
How to Overcome Feelings of Financial Insecurity in an Uncertain World

“But you cannot understand life and its mysteries as long as you try to grasp it. Indeed, you cannot grasp it, just as you cannot walk off with a river in a bucket. If you try to capture running water in a bucket, it is clear that you do not understand it and that you will always be disappointed, for in the bucket the water does not run. To ‘have’ running water you must let go of it and let it run.” Alan Wilson Watts, Wisdom of Insecurity

Are you finding it hard to combat the feelings of insecurity in a world that does not appear to be safe, stable and supportive?

If so, you could be feeling a lack of control. You perceive that there are many uncertain external factors that can potentially disrupt your well-being. It has been one of the main reasons why you are in a heightened state of stress.

You are not alone if you are feeling this way. Insecurity afflicts even famous personalities like politicians, movie stars or models. As American actor, Christian Slater, once said, “I thought I’d get over being insecure if I became famous, but it hasn’t happened. It just gets worse, really. You get more and more on edge, more nervous. These are all the things I’m dealing with. You think if you get famous, fear will go away and problems will go away. But they don’t.”

In particular, as the cost of living rises, you can experience a lot of worry in the area of finance. For instance, you could have the following financial fears: that you will run out of money, cannot keