
Money Mindset Quiz: Do You Have Rich or Poor Beliefs?

Take the money mindset quiz that I have created below to find out if you have beliefs that will make you rich.

Your mindset is made up of beliefs. A rich money mindset is made up of positive beliefs that support your ability to attract financial abundance while a poor mindset is made up of limiting beliefs that hold you back. It is likely  that you have some positive beliefs and some that are limiting. An abundance or rich money mindset is when your positive beliefs outweigh your limiting ones. The opposite is true for a poverty or scarcity mindset. 

Take the Money Mindset Quiz

For a start, find out whether your mindset is set to financial abundance via a money mindset quiz.

Taking the money mindset quiz below lets you reflect on specific beliefs one at a time. Through your answers on the belief statements, the quiz computes whether you have more positive beliefs or limiting ones. While the quiz focuses on money, abundance is defined as all-encompassing that is with spiritual and holistic considerations.

From “Money Averse” to a Money Magnet Mindset

Please be aware that the money mindset quiz only takes into account the number of positive versus limiting beliefs.

From your score, you are placed in various groups. For ease of understanding to know where you are at, the results will indicate if you are having a money mindset that says “averse”, “worrier/stress”, “winning” or a “money magnet”. Being a quiz based on a quantitive measure, the result is only indicative. Ultimately, it is the intensity of the belief (how strongly you believe in the statement and how emotionally disrupted that you feel) that counts more than a measure using the number of beliefs.

[Update] One respondent wrote to me that he did not quite agree that he has a “winning” money mindset, based on his result. Well, being in the “winning” group just means that he has more positive than limiting ones regarding money. At the same time, he is made aware that he has to work on the specific beliefs that are causing him a major disruption.

As a next step after doing the money mindset quiz, what you can do next is to review what are some of the money beliefs you have and ask yourself how disrupted you feel with regards to a money statement when you intuitively know that holding on to the belief is working against you.

Limiting money beliefs often create negative emotional disruption that obstruct the flow of abundance. They sabotage the best of your intentions, causing you to manifest a financial situation that is less than ideal. The more you believe in a negative thought pattern, the greater your disruption. Hence, you’d need limiting money beliefs out of the way.

Conversely, the more you believe in a positive money belief, the greater is your ability to attract and manifest abundance. An overall positive money mindset aligns your energy with an abundance blueprint.

What is Your Result from the Money Mindset Quiz Like?

How did it go with the money mindset quiz? Share your thoughts and answer below.

If you have other questions or need help to work on your deeper issues, please apply for a complimentary call here.

Love and abundance always, 
Evelyn Lim 
Abundance Life Coach

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Olu - March 13, 2020 Reply

Love the assessment.


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