
The Theory of Nothing

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” Stephen Hawkings

The title of the movie, The Theory of Everything, is intriguing, to say the least. The story is based on a memoir and it is about the tireless search of theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking to find a single universal equation for all existence. More specifically, The Theory of Everything is a theory in physics that unites the four fundamental forces of nature: the strong force, the weak force, gravity and the electromagnetic force.

The movie had turned out to be interesting. I rented the DVD a week ago. I had wanted to watch it after I heard that it won a number of awards. I was extremely curious about the life of Stephen Hawking, his diagnosis of motor neuron disease, and his success in physics; and I was not disappointed.

The single unifying equation may sound profound and Stephen Hawking on the scientific pursuit to discover the secrets to creation. Well, if you have been reading my blog, you would know that I like to add my two cents worth and my spin of looking at things. And so, I would like to propose that as much as there is the Theory of Everything, there is also the Theory of Nothing. As it implies, it is all theory. So you will need to relate what I am about to share against your own experience of the world.

How We Are Doing Virtually Nothing

The vast majority of people are busy, conditioned by habit. We do a lot of things when we are awake and our minds are predominately occupied. More recently, there is the draw of social media and online games, of where we increasingly spend a lot of our free time on. Time simply slips away when we are playing Farmville, for instance.

We are less inclined to engage at the physical level. Adults and kids included. I see this often in restaurants: kids glued to their ipads while having their meals and adults seated together but with individual attention on their separate handphones. People are together physically; yet not together in terms of energy and space.

And so, if you ask me, many of us are virtually doing nothing since such activities do not directly enhance the true quality of our lives. We are not mindful enough about how we are spending our time. We may appear to be expending a lot of energy and are tired at the end of the day. However, nothing has truly shifted energetically in terms of our growth and spirituality.

Then, there are also those who are stuck in the same patterns that do not bring them happiness. They work not because they love their jobs but because they believe that it is the only way that they can survive. They are mostly bitter, frustrated and negative. Yet, they do nothing that is different and that will bring a different set of results.

The Positive Side to The Theory of Nothing

However, I would also like to concede that doing nothing is not all bad.

In fact, there is something in nothing that is everything.

The nothing that is everything is called nothingness.

It is also the infinite field of potentiality and it is anything but empty.

It is where the source of creation lies.

Great philosophers and poets share their profound insights about nothingness.

“Nothing is the origin of Heaven and Earth.” Lao Tzu

“Emptiness which is conceptually liable to be mistaken for sheer nothingness is in fact the reservoir of infinite possibilities.” D.T Suzuki

“We came spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.” Rumi

They were able to tune into the field of potentiality through meditation, the practicing of stilling the mind into nothingness.

The Theory of Nothing may well hold the answers to the Theory of Everything.

Grounding The Theory of Nothing

Doing mindless activities is doing nothing that will bring about true meaning, fulfillment and joy. The tip is to bring more awareness to what you are doing, why you are doing what you are doing and most importantly, the being of doing.

Being in a state of nothingness is different. It is called meditation. It is stilling the mind from its mindless preoccupation of things that are related to the “I” or the ego. It is in the reservoir where everything originates out of nothingness.

Socrates once said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.”

Put meditation into practice and the Theory of Nothing is no longer a concept but an experience in in Divine Truth. Illusion dissolves. It is what I would like to discover for myself too 🙂

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

P.S. Feeling stuck and would like to do things differently? Would like some guidance in the way forward? Contact me and share with me your story.

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Jenny - April 20, 2015 Reply

A beautifully written article Evelyn. I agree with what you say.
I also tend to think that social media is becoming an addiction, rather than just a habit.
We say “just one more game” or “I’ll just check facebook before I……..”.
It’s very little different to the gambler who wants to put money into the poker machine “just one more time”.
Perhaps if we stop staring at the screen, and focus on the view out the window, or on a picture, for a minute; we may learn to break the addiction. Then, maybe we could slowly re-learn how to move into a blissful state of nothingness, instead of doing nothing.


nancy - April 21, 2015 Reply

I like so much reading you……, and it´s true, lots of people take social media and stay there for hours instead doing better and different things for the family or a better life now, living.. discovery real things, not just edited pictures….


Mati - May 8, 2015 Reply

Your article gave me food for thought!It’s a good thing.Thanks.


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