
Key to Self-Love Affirmations

If you are in the habit of saying negative things to yourself, then you will need to change your self-talk. Obviously, if you love yourself enough, you would not be constantly criticizing yourself. Instead, you will be encouraging and supportive of the self. And using affirmations is a great way to start rewiring your habitual talk-patterns.

Negative and Limiting Self-Talk

Through studies, it has already been found that we make 300-400 evaluations per day. About 70-85% of these evaluations are negative. When we dissect the content of the things we say, it can be easy to observe that we make a lot of negative comments about others or external things.

However, by tuning in closely, you are likely to discover that you have also been using the same judgment on yourself. Thus, you have been applying the same standards, guidelines or criteria to make assessments on yourself; such as between “right” and “wrong” or “good” and “bad” or “unacceptable” and “acceptable”. Should you delve more deeply, you may well discover that underneath these assessments is a conclusion on whether you are worthy of being loved or not.

It is hard to feel good about yourself if you are constantly beating yourself up. While being harsh is used by most of us to motivate ourselves for personal improvement, problems arise when we are not aware of how much our own judgments have been eroding our spirit. In my Self-Love Secrets book, I shared that studies have shown how self-compassion (and not criticism) have resulted in improved productivity and happiness levels instead.

Change Your Self-Talk

To make a change, switch to using kind, loving and inspiring words. In fact, whether you are saying something about yourself or to others, you use the same positive language. Thus, you build congruency. Just remember: a harmful word can create emotional havoc whereas a loving word can create miracles. The same principles apply both internally and externally.

Because you are in the physical, you need to also make a physical change. Words and actions seal the energy for a complete shift. And the more you affirm yourself in the new path or behavior, the more the new energies take hold. There is congruency at every level and throughout.

Self-Love Affirmations

My book, Self Love Secrets, comes with an additional report on 101 Self-Love Affirmations. The report provides a guide on what you can say to yourself. You can either pick some affirmations to work with or using the guide, craft some on your own.

For added inspiration, I have introduced music and turned a couple of the Self-Love affirmations into a video. Some of the nature shots are taken at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, the national park near my home. Here is a look…enjoy!

Holistic Approach to Self-Love

Don’t be mistaken. Changing self-talk alone is not going to do the trick for greater self-love. Loving yourself has to be a mind-body-spirit approach. Changing self-talk is to address difficulties with self-love at the mental or even the emotional level. As Albert Einstein once said, “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.”

Hence, if you are hoping to learn more, be sure to keep a lookout for the online launch of Self-Love Secrets on October 25, 2011. There will be an early bird discount during the first three days.

Details and Launch of Self-Love Secrets eBook

Opening Launch For Early Bird Discount: October 25, 2011 Tuesday
Singapore 19:00 SGT UTC+8 hours
USA – NY 7:00 EDT UTC-4 hours

Closing Day for Early Bird Discount: October 28, 2011 Friday
Singapore 23:59 SGT UTC+8 hours
USA – NY 11:59 EDT UTC-4 hours

Please note that the downloadable version is being published first. There may be plans for a print version later, but these cannot be fully confirmed at this point in time.

Contest Details

Don’t forget to join the online contest over on my Facebook Page. I will be giving away two lucky draw prizes. The winners will receive a free copy of my book. To qualify, you will have to go onto my Facebook Page and click on the share button for any of the tips or other postings. Obviously, the more times you share, the greater your chance.

The contest ends on October 24, one day before launch. The details are:
Contest Ends October 24
Singapore 19:00 SGT UTC+8 hours
USA – NY 7:00 EDT UTC-4 hours
I will be informing the contest winners via email over at facebook. So remember to check your inbox!!

See You Next Week

Well, as it often happens, unexpected things can crop up just prior to a major event. So I will be busy looking into last-minute items for the rest of this week. Have fun in the meantime!!

Hope to see you back here next week!!

Shine from the soul,

fbprofilemktg-2evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

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marc van der linden - October 19, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

This following sentence caught my special attention:

‘we make 300-400 evaluations per day. About 70-85% of these evaluations are negative’

I already knew that we make of a lot of negative comments every day, but it is the first time that I see a number showing this so clearly,

I’m wondering now: what would an acceptable number of negative evaluations per day?

Some say that you can be the whole time positive, but I don’t believe that. I never have met anybody who actually showed me this kind of always positive behavior.

Others say that there is a balance between how positive and negative you are on a daily basis.

I don’t know what is really possible. Affirmations are helping to get a more positive state and more self-love as you explain here. But as you say – it is not enough for greater self-love. Do you have an idea about how positive we really can be?


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Marc,

Great question. Indicatively, I am just thinking that it helps to tilt to at least a 70/30 or even a 80/20 positive-negative split.

Self-love is essentially a journey. It involves mindfulness and a holistic approach, with also a spiritual perspective.

I find that the more days you spend feeling positive, the more you can say that you have actually made a shift. After all, enlightenment is a continuous and deep awareness of who you really are. In absolute 100% self-love alignment, it won’t be the case that some days you feel positive about yourself and some days you don’t.

Shine from the soul,


Jimmy - October 19, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Congrats again. You are moving ever closer to your release of this new book.

As for charging our life with positive self love, I think the keys are awareness and vocabulary. We must know and be aware of what we saying or about to say to ourselves. That is really the starting point of all self love. How can we give more self love to ourselves without knowing that we are not loving in the first place.

Once we know that we need to inject self love to our lives, the next thing to do is inject it. But we can only inject effective self love if we are equipped with the right vocabulary to do so. Sometimes, when we want to say nice things to ourselves we are so limited in the words we use. If only we can pat ourselves with many more powerful emotion words… Building vocabulary for self love is a deliberate process that must be done.



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jimmy,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I pretty much agree with what you’ve said. Saying the appropriate words to ourselves has to be an intentional and conscious process.

Shine from the soul,


Galen Pearl - October 19, 2011 Reply

I have been in a slump the last few days of negative self talk. Very unusual for me, but there you have it. Not sure where it’s coming from, but you have given me some ideas for changing it regardless of the source. Thank you. Very timely!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Galen,

I cannot believe that you’ve been engaged in negative self-talk. Then again, it happens even to the best of us. Great! I’m not sure what ideas I have helped you with but I certainly wish you much love!!



Justin | Personal Growth - October 19, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
I know that our emotions are an indicator of what we are thinking and focusing on. I began to tune into my subconscious to see what what happening there. Sure enough it was full of negative self talk and criticism.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Justin,

Same finding here. When I first tuned in, I was really shocked. Not that I was not aware previously. I was but I was shocked at the amount of negative things I had been saying to myself!

With love,


Sile - Natural Migraine Relief Expert - October 19, 2011 Reply

THanks Evelyne,

Excellent article as usual.

Perhaps everyone might be interested to know this so I hope you don’t mind my sharing since it is in keeping with your article – I just discovered this FREE telesummit that starts Oct 12th and runs for a month. It looks amazing and I thought everyone might like to know about it!
BE that brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous Goddess you’re meant to be!


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you, Sile, for sharing a free resource!

With love,


The Vizier - October 19, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

I used to be really critical about myself when I was younger. I guess in part it was due to the culture in which I was brought up. It certainly made me ineffective when I had to manage challenges. On one hand I had to manage the challenge. On the other hand, I face self-sabotage. When I finally realized that I had very negative self-talk the obvious thing to do was to change it.

I think you have made a great point by saying we should switch from harmful to loving and inspiring words. That certainly is an effective way to manage negative self-talk.

I have personally found it helpful to focus on the solutions, not the problem. By finding ways to manage what was bothering me and removing the problem at its root, I have no reason for negative self-talk. And with each crisis I successfully manage, I also grow in confidence and allow myself an occasional pat on the back.

Congratulations on the upcoming launch of your new book! 😀

Thank you for sharing this lovely article! 🙂

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

Would you think that culture plays a big part in how negative or positive we are? I thought so but I have been surprised to find out that negative self-talk seems to hit a lot more of us (and therefore cuts across culture) than I have previously realized.

I like your perspective about focusing on the solutions than the problem itself. It’s definitely a better way forward. At least, we avoid getting stuck in the past or what we cannot do. We find out what we can do instead.

Thank you for your support and encouragement! I am deeply appreciative of your kind words and help.

Shine from the soul,


Pj Zafra - October 20, 2011 Reply

Hey Evelyn,

Great post you have here. Self-love is very very important! We will never get anywhere in life if we hate ourselves or if we always throw toxic waste into our self-esteem.

It’s always important to feed ourselves with the right thoughts instead of harmful ones. I love this post! Thanks for sharing it and the video you’ve shared is very nice. Keep it up! 😀


Evelyn Reply:

Thank you for your support! I enjoyed what you said about throwing “toxic waste into our self esteem” and that “we will never get anywhere in life if we hate ourselves”. Most definitely true!

Success and abundance always,


Deepsha - October 20, 2011 Reply

Thanks for the thoughtful post Evelyn. It is so true, negetive thought can seriously damage our self esteem and confidece. where as, a single positive thouch can transform us. I have experienced it . Thans for your post. Will look forward for the next post.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Deepsha,

Thank you once again for your love and support! You’ve been wonderful!

Love and abundance always,


Akos Fintor - October 20, 2011 Reply

Wow! I knew we are programmed to be a negative thinkers by the surrounding unconscious World but I had no idea it could be 85% of our thoughts.
Unfortunately it takes some serious effort to step out of that distorted habitual thinking.
As Jim Rohn once said: “It is easier not to do something than do something.” Of course he was talking about making positive changes in our lives.
Great post, Evelyn!
Keep ’em comin’!


rob white - October 20, 2011 Reply

Indeed, Evelyn. Most of us have only known negative self-talk our whole lives, and at first it can be daunting to think there is even an alternative! We simply cannot afford to harshly judge anything. When we make a habit of harshly judging, inevitably our self talk turns it right back on us. Self Talk is the strongest force in our lives. We mustn’t let this fact upset us, but learn to use the force to support us.


Chris Edgar - October 20, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn, I think it’s a great observation that, on some level, for every judgment we make of others, there’s a way that we are also applying that harsh, perfectionist standard to ourselves, and punishing ourselves in the process. Remembering this helps me to stay connected with my compassion for people who seem to be judging me harshly.


Stephen Gemmell - October 22, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn, my apologies as I haven’t stopped by for a wee while. Anyway, you are absolutely spot on. You cannot love your neighbour without first looking after and believing in yourself. The key for me is mindfulness and an understanding of the important role the conscious mind plays as a filter between your five senses and your subconscious. Thanks again for a great insight and good luck with your book launch. Take care, Stephen


Dr. Erica Goodstone - October 23, 2011 Reply

I am excited about your ebook Self Love Secrets. My focus when I work with individuals and couples is all about loving yourself first. Your book will be such an asset for me to share with them.


Dr. Erica


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