
3 Under-the-Radar Sabotaging Money Gremlin Situations

Your Money Gremlin has the habit of sabotaging your money-making dreams. You may have an inspired vision that you would like to achieve or some financial targets to meet. However, your Money Gremlin will introduce thoughts that will hold you back. Even famous singer, Ricky Martin, shares this, “My goal is to think of nothing when I’m writing a song because too many influences could sabotage a potentially amazing song.”

Your money gremlin enjoys playing sabotage games. It sabotages you from following your heart-centered dreams. It stops you from manifesting abundance. Until now, you may not have been fully aware about the existence of a Money Gremlin. I don’t blame you. Your Money Gremlin can act in sneaky and covert ways.
Money Gremlin enjoys playing self sabotage games.

“For me personally it is because I get an awful amount of success and I don’t think I deserve it and then I want to sabotage it.” Michael Parkinson

Here are 3 situations whereby your Money Gremlin can possibly sabotage you:

1. Your Money Gremlin Sabotages Your Dreams

Take for instance, if you have the dream of becoming an entrepreneur. You have dreams of making a living from your passion. At first, you are all excited. You have already read enough books and websites and attended enough workshops about following your heart’s desires. You feel drawn to the idea of living life in your own terms and at the same time, making more than enough money from your passion. And so, you would like to give things a go!

However, as soon as you contemplate making a leap, your Money Gremlin gets activated. It reacts immediately when there is the possibility of change. It deems “change” as a dangerous word!

Your Money Gremlin sneaks up on you by making you think and feel uneasy. It starts to warn you about the dangers of becoming self-employed. It does not want you to change. It will have you know that it is dangerous to do things differently. It postulates that going for self-employment means no longer having a stable source of income.

Your Money Gremlin story goes like this, “You are mad to give up your comfortable employee salary. Your money is going to run out. Your business is going to fail. What makes you think that your passion is going to make you rich? You are going to be broke soon!”

If you have mustered enough courage to start a business, you may decide to quit after a while.

Or, if you have not already started a business, your Money Gremlin is going to paralyze you into inaction.

2. Your Money Gremlin Sabotages Your Goal of Hitting Targets

Even if you are not hoping to become an entrepreneur, your Money Gremlin is not going to leave you alone.

Let’s say if you have some financial targets to meet. Usually, targets are set reasonably high. You may have set them yourself or your boss may have made some goals for you to meet.

The targets may involve you being bolder and doing things in a bigger way. Once again, your Money Gremlin is going to derail you with “It’s too hard! You can’t do it! You are going to embarrass yourself. No one likes sales people!”

3. Your Money Gremlin Stops You from Aligning with Your Potential

Most importantly, your Money Gremlin can prevent you from stepping up to your highest potential. If you are a coach, you may long to reach a bigger audience, transform more lives or make a huge impact. Or, if you are a creative professional, you may be working on a new idea or to launch a new project.

However, to do so, you may first need to spend some money. Your Money Gremlin is going to stop you by letting you know that it is not safe to make such an investment. It wants to keep you in the comfort zone, so that you don’t take risks. Hence, it may say “no” to expanding your business, hiring a team, launching a new program and so on.

Stop the Sabotage by Your Money Gremlin

Nab your Money Gremlin or it hijacks your dreams and prevents you from moving forward.

Don’t allow your Money Gremlin to put you in the way of manifesting your heart-centered dreams or soul-inspired goals!

Recognise the signs of being in sabotage!
Money Gremlin Sabotages You from Becoming Your Best Self

Love and abundance always,

Evelyn Lim

Share Your Thoughts

Do you have a Money Gremlin that sabotages you? Describe the situation that you are facing below. What steps did you take to address your situation?

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Angela Artemis - March 17, 2014 Reply

Dear Evelyn,
How right you are!

As soon as we begin to implement change in our lives those old sneaky gremlins start speaking to us. Our fears/gremlins try to derail us from creating the life we dream of but if we stick to our guns eventually their whispers become fainter and fainter.

I find the only way around them is to go back to focusing on what I want to create instead. See abundance, feel abundance and live within the framework of abundance rather than lack.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

I have found that it’s not about fighting our money gremlins with will or force. In some cases, it may be necessary to truly address the emotions that we are having about our money story. However, this must be done in a manner that is safe and effective. Only then, will focusing on what we want to create help!

Glad to know that you have found a way to see, feel and live abundance!

Abundance always,


Elle - March 18, 2014 Reply

Awareness is so key Evelyn. I like Ricky Martin’s idea of thinking of nothing else while writing his songs. If we’re focused on the task on hand, guarding our mind from fears of any kind, it makes it that much more difficult for those fears to overcome us or stop us in our tracks. I’m with Angela, immersion in thoughts and feelings of abundance plus releasing fears as they pop up will help a lot.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Elle,

Indeed. We have the desire to produce our best creative work. However, massive self-doubt can kill creativity. Definitely, releasing fear helps and so does immersing in thoughts and feelings of abundance!

Abundance always,


Leslie - March 18, 2014 Reply

Thanks for this very nice contribution and valuable information.
Using the Law of Attraction may help you further, to achieve
your heart’s desire.
Happiness also is a mental condition.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Leslie,

Oh yes, leverage on the Law of Attraction so that we can draw our dreams forward. I also agree that if we can think happy, we feel happy too.

Abundance always,


Melissa - March 21, 2014 Reply

I love how that Gremlin shows up as beliefs we have about ourselves and the situations around us. They steal Joy and Peace by instilling fear in us. It’s great that you are helping people release those fears and making it a smoother path to gaining what they DO want in there life. What a gift you offer 😉


Melissa Reply:

I guess I shouldn’t have said “I love” that the Gremlin does that… I love how you made him into a story and made him a character. Sneaky little guy! Just sayin’ 😉


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Melissa,

Yes, he is sneaky alright!!

I have to sit here to play with my own Money Gremlin, in order to write this series of posts LOL!

Thank you for enjoying my articles.



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