
How to Create a Powerful Personal Life Vision

powerful personal life vision

Creating a powerful personal life vision has many benefits. It offers you guidance in charting the way forward. It also drives the actions, decisions and behavior that you undertake. Where it is lived into, it basically sums up who you are, your life story and the meaning you have created.

Some people don’t bother with making a personal life vision. Well, not having one can leave you like a boat without a rudder; subject to the currents of life. You are more likely to paddle along (which makes your progress slow) or go around in circles. However, if you hope to lead a life that is more than mediocre and one that can potentially allow you to be happier, you will need to take charge.

“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow Wilson

Life Vision Mission

The Wright brothers had the vision of powered human flight in 1903. Many modern day conveniences that we enjoy today had roots in the vision of Thomas Edison. Touched by God’s profound love, Mother Theresa had the vision of bringing light to the poor in the “dark holes” of Calcutta. Walt Disney had the vision of “making people happy” with theme parks and movies.

Visioning does not have to be an exercise reserved for big corporations. Anyone can come up with a personal life vision. It involves some thought. Here are some tips that you can keep in mind:
– Inspires you to be your highest potential;
– Connect with passion;
– Invoke imagination;
– Remove fear
– Align with higher purpose;
– Inspires action.

Inspires You to be Your Highest Potential

“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.”
– Rosabeth Moss Kanter

A vision is big-picture. It offers a long term perspective. It inspires you to be the best of who you can be.

A vision does not necessarily offer you guidelines on how to reach the desired goal or destination. It just gives you the final snapshot. Yet, if you are able to hold focused attention and put energy behind a powerful personal life vision, the steps to take will reveal themselves.

Connect with Passion

“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”
– Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Passion is among the most powerful of human emotions, and it must form the basis of any life vision. In fact, it also plays a part in making your life seamless for passion comes in when you love the work that you do. And so, work does not feel like work but becomes very much part of who you are.

Put simply, passion is something that makes you excitedly jump out of bed in the morning or what you would love to do on a Friday night. Most definitely, it has to connect with your heart. A desire based on whim and fancy does not last because it is fleeting. Your enthusiasm fizzles out after a while.

If you are not able to connect with passion, then your vision will fall short. This is because without strong heartfelt desire, anything you do will be like swimming upstream. On the other hand, passion will make the effort involved a downstream one. Obviously, swimming with the current is a lot easier than going against it.

Invoke Imagination

“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.”
– Napolean Hill

To create a powerful life vision, you must invoke imagination. Through imagination, you paint an ideal mental picture of what you would like to see in the future. You introduce possibility. Imagination provides the fertile ground for creative seeds to take root.

Your consciousness also becomes expansive because you are no longer limited to seeing what-is. Your subconscious is now actively activated by what-ifs. You dare to dream the impossible, and if you focus on your vision without a waiver of energy and attention, it eventually turns to reality.

Remove Fear

“If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.”
— Robert Fritz

To envision yourself in your highest potential, you must be able to remove fear. Doubt, which is a form of fear, can cause you to limit your life vision. You hold yourself back. You cave in because you start to believe what your skeptical friends say.

You would not want to shortchange yourself because of doubt. Psychological fear, which is really False Evidence Appearing Real, can be addressed. Hence, do not be afraid to set a big vision. As Napoleon Hill of the best-selling classic Think and Grow Rich said, “whatever the mind can think and conceive, it can achieve.”

Align with Higher Purpose

“The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.”
– Richard Leider

You discover an inner strength that you have not known before when your life vision is aligned with the higher purpose of serving the community. Your desire to serve arises from the unconditional love in your heart. The vibrational state of your being rises accordingly. It is also how you activate the Law of Attraction to work in your favor.

An aligned life vision naturally receives support from the universe. You will receive a wealth of spiritual resources, unsolicited help and unexpected connections. Others who know about the benefit that you are intending to bring will want to render their assistance. A vision based on collective energy is bound to succeed.

Inspires Action

“An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

If any life vision is going to bear results, action is needed. It does not matter how well laid the plans are, or intention, or even have a desire so strong it could light a camp fire. Without taking action, nothing will happen.

Perhaps the greatest pitfall where it comes to taking action is many people simply cannot figure out where to begin. But this is where having a vision that inspires action comes in handy. You do not have to worry excessively about the how to bring it about, though.

If you know the exact goal, start by visualizing the end result. With that end result in mind, simple start going backward from it, and the actions to take will reveal themselves. Of course, there will be times that things do not easily fall into place. That is fine, it is more important to get started. Once you have taken some actions towards your vision, later steps will become known.

Examples of Personal Life Vision

Your vision statement can be made up of single power words or one or two sentences for intention setting. Most importantly, it has to be authentic. This means that you must feel a connection with it. It cannot be what someone else say it “should” be. Rather, it must matter to you.

The following is an example of a personal life vision that I had previously set…
My vision is to assist others with loving themselves in mind-body-spirit, so that they can become empowered to live their best life yet.

We can also adapt from the visions of well-known leaders and founders of big corporations in order to create personal ones for ourselves. Here is the one by McDonald’s founder…

“McDonald’s vision is to be the world’s best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile.”

The end goal of making others smile is certainly a great vision to have 🙂

Share Your Personal Life Vision
Do you have a personal life vision? What are you working towards? Please share in the comments below.

