
10 Reasons Why You Need to Discover Your Passion

“Passion propels you to channel the divine power of who you are into life.” – Abundance Tapestry

Do you know what your passion is or what you are passionate about?

If you don’t, I am not surprised.

For a long time, I was in the same shoes.

I have been brought up to believe about following the conventional path of finding a safe job that will earn me a reasonably good income. And so I studied Accountancy and was in the banking and finance field for close to 10 years after graduating from University. I evenktook a post-graduate CFA qualification, thinking that it made good sense to carve out a lucrative career in the financial field.

Admittedly, I was not very passionate in what I was doing. I had a liking for finance but I was not in love with it. I was more interested in activities after work because my income allowed me to lead the lifestyle I wanted. Then again, I went from one interest to another. Not one particular activity quite sustained my interest long enough.

As it turned out, I quit corporate life to become a stay-at-home mum to my two baby girls then. Needless to say, I became rather bored. Eventually when I had the idea about pursuing my passion as work albeit on a part-time basis – and instead of going back to a full-time banking job, I had no idea what to do.

I went on a long search.

And often enough, I went around in circles.

Over the years, I found out 4hat I was far from being alone on having little idea on what my passion is. I would get the same blank stare whenever I ask my friends and clients on what their passion is and what they would like to do.

During my search for answers, I had asked myself the following questions:
– Is passion overrated?
– Why is it so important?
– What does connecting with passion mean?

Luckily, I now have a clearer idea about what my passion is. It is passion that supports the evolving and multi-faceted nature of the work that I do everyday (and sometimes during weekends or even waking up at 5am to crank up some creative juices).

And so here are 10 reasons why you need to uncover your passion…

1. Integral to self-discovery and awareness.

Discovering what your passion is means discovering more about yourself. You find out the essence of what keeps you going. In the self-discovery process, you also ask yourself what are the values you are aligned with: freedom, courage, love, responsibility, integrity and so on.

For my husband, it was not about looking good in a fighter plane that appealed to him. He enjoyed the sense of freedom, leadership and the excitement of life while flying. He held on to his dream from the age of three, despite meeting many challenges along the way. He fulfilled his dream of becoming a fighter pilot eventually. (He has since moved on and is now working on a different dream.)

2. Makes you come alive.

Passion is the fire in your belly. It gives you the zest for life. You emit a positive energy when you are connected with your passion.

Your passion becomes synonymous with who you are. It allows you to express your creative energy. You produce your best piece of work when you are passionate. You and your art merge into one.

3. Shifts you out of a negative state.

Being passionate is a high energetic state. Passion has the energetic qualities of love and power. When you are passionate about something, you cannot be in a negative state at the same time. Your negative thoughts and emotions drop right away instantly.

Passion is about your feeling. And so it connects at the level of your heart. Passion comes out strong and intense. Passion also gives you the power to conquer the highest mountain or sail the most perilous seas even when strong winds are against you.

4. Makes you more attractive.

No one likes being near someone who lives a deadened existence. Often, this person shows little interest and has a narrow way of looking at things. He or she is not in touch with the fullness and vitality of life.

When you live life with a passion, it shows naturally. Others are drawn to you because they become infected by your enthusiasm. They may even become envious that you dare to pursue your passion.

5. Activates the Law of Attraction.

When you find something that you are passionate about, you can engage in it the whole day. You do not feel in the least tired. And so, you are able to maintain a high vibrational state of being that leverages on the law of attraction powerfully.

Passion is a strong heart-felt desire. It communicates your focused intent to the universe. It activates a response by the universe through the power of attraction.

6. Fulfills your inner longing.

Many people would let out sighs and express regrets about not able to fulfill their longings. They often give excuses why it is better to settle for something else. They are willing to sacrifice their happiness for a false sense of security.

Maybe it has been the same for you too. However, the longing can translate to the feeling as if there is something “missing” in your life. You experience a gap, a discomfort, a lack. You cannot quite grasp it but there is a subtle awareness that there could be something more in life.

