Category Archives for "Money"

Financial Abundance

Create a Feng Shui Wealth Vision Board

If you have been thinking of creating a wealth vision board, how about incorporating feng shui elements and pictures into it? There are many feng shui symbols for wealth, luck and prosperity. We can see them in huge display at shopping centers and stores this time of the year.

feng shui wealth vision board
(A feng shui wealth vision board featuring images of a laughing Buddha, the word “fu” for prosperity and koi fish.)

If you don’t already know, Chinese New Year celebrations start this weekend and last for a period of fifteen days. Decorations in red, gold and yellow and sweet delicacies that promise to melt prosperity in your mouth are being sold aplenty!

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20 Funny Money Quotes

(photo by Carlos R; the words on the Mickey coins say “where a kid can be a kid”.)

Many of us are just too uptight when we think about money. Well, consider relaxing instead. Tune into positive feelings by lightening up!! It will also be great if we are able to laugh at ourselves in the process. We realize how attached we have been to something which has no permanence. It is true that we cannot bring money with us to our next plane of existence…wherever that is! Perhaps, in that moment of awakening, our hangups start to dissolve. We experience a breakthrough!

Well, let us look through some funny money quotes to help you gain some enlightenment today….

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5 Wealth Affirmations From Famous Authors

wealth affirmations from famous authors

If you want to improve your relationship with money, consider using wealth affirmations regularly.

Don’t know which affirmation to use? Well, let us borrow some inspiration from famous authors out there in their wealth affirmations. In my post, I have selected wealth affirmations by Dr Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay, T Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill and one that is traced back to Rev. Christopher Ian Chenoweth. All the affirmations are empowering statements that can help us create positive thoughts about money.

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Affirm Universal Truths For Financial Abundance

(Photo by refracted moments on flickr)

Frederic, a reader to this blog, shared that embracing specific Truth statements can help in the healing of our physical bodies. He also said that the same concept applies to all areas of life i.e. relationships, finance, family, etc. On the blogosphere, I have been reading about how people are forced to make drastic cuts in their spendings, in the light of the recent financial turmoil. In the newspapers, I read headlines about pending wage cuts and retrenchments. Hence, I decided to interview Frederic to find out if there are Truth statements that we can use to improve our bank balance.
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The Lipstick Indicator To Great Wealth

(Photo adapted from the original image by digital sophia on flickr)

Lipsticks are a woman’s best friends, so it seems. In good times or bad, they are always there for each other! The reason why I say this is because lipstick sales are expected to go up while the economy comes down. Don’t believe me? Well, I just found out about the official Lipstick Indicator, an economic statistic to watch out for. If the findings are true, I am now inclined to propose that new lipstick purchases may just be the ticket to attracting wealth and abundance! Before you protest, hear me out….

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Should The Poor Mexican Fisherman Give Up Contentment For Cash?

mexican fisherman
(Photo by vijo on Flickr)

In a quiet Mexican fishing village, an American who was on vacation saw a local fisherman unloading his catch. He decided to approach him.

The American asked the fisherman, “why are you finishing your day so early?”

The Mexican replied “Oh Senor, I have caught enough to feed my family and a little extra to sell for today. It is now time to go for lunch with my family and have a siesta. In the afternoon, I can play with my kids. In the evening, I will go to the cantina, drink a little tequila and play the guitar.”

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7 Everyday Actions That Reflect Your Lack-laden Thoughts

(Photo Credit: Derricksphotos on Flickr)


In metaphysical terms, if you focus on thoughts of lack and worry, then outcomes that vibrate with scarcity will be what you are likely to attract. Want to lead an abundant life? Then, you need to move away from such thoughts and towards cultivating wealth consciousness. Again, you may find that this easier said than done. After all, many of your thoughts have been pretty much inculcated since young; they lie inside your subconscious mind and you have no real awareness of what these are.


However, since thoughts translate to actions, you can look to your actions as a guide to what you are really thinking. I’ve identified 7 examples of everyday actions that you need to put a stop to:

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