Category Archives for "Marketing"

How to Shift from a Scarcity into an Abundance Mindset

Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset Paradigm

Steven Covey in his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, first coined the terms of a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset. Scarcity mindset refers to the paradigm of looking at life as finite, as if there is a limited number of pieces in a pie. On the other hand, an abundance mindset refers to the paradigm where there is enough and there is plenty for everyone. 

Here’s how Stephen Covey describes the Scarcity Mindset…

Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else.

The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit – even with those who help in the production. The also have a a very hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people.

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Tapping for Your Business: From Disconnection to Authentic Marketing with Ease (Video)

EFT Tapping for Business on Authentic Marketing

Dear Solopreneur, 

Are you hoping to attract more clients but feel as if you need to use marketing methods that are based on high-pressure, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and manipulation, and you are feeling disconnected because of this? 

Recently, I came across this post by someone who shared what was it like for her…

“I have to behave, talk and present in a specific way to attract paying clients. My business coach taught me how to do this in her way and that is pretty much based on using fear and pressure. But I am feeling disconnected because of this. It’s not me. A part of me just wants to be who I am. But what if showing up in my own ways is going to hurt my business?”

If this is similar to what is going on for you too, let’s work on releasing any sense of disconnection or stress. Tap along with me with the video below.

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How to Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online

How to Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online

Struggling with the fear of being visible online? 

If you run a coaching, energy healing or solopreneur business, you cannot neglect or ignore being visible online. 

And if you are an introvert and have the tendency to hide, this post is meant specially for you!

Specifically, the fear of being visible can be about

  • the fear of being seen online,
  • the fear of feeling exposed,
  • feeling vulnerable,
  • imposter syndrome or feeling like a “fraud”,
  • fear of success,
  • fear of being ridiculed in public,
  • fear of not being accepted for your views, 
    and so on.

If you have the fear of being visible online, it can impact you on the business front in the following ways….

  • can’t show up on videos,
  • can’t confidently market your products and services,
  • can’t network and build a group of business associates and friends online,
  • avoid giving interviews,
  • stops you from achieving better success in your marketing activities,
  • can’t conduct online classes or webinar trainings,
  • can’t ask to be paid for your services,
  • set low prices for your products and services etc.

Overall, the fear of being visible online stops you from being more successful in your business. This has an impact on your bottom line! 

Here’s a fact that you can’t run away from:

If you want 24/7 consistent free traffic and for your marketing activities to be effective, you will need to do video marketing.

Which just means that you need to be visible online.

Why You Need to Do Video Marketing

Showing up on video allows you to create and share valuable content with your audience in a way that plain text will never match.

Here are some stats that you need to be aware of….

 Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online - Video Marketing Stats

Get the picture after having an idea about what being visible can do for you?

If you don’t do video marketing, you are at a severe disadvantage.

Indeed, people buy based on emotional connection.

By showing up on video, you are better able to create trust and connection with your audience. Video marketing simply helps you create visibility that will assist you with generating leads and gaining clients.

My Story of the Fear of Being Visible Online

As an introvert, I used to struggle with showing my face online. I felt self-conscious and vulnerable, as if everyone will get to finally see the real me and not like what they see. And so, I used being “an introvert” and that it is not my personality, as the perfect excuse for not showing up. 

I recall the times when I almost threw up, felt faint and going through severe nervous tension just at the thought of needing to be visible. It was that bad for me. I was totally resistant to being visible online!

Later, I discovered that my excuses were not helping me to reach out to more people. In fact, I found out that becoming visible was more a matter of boosting confidence than anything else. It’s still possible to be an introvert and show up on videos, in other words! Fast forward till today, I have been able to show up with more ease and confidence! 

3 Tips on How You Can Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online

If you are held back from achieving your goals by your fear of being visible, I’d like to share with you 3 tips that you can apply…

(1) Start small by being visible online to a small audience.

You can change your settings on your FB profile, youtube or instagram to just private or a small group of friends. Or you can also set up a small facebook group and post your videos there. Alternatively, you can find facebook groups where you can feel safe to create posts. Gradually work up your confidence to showing up and being more visible online!

(2) Repeat some positive affirmations.

Give yourself a positive boost with using affirmations that are going to support you. For example, you can use the following…
– I am open to being seen and heard online.
– I am a powerful communicator.
– I choose to feel safe to be visible online.

(3) Boost Your Confidence.

Let’s face it. Without confidence, it is going to hamper your ability to be more productive and effective in your social media activities. Hence, you need to start with working on yourself. It’s about transforming from the inside-out.

Very importantly, you don’t just want confidence to be based on external factors but I recommend that you want to build Authentic Confidence, showing up as your true self, without any false pretences. Authentic Confidence boosts your ability to generate Cash Flow!

Take Action Right Away with Beating The Fear of Being Visible Online

My course, Authentic Confidence Mastery, is designed to help you create self awareness, align with what you want and to release your fears that are in the way.

It is an invitation to give yourself the permission to shine!

Gain access and start to boost your confidence here>>>

See you on the inside,

Mindset, Marketing & Manifesting Abundance Coach

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What the 5 Signs of Having Mindset Blocks are

Mindset Blocks Signs

What happens if you don’t even know you have mindset blocks?

