universe work in such incredible and amazing ways!!

You, dear friend, are a STAR!!!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Lance,

Thank you for your warm support. I have been very grateful for your encouragement. It’s friends like you that have made this path a more meaningful one. I look forward to connecting more with you!

Shine from the soul,


Galen Pearl - September 3, 2011 Reply

You are living the dream–your dream! That is so wonderful. I’m so happy for you. And what an example for all of us! Congratulations!!


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Galen. Thank you for your support. I am truly blessed to have you as a friend.

With love,


Suzie Cheel - September 3, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Congratulations and you deserve it- loving see you really shine.

Currently I am using intention, focus and LOA to manifest my healing towards full health and energy and I feel very blessed that like you I have these tools and understanding

love and hugs


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Suzie,

Thank you.

I hope that you recover fully soon. Yes, applying the tools and understanding can certainly help. May you attain much abundance, love and excellent health.

With love,


Zeenat{Positive Provocations} - September 3, 2011 Reply

Darling Evelyn,
How amazing is this!!! I’m super excited that your dream has come true 🙂 You deserve all the success cause you work and help from that warm amazing heart of yours. And the heart knows 🙂
Sending you love, hugs and many many blessings…..
Much Love,


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Zeenat,

Thank you for your support. I am very lucky to enjoy what I am doing. Yes, it is nice to see my dream manifesting.

It’s great to receive your love, hugs and blessings. I am honored to have your friendship!

Shine from the soul,


Samantha Bangayan - September 3, 2011 Reply

First off, congratulations on your new upcoming book!! =) How exciting and what an achievement! =)

This is such a timely post for me, Evelyn! I recently created my first vision board and had even forgotten to include a picture of a book. =P Similarly to your story, I had never been a writer. With a background in biopsychology and neuroscience, it wasn’t until I arrived in Peru that the creativity juices started flowing and I haven’t looked back since. I’ve been thinking about writing a book for some time, but this post has demonstrated how important it is for me to continue narrowing down my dream and taking action. =)

Thanks so much for this beautiful testimony, Evelyn! =) I’m so glad we’ve virtually met! =)


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Samantha,

Go for it! If the creative juices have started flowing, then it is a good sign. If you have read my bio, you will realize that I have little prior writing experience. However, the desire to share my personal experience and findings has been so great.

I wish you much success in your book!!

Thank you for your warm support too!

Abundance always,


J.D. Meier - September 4, 2011 Reply

Congrats! It sounds like you are in your zone and firing on all cylinders.

I think you attract more of what you want because you have clarity in what you want and focus. You also take massive action which is another key to making things happen. You are not simply lucking into success. Instead, you are intentionally creating your path forward and giving your best where you have your best to give and that’s a proven recipe for success.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello J.D.,

I won’t call it luck exactly either. I distinctly remember having the strong desire to write a book but having no idea how to get started. So I sent out the intent to the Universe and asked for some signs. In the meantime, I continued to blog. Most certainly, I took massive action when the offers for co-authorship came and ideas for content started coming.

Yes, you can say that LOL! I am intentionally carving my path forward. I enjoy what I do, and so giving my best seems natural.

I wish you every success and abundance too!

Abundance always,


Davina Haisell - September 5, 2011 Reply

So excited for you Evelyn! Congratulations!!!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Davina,

Thank you for your support! It’s lovely to have your encouragement!

With love,


Vishnu - September 5, 2011 Reply

Evelyn, congrats. I signed up to get notice about the book and look forward to reading it!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Vishnu,

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Abundance always,


Sun Fu CHONG - September 6, 2011 Reply

I just had a feeling about you from just meeting you in facebook and after reading just some experiences you’ve shared there through your website links know that you have something special and useful to share with others. I’ve even recommended others who are in Singapore to learn more about your experience and if possible meet you as I felt they can relate to you better and tap your wisdom to help themselves solve their puzzles and struggles in life.

I am encouraged whenever someone so close to home in Asia here connects to universal truths that I too have experienced with the difference that they are able to quickly reach the heights that you have attained! You indeed deserve a standing ovation and please continue to write and share for the benefit of many that you writings can touch as it has done to me!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi there,

Thank you for your kind feedback. I am sorry that there has been no chance to meet as I have been really busy.

I am glad to know that my story has provided some hope for you. It certainly requires perseverance, determination, work, and faith. I cannot deny that there have been many times when I have felt heartache. Each time it is about picking up myself again and getting back on track.

Still, my finding is that when passion meets higher purpose, the Universe does conspire to bring us the required resources, ideas and lifelines. The more we practice and bring ourselves into closer alignment with universal truths through our hearts, the greater our ability to bring our dreams into fruition.

I wish you every success and abundance!

Shine from the soul,


Sun Fu CHONG - September 6, 2011 Reply

I just had a feeling about you from just meeting you in facebook and after reading just some experiences you’ve shared there through your website links know that you have something special and useful to share with others. I’ve even recommended others who are in Singapore to learn more about your experience and if possible meet you as I felt they can relate to you better and tap your wisdom to help themselves solve their puzzles and struggles in life.

I am encouraged whenever someone so close to home in Asia here connects to universal truths that I too have experienced with the difference that they are able to quickly reach the heights that you have attained! You indeed deserve a standing ovation and please continue to write and share for the benefit of many that your writings can touch as it has done to me!


farouk - September 6, 2011 Reply

sounds like an interesting book
Congrats on this step and wish you all the best:)


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