7. Gives you the impetus to improve on yourself.

Passion has a motivational quality. It provides you with the impetus to improve on yourself. You are motivated to acquire more knowledge, insights and awareness in the hope of connecting with your passion at a deeper level. You feel inspired to improve on yourself rather than put up a struggle in the process.

If you are serious about pursuing your passion, it does not mean that you fire your boss today or that you shirk your family responsibilities. Instead, it means finding a way to make things happen. Passion involves courage, tenacity and belief. You move beyond a false sense of security into choosing to live differently.

8. Offers the way to becoming a success.

By being true to your passion, you can have all that it takes to become a success. You are already on a head-start as compared to others with little passion doing what you are doing. You have a distinct advantage.

Your passion fuels you to overcome all obstacles. You become wired for success, when you live and love your passion. When it is true passion, you are less likely to give up.

9. Paves the way to finding purpose.

Passion offers you the way to finding purpose. Purpose creates meaning for you. You begin to understand what your soul has incarnated here to do.

Through passion and purpose, you are able to make a significant difference to the lives of others. You provide a service from who you are, which involves deep self-awareness. You also give unconditionally.

10. Makes you happy.

If anything, passion makes you happy. Many people go around searching for happiness. They won’t be able to find it in material items but they can find it if they just look inside and discover what their passion is.

Sure, money can make you happy but the satisfaction that you derive is not real. It fizzles out pretty quickly. If you want sustainable and long-lasting happiness, you will need to give yourself the opportunity to express who you really are. And you do it best by connecting with your passion.

In a nutshell

Passion is the vortex energy of love. It propels you into a state of empowerment. It helps you to channel the powerful being that you are.

There are enough good reasons for uncovering what your passion is, don’t you think?

Love and Abundance always,
evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Turn Your Passion into Reality

Turn your passion into a vision to work towards. Be ready to live the life of your dreams. Details of the launch of my online visioning program to be released soon!

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Do you know what your passion is?

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Glori | Crazy Introvert - June 4, 2012 Reply

I agree with every single one!
I think I’ve found my passion writing. I will discover if it really is and truly give it a try. I do not want to have regrets in the future.


Evelyn Reply:

Great! You are the second person who has just told me about writing being a new outlet today. You won’t ever have regrets pursuing what it is in your heart.

All the best to you,


Hung Vu - June 4, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

I have known for long that living one’s passion is the best. I’ve been searching but haven’t known what my real passion and strengths are. Could you share the HOW to discover one’s passion?

Thanks a lot,


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Hung,

The key to finding your passion is self-discovery. You need to look deep inside for answers. It involves an inside-out approach. You can do this through recalling your childhood, understanding your gifts and personality type and so on. Each factor can shed greater light. Very importantly, you must be able to connect with your heart.

I am covering the topic on Passion this month and hope to share more. Do keep a lookout for more articles and of course, details of my online visioning program!

Take care,


Hung Vu Reply:

Thank you Evelyn!


rob white - June 4, 2012 Reply

I love these Evelyn. Indeed, there is nothing more attractive than a passionate, confident person. When one lives with purpose, he is incredibly resourceful; he finds ways and means of accomplishing the most challenging tasks. We are attracted to the great athletes, musicians, scientists and anyone who’s living purposefully. We notice how they take full advantage of the powers of their mind. Their natural powers seem to take on supernatural qualities that we love to be around.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rob,

Indeed. We are attracted to those who live purposefully. We feel inspired by their example and moved to doing the same.

I like that you said that the one lives with purpose tends to be incredibly resourceful. And he or she has supernatural qualities!! Awesome!

Love and abundance always,


Kate I - June 5, 2012 Reply

It’s interesting that we both wrote about passion this week…I wonder if the Venus transit across the sun is nudging us to find the passion to create the life we want! Great article Evelyn and a very important topic.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Kate,

Great! I would like to read your views too. It is always nice to share and add to the vibe. In fact, I am hoping to cover the topic on Passion the entire month. We moved from Creativity in May to Passion for June.

