
Tap Away Anxiety over Money Problems with EFT

“There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable.” Christian Nestell Bovee

tap away anxiety

Are you feeling anxious over some money issue?

Are you financially stuck?

Are you having problems with attracting clients with your business?

Feeling anxious is a normal human reaction. However, please know that anxiety does nothing to help you out of your situation. In fact, being anxious merely increases your stress levels. You start to feel poor, depressed and frustrated.

Negative emotions lower your vibrations which make things worse if you are hoping to attract a better set of outcomes, by virtue of the Law of Attraction.

Then again, it is not quite an easy exercise to simply stop thinking and worrying. Our minds are already in the habit of focusing on our worry. We cannot stop thinking, and therefore it “appears” that we cannot stop worrying.

What can help is using energy release methods such as Emotional Freedom Technique. With EFT, you neutralize the emotions surrounding how you feel about your financial situation. You go through a vibrational shift. You start to relax. And your stress levels come down.

You just won’t know – a small shift can open up possibilities.

If you like some personalized assistance, download my free report and work with me.

evelyn lim signature

Life Vision Coach. Author. Energy Healing Practitioner.

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