What are the signs?

To begin with, why is even important to identify whether you have mindset blocks or not?

Well, for a start,  mindset blocks can keep you stuck or struggling more than you need to. It obstructs your success. A mindset block arises when you have the story of “I want to achieve this goal or dream but (the reason)”. You may even have more than one “but” on why you can’t achieve what you want.

Invariably, the reason behind the “but” stems from a limiting belief. Your “but this” or “but that” are actually excuses. Excuses are a form of self-sabotage. 

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What Are The 6Cs to Generating Cash Flow for Your Business (For Coaches, Energy Healers and Solopreneurs)

The 6Cs to Cash Flow for Your Business

What are the 6Cs to Generating Cash Flow for Your Solopreneur Business?

Which Cs are you missing?

And which C is the C that you need to work on the most now?

Your business plan needs to incorporate these 6Cs in order to survive and thrive.

If you are a coach, energy healer or a solopreneur, find out how you can generate Cash Flow for your business immediately in the video below.

Share your comments and thoughts below!

Wishing you every success in manifesting the business of your dreams,
and making an income from the work that you love!

Love and Abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Mindset, Marketing & Manifestation Coach
for Women Coaches, Energy healers and Solopreneurs

Feature Image by Gerd Altmann,


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21 Excuses That Make Up Your Money Story

21 Excuses for Money Story

Is the money story that you have been telling actually a cover-up?

Could the reason that you have been giving for the lack of a financial breakthrough be really an excuse?

Your money story may be a cover that you have created for helping you avoid pain or to playing small. Or it could be that your ego needs to know that it is not diminished in any way. The excuses that you tell is your way out to feeling justified in your behaviour or the results you have been getting.

All of us have, at some point, made excuses. We give excuses to explain our behaviour, current situation or why we have to decline and say “no” to an invitation. We may feel obliged to give an excuse sometimes not to hurt the other party.

But what happens when you give excuses to explain away a choice that you are making, even if it one that keeps you small and does not move you positively forward?

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

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30 Positive Affirmations for Female Entrepreneur

If you are aspiring to be a successful female entrepreneur, this article is specially written for you.

It applies if you are a self-employed professional such as a life coach, energy healer, a network marketing professional, financial services provider or a real estate agent and you are hoping to create a thriving business consciously.

According to stats published by small biz trends (refer to reference below), 34 percent of female entrepreneurs say that they are struggling while 20% of entrepreneurs without a mentor were no longer in business after a year. Would you like to ensure that you do not belong to any of these groups?

As a business owner myself, I can say this for sure: mindset is key. It accounts for whether or not you thrive against all odds or you give up. It also accounts for whether or not you launch your business idea or you shelf it in your drawer. Finally, it determines whether or not you will do what it takes to achieve your next breakthrough.

A negative mindset is going to sabotage your success as a new or aspiring entrepreneur. The voice inside your head can destroy you about “being a failure” or “not good enough”, resulting in a depressed state of mind. If your mindset is rooted in fear and limiting beliefs, you will definitely need to work on overcoming them. The great news is that it is possible to do so.

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How to Stand in Your Unique Brilliance and Craft a Core Offer

your unique brilliance

Do you have a part of you that does not believe that you can build a thriving business from your soul gifts?

Perhaps, you have psychics or even coaches telling you what your soul gifts are and about how you should simply step into your unique brilliance and do work that you love. Or about how deserving and worthy you are of all that abundance.

Except that you don’t totally believe that it is true.

Definitely, NOT 100% on your belief scale!

As you reflect over on the gifts, skill sets and what you have to offer in the world, you are feeling as if you are “nothing special” or that there is “nothing unique” about you.

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Your Soulful Mompreneur Guide to Balancing Business and Babies

soulful mompreneur balance

Are you a soulful mompreneur balancing babies and business at the same time?

So how is life like dealing with family matters and running a business all at once?

Stressful, exhausting, overwhelming?

Hey, as a mompreneur myself, I understand.

In fact, ask any mompreneur and she is likely to tell you that it has been the same way for her too.

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How to Transform Your Relationship with Money

relationship with money

How to transform your relationship with money?

Perhaps you are used to the idea of consulting a financial advisor or a banker on money matters….but it may feel weird to envisage having a relationship with money, much less transform it.

I get it. The idea of having a relationship with money may not be something that you often come across. As someone who used to work in a bank, I certainly did not see this in any of its training manuals. It’s also not a topic that was taught in school. Still, these reasons aside, it’s never too late to begin having a whole new perspective towards money.

Let’s backtrack a little.

Why even bother with the idea of improving your relationship with money?Can we have a relationship with something that is inanimate?
Why even think about money as forming a relationship with it?
Why is it important and how do you transform your relationship with money (when you prefer to avoid handling financial matters)?

These questions had bothered me some years ago, and after realising that I could not get any meaningful idea from others online, I decided that I needed to search for my own answers. These answers have inadvertently helped me to grow on a personal basis and to also help others find out more about their own relationship with money since then.

If you have been wondering the same or are curious to find out more, may I have the permission to shed more light?

For a start, let’s bring attention to the word “relationship”.

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