Love and abundance always,


Andi-Roo - June 5, 2012 Reply

My husband & I have been in tune with our passion for a long time now, but only just committed to diving into the deep end a few months ago. We are so excited and full of life — having a joint interest about which we are both happy to be a part has added a new dimension of depth to our relationship. Pursuing your passion is important to your mental & spiritual well-being. I’m so glad I have a partner who supports that, & whose passion reflects mine so nicely. 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Andi-Roo,

You are sooo lucky! I don’t recall coming across many couples having joint interest. Diving into the deep end sure sounds like a courageous move. And I can totally understand what you mean by the added depth.

My husband share the same interest and we do have some idea of him joining me in time to come. If it happens, he will be great for sure as he is already quite an inspirational and motivational speaker.

All the best to your new vision,


Lina Shiny - June 5, 2012 Reply

The Universe has sent me this excellent article! Funnily enough, I was asked that by two people today…
My magical journey, my videos, interacting with my FB fans and my soon-to-be-officially-revealed website, it’s something I do with utmost passion. With this I’m fulfilling my inner longing for self-realization and my desire to help others. I’m so very grateful to Evelyn for this amazing post!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Lina,

How timely! I always say that the right resources will appear at the perfect timing.

It’s great that you are working on a new website and about to be launched soon!

Looking forward to hearing more from you,


Stacy - June 5, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

This is so true! I’ve recently started pursuing my passion to write fiction and I’ve discovered a new joy and excitement to life and it has sparked the LOA as well. I won a new laptop and scored a free computer desk that is leaps and bounds better than the one I had before. A friend of mine reminded me that the timing is not a coincidence.

Take care,


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Stacy,

It’s great that you have ventured into writing fiction. I am sure that it is opening up more adventures and possibilities for you.

How lucky you are! To win a new laptop and scored a free computer desk. Yes, the Universe are moving in support of you.

Wishing you the very best,


Chris Edgar - June 6, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn, I’ve definitely noticed I can have both an inspiring and a destabilizing effect on people the more immersed I get in the things I genuinely care about — sometimes my conversations with people these days are uncomfortable, because they end up getting in touch with their own pain around not doing what they want to do, but that might be what’s needed. And of course there are ways I still don’t do what I want to do in my own life, and having people around me who pursue what they deeply want is important for me as well.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Chris,

Your observation is interesting….that you impact others by bringing them awareness of the contrast. The next step is up to them. They could continue to feel miserable or be inspired to take a positive action.

It is the same for me too. I don’t have all the answers but it is my intention to align with my highest potential. Just being able to see the possibility of living a life without limits and on my own terms is already drawing greater opportunities and bringing about personal growth. Things continue to unfold for me and I know that there is more to come.

All the best to you and your vision – always!


AAnnette | Bucket List Journey - June 7, 2012 Reply

Searching for my passion was the best thing I ever did, because I realized that the search was my passion. I was trying all sorts of new things and enjoying every minute of it! Now my life is all about collecting new experiences and then writing about them 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

That sounds awesome! It is great that you have found your passion and purpose in the search itself. Wonderful about collecting new experiences and writing about them!

Thank you for sharing your gift with us all,


PJ Ferguson | Meditating Monkeys - June 9, 2012 Reply

I found my passions when I stopped looking for them, and just started being myself. I had felt lost and searched for years wondering what I should do with myself. It was a process of peeling away layers of misperception of the world, and myself.

I realized that our passions bubble up naturally when we just Be Ourselves, rather than who we ‘think’ we should be. (Or who we think others think we should be.) There’s no need to follow others’ rules blindly, there is an inner knowing that guides us along our true path.

There is a supreme peace that comes from just being who you are, doing what you were born to do — and doing it with passion!

Thanks for the great article!


Galen Pearl - June 10, 2012 Reply

As I look back on my life, I can see that I just never had much tolerance for being unhappy. I don’t mean that I was happy all the time, but I did sort of intuitively seek what I was passionate about. I didn’t know about the Law of Attraction, or anything like that, but somehow I found my way. You list 10 great reasons to go for the gusto.


Elle - June 15, 2012 Reply

What a wonderful post! I agree, being passionate about something is incredibly sexy!


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