Category Archives for "Online Business"

Why You May Want to Reconsider the Business Advice of “Charge What You Are Worth”

Reconsider the Advice of Charge What You Are Worth

Many business coaches often have the advice of “charge what you are worth” when it comes to pricing your coaching services. Even though you could be in the midst of getting your business off the ground, they may still recommend that you charge high prices for your time. They assure you that you are worthy and deserving and that at the soul level, you are also of infinite worth. Hence, you are justified to raise your prices since you are “more than enough”.  

Admittedly, such advice can stoke anyone’s ego. And since they are your business coaches, you may decide to take their advice by charging a high hourly rate. Yet, in reality, this advice may not be helpful especially if you are not backed by adequate coaching experience or have not been able to generate enough business. 

Let’s examine what it means to “charge what you are worth”, so that we can make better sense of the advice. 

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The Secret to Manifestation that No One Tells You About

Message from the Universe

When you are trying to decide whether or not to pursue a goal or dream, don’t expect to have absolute guarantee or proof that things will work before you are willing to put in “trust”.

You may be praying for some signs from heaven but you’ve barely heard a squawk. Perhaps you’ve secretly been hoping for some iron-clad assurance that will allay your fears of making a mistake or going down the wrong path but that would be wishful thinking! 

Alas, it doesn’t work that way. I’ve been in the same shoes and what I’ve discovered is this: you can wait for assurance but so long as you don’t trust or believe, the dream that you want to see happen will not take place. Nothing would have moved or changed very much. 

Instead, the Universe is saying, trust first with aligned actions and the manifestation will follow. 

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How to Shift from a Scarcity into an Abundance Mindset

Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset Paradigm

Steven Covey in his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, first coined the terms of a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset. Scarcity mindset refers to the paradigm of looking at life as finite, as if there is a limited number of pieces in a pie. On the other hand, an abundance mindset refers to the paradigm where there is enough and there is plenty for everyone. 

Here’s how Stephen Covey describes the Scarcity Mindset…

Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else.

The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit – even with those who help in the production. The also have a a very hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people.

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4 Money Healing Stories: Letting Go of the Past

Money Healing Stories

Would you like to be inspired by money healing stories?

Well, I’d like to share some that belonged to my clients. I have had the privilege of helping them attain a mindset breakthrough that resulted in a change in their finances. For a long time, they were struggling with limiting beliefs that blocked the flow of money and their ability to generate better income. Most carried emotional money wounds that stemmed from the past. 

Their money healing stories are transformative. They had to confront their fears and release their attachment to beliefs formed since young. I’m thankful to my clients for giving me a firsthand chance to learn about how it is possible to rewrite our stories for healing and greater empowerment. To protect their privacy, I have used pen names for them. 

Money Healing Story #1: Breaking Free of Glass Income Ceiling

No matter how much effort she put in, Annie couldn’t seem to break through her glass income ceiling for her business. She’s constantly having money worries and that she’d never have enough. While we were working together, Annie experienced an “aha” moment. She suddenly realised how her unconscious limit in earnings came about.

Her dad had struggled to make a living when she was young. Unfortunately, Annie internalised some of the messages he had shared with her about his money troubles. During our session, she “saw” the amount that was written on the cheques he had been banking in from his job. To her surprise, it was the same amount that she has been earning for a long time from her business.

Annie worked on letting go of her glass ceiling. She gave herself the permission to make more than her dad. Annie no longer limits herself on what she can earn. As a result of her inner work, she has been generating income breakthroughs ever since. Annie found herself attracting bigger and bigger deals for her business. 

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10 Tips for Conscious Reparenting of Your Inner Child

Conscious Reparenting Your Inner Child

Do you often wish that you had received adequate love, guidance, support from your mum or dad when you were young?

It could be that you’re now realising that part of the challenging issues you have today are related to your childhood. Perhaps you have experienced emotional neglect in the past. You find yourself still longing for love and assurance even today.

This is not to blame any of your parents. After all, they parented you in the only way they knew how. They could have been brought up in the same or similar ways themselves. Yet, what remains is that your younger self or inner child still feels the need to have that love and acceptance. 

Well, it is not too late. You can help yourself by addressing these needs in the now. Addressing unresolved needs helps you to build emotional resilience, strengthen self-confidence and esteem, and to undertake personal responsibility.

With all that you know now, with the higher consciousness that you are, you can offer parenting love, warmth and guidance to your inner child. Continue reading

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EFT Tapping: Raise Your Energy Levels in the Morning

EFT Tapping Morning Energy

Do you sometimes wake up feeling tired but you’d really like to feel more energised and be in a better state of mind than yesterday?

Well, I’d like to share with you a morning routine that you can do. Tapping in the mornings have helped me to ground myself, become more energised and ready to go. In fact, many of my private clients got inspired to tap in the mornings as part of their daily routine.  

So if you feel like you are needing a positive boost, I’d like to invite you to join me in this EFT tapping session…Continue reading

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Vulnerability Hangover: How to Overcome Shame From It

Vulnerability Hangover: Heal Your Shame

Vulnerability hangover is the regret, anxiety and shame that you feel after having exposed vulnerable parts about yourself to others. 

Enough was enough, you had said. You decided that you were quite done with hiding. And so, even as your heart raced, you proceeded with boldly sharing something vulnerable about yourself. With a trembling voice, you went through your story. You shared it from deep within your heart. 

The moment you let it out, you heaved a sigh of relief. The burden of keeping it all in was lifted. It was also when you gave yourself a pat on the back for your courage and congratulated yourself for being more authentic and daring greatly. 

But wait a minute!!! As the dust settled, you began to compute what you’ve just done. Filled with regret, you started to shame yourself for such a stupid move. Feeling vulnerable about being vulnerable hit you in waves of nausea. You became sick to the stomach over the thought that others might ridicule you or reject you. 

Well, in case you don’t know what had just taken place, there is one apt phrase that describes the phenomena: Vulnerability Hangover

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How You Can Communicate with Money through S.P.A.R.K.

Communicate with Money SPARK

Just imagine money as a partner for life.

In order to build the best relationship with it, learning to “communicate” with it can be helpful. Ultimately, we are able to receive a better response from our partner. Conversely, when we are not in sync, our ability to relate to each other goes down. 

After reviewing what I had learned from my 20 years of marriage, I came up with 5 ways on how best to cultivate communication in a couple relationship. When I put the 5 ways together, I found out that it fitted nicely with a SPARK acronym 🙂

On a wave of inspiration, I extended its application to working with our relationship with money

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How Nellie Released Limiting Money Blocks to Client Attraction and Authentic Selling

Limiting Money Blocks to Client Attraction

I was helping a client (let’s call her Nellie, not her real name) clarify the ideal client that she’d like to work with, when we discovered that she was having some limiting money blocks about people who are wealthy.

Nellie’s line of work requires her to service the needs of wealthy individuals or at least people with excess funds.  If she releases her subconscious blocks, client attraction can potentially happen with greater ease. It will certainly help Nellie to have more clients as the extra income that she gets can go a long way to supporting her family with two young kids. Since her beliefs could be in the way for client attraction and business sales, we proceeded to work on releasing the limiting money blocks.

Childhood Situation that Created Limiting Money Blocks

When I asked Nellie what some of her discomfort was reminding her of, she recalled two childhood incidents when she was 11 years old that had left her feeling lousy, disgusted and ashamed. 

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Tapping for Your Business: From Disconnection to Authentic Marketing with Ease (Video)

EFT Tapping for Business on Authentic Marketing

Dear Solopreneur, 

Are you hoping to attract more clients but feel as if you need to use marketing methods that are based on high-pressure, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and manipulation, and you are feeling disconnected because of this? 

Recently, I came across this post by someone who shared what was it like for her…

“I have to behave, talk and present in a specific way to attract paying clients. My business coach taught me how to do this in her way and that is pretty much based on using fear and pressure. But I am feeling disconnected because of this. It’s not me. A part of me just wants to be who I am. But what if showing up in my own ways is going to hurt my business?”

If this is similar to what is going on for you too, let’s work on releasing any sense of disconnection or stress. Tap along with me with the video below.

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