Love and Abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Alchemy Coach

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Andrew Olson - January 26, 2012 Reply

Hey Evelyn! I don’t know when or how I got started with this, but I am almost too focused on creating and working towards a vision. It isn’t necessarily a “life” vision because things are too dynamic to set something in stone, but I always have a short to medium-term vision.

I agree with every attribute you listed – it helps me connect with my passions, invoke my imagination, and everything else you mentioned. In fact, when I don’t have a clear vision, I have to stop everything and get it straightened out. This post is a great reminder and if you don’t have a vision, you don’t know what you’re missing! 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Andrew,

It’s so nice to see you here again. It is great that you have realized the benefits of having one. Even having a short term vision is better than none. A life vision is one when you have a picture of what happens at the end of your life. A life vision is usually “broad”, and so should stand the currents (or dynamism) of life.

Wishing you success in the new year and beyond,


Justin Mazza - January 26, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
You post just resonated with me today. I was having the thought/feeling that I need to reset my life vision. As far as my blog goes I had a plan for 2011 and I stuck with it and I also promised to take some time away from blogging to refocus my business goals.

I have yet to actually write them down but this post was a gentle nudge from the Universe to act on it now. Thanks Evelyn. 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Justin,

I have been intensely re-looking into visioning since Nov last year. Visioning is not a once-and-for-all exercise. It requires a revisit every now and then.

It’s great that the post is providing the gentle nudge that you need 🙂

Abundance always,


Angela Artemis/Poweredbyintuition - January 26, 2012 Reply

You put a smile on my face with this post. Creating your life around your vision is an awesome way to activate the the powers of attraction within. I love your vision and I believe you are making a difference!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Angela,

I certainly endorse the idea of creating a life around the vision we hope to build. The thing is to get clear on what our ideal picture looks like.

Thank you for your warm support and encouragement. You have just put a smile on my face too 🙂

Abundance always,


David Stevens - January 26, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
This is what I “teach” my clients and anyone else prepared to listen. When you paint your Big Picture (I’m touching mine up at present) it becomes a magnet, drawing you toward it. Things start making sense and the ‘how am I going to do this’ fades away, because if it’s strong enough & your belief is there…..it will happen. Thankyou, love visions/big pictures/game plans.
be good to yourself


Evelyn Reply:

Hello David,

It’s nice to know that you are touching up yours at the present. I wrote this post because I am updating mine this period. Yes, it can happen!

To your visioning success,


Cathy | Treatment Talk - January 27, 2012 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

Writing down our vision will send us down the road prepared to fulfill our dreams. My vision is to educate and spread awareness about the dangers of substance abuse as well as to support parents of addicted children.

We are only able to live our best life when we are in control of our mind and body. Thank you for your vision. I know you are inspiring many people.


Evelyn Reply:

Wow, Cathy! What a noble vision you have. I feel awed when I read about what yours is. I certainly wish you every success! You are and will continue to inspire many many people!

Shine from the soul always,


Aileen | Kaizen Vision - January 27, 2012 Reply

Evelyn, this is one massively powerfully post! I just printed it out and am putting it on my wall to keep me aware and reminded of all these important points.
The Woodrow Wilson quote is incredible, your idea of a personal life vision is incredible; being lead my passion and not removing fear & aligning with a higher purpose YES YES YES! This is how to live!
Sometimes my passions can turn into stress and fear enters into the mix, but be keeping focus on the vision, the passion, removing the fear – ahhh, that is right way to travel this journey of life.

Thank you for this post!


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Aileen,

I am glad that what I’ve written here is helpful for you. The points actually come from the visioning program that I teach to my clients. You have just given me more reasons to offer further tips online. Thank you so much for your validation 🙂

I know how it is with fear. It can get overwhelming. But we need to stay the course. It will be wonderful if we can lend greater support to one another with respect to our visions. Our chances of success will increase, for sure!

Shine from the soul always,


Sibyl - January 28, 2012 Reply

Evelyn: This is a great post and such an important topic and message. I loved every single thing you said about finding your life vision and I really appreciated your advice to be authentic. I think that is such great advice. Thanks for passing it along. Great article.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Sibyl,

I certainly believe strongly on the points in this post. It is wonderful that you agree that it is great advice 🙂 Thank you!

With love,


Evelyn - January 28, 2012 Reply

Hi there,

Yes, it is true. Not many people ask themselves the vital question of what living a truly meaningful life is.

I like the fact that you challenge yourself in a place of discomfort. Doing so can only lead to growth.

I sincerely wish you the very best in carving out an authentic vision for yourself and have it come true.

Shine from the soul always,


Paige | simple mindfulness - January 28, 2012 Reply

My mission is to help others to see the possibilities for breakthrough in their lives and turn those possibilities into reality. My big vision is to be the online version of Oprah, being incredibly successful helping others to be incredibly successful. We’re all connected in a web and the more we help each other, the more we help ourselves.

I’ve noticed that all kinds of “coincidences” have occured at a much higher rate once I started following my passionate path. Lots of clues that I’m finally on the right track. It feels great!


Daniel From Manifesting Reality - February 12, 2012 Reply

Hey Evelyn,
You did it again, very inspiring article.

In my opinion, in order to succeed, one must first believe that he can. The only true limit to our achieve everything we want is our doubts that we bring with us from past experiences. The moment we carry the conviction of belief, that is the moment that our dream will become reality.

Have a great weekend,


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