
Open Your Heart to Healing with Self-Love – Free Download

“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” – Oscar Wilde

“The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti

open your heart to heal with self-love

With self-love, you make the intention to take charge of your healing journey. You no longer wait for others to come rescue you. You love yourself enough to know that you desire positive changes. You would like to move on. You make the choice for wellness and ultimate happiness.

Self-love has great healing power.

It repairs, rejuvenates and reawakens.

A magical potion, you apply it generously to your heart.

Soothing, warming and nurturing.

No conditions, no expectations, no excuses.

You simply give love to yourself.

Freely, willingly and no matter how long it takes.

And so….

Open your heart, to begin with.

It has to be opened before it can receive the miraculous effects of love.

Don’t know how?

Too much in pain to know how to open your heart to feel “love” again?

Well, here is the bummer……

Last week, I was intending to record a live teleclass on “Heal Yourself with Self-Love” that was supposed to end with a short guided meditation session taking listeners into opening their hearts. Unfortunately, I encountered a series of internet and phone-line challenges.

Needless to say, I was stressed out with trying to fix the issues while the call was “live”. What baffled me was that I had tested the set-up like 3 times before the actual event and without a hitch. In the end, the call session could not be finished smoothly and I did not have a complete recording of the teleclass.

But…..wait….here is the good news…..

After the disastrous scheduled time slot for the teleclass, I managed to put my disappointment and embarrassment aside. I was not about to let the setback get to me.

I went on to recording the meditation session – as well as re-recorded the missing parts of my talk – in my home studio using the iMac.

If you were one of those who were on the call, I wish to express my apologies. Sorry for the inconvenience caused!!

Thus, if you have missed the teleclass or would like to catch up on parts that you have missed….

Here is the download – right-click to “save” >>>

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Certified Life Coach. Energy Healing Practitioner.

P.S. Do help me to share this post with a tweet or a Facebook share as I hope to reach out to those with tremendous difficulties with loving themselves. Thank you in advance!!

P.S.S. Comments are closed for this post while I try to fix some website issues 🙂

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