
Unfold Your Path: Rise Up to Action

rise up to action

“Rise up and be the person that you are meant to be.” anonymous

When the Universe responds to your wish and dreams by sending an opportunity your way, what do you do?

Do you back down in fear because it will mean having to step up?

Or do you rise up to action and courageously take it up?

Fear in Disguise: Excuses

“Nothing diminishes anxiety than action.” Walter Anderson

An opportunity had opened up.

However, it meant having to travel to meet prospects to interest them on natural health solutions such as essential oils. Well, I was resistant to the idea of traveling initially. I love going on holidays overseas but business traveling to expand beyond borders is an entirely different thing. I could hear myself giving excuses on why it would be better for someone to do the job. In fact, my mind went on a hunt for suitable candidates…anyone other than myself.

Eventually, I realized that rising up to action myself could not be avoided.

No one appropriate was free to travel abroad and to explore leads together.

And so, in order not to miss the opportunity altogether, I had to do it all alone.

I booked my plane ticket, did the necessary preparations for a presentation, and when the time came last week, took the flight.

I was all ready to present my talk at a private cafe.

I sat waiting in anticipation.


With four last minute cancellations and no one showing up at the appointed time, I could feel disappointment slowly creeping in.

But since I had already stepped up by doing all that was necessary to show up and present a talk, I decided to hold on to faith. I waited with bated breath. Surely, the Universe did not ask me to be where I was without reason?

And I was right.

One-by-one, the women showed up.

Eventually, the event turned out well. In fact, I was not able to handle the unexpected response. There were many who could not make it but the few who did were very interested in what I had to share. A couple of people even left, before I had the chance to serve them personally.

Rise up and be the person you were meant to be.

It was great that those with whom I got a chance to speak to, decided to make a purchase. They are definitely dream clients to work with based on their friendliness, quick decision-making, networth and openness to try something (i.e. essential oils) new to them 🙂

Lesson I Learnt

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit.” Conrad Hilton

I asked myself: what was an important lesson I learnt from making this trip?

The answer: Rise Up to Action.

When the Universe responds to your prayers, avoid letting yourself getting in your own way. The opportunity that showed up may not be the most convenient or in an expected manner. Stop questioning it. Instead, follow up with taking the necessary action. Very importantly, hold on to faith and allow things to unfold upon taking the first obvious step.

As for what’s next, I am already planning for another trip.

A new market has just opened up for me 🙂

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

P.S. Interested in natural health remedies yourself? Download a free report on essential oils here.

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Nicole - May 26, 2015 Reply

Great post as always! I love how you continue to seize an opportunity and make the most of it. Congrats on the new business venture!

My question is: How do we know when an opportunity arises that it is the one for us? Often times, opportunities come my way, and I have a hard time deciphering if it’s the ‘right’ opportunity for me to pursue. I don’t know if it’s related to my Dharma, and thus, have a hard time following through. I can’t tell if it’s fear telling me to not pursue, or if it’s my intuition telling me that this isn’t for me.

I’ve tried meditating on this (and continue doing so), asking buddhi to give me answers, but I have yet to receive any answer or insight.


www.grey-active.com.hr - December 17, 2015 Reply

And if morning (or all-day) sickness , food aversions, heartburn , or indigestion make eating a chore, eat less, more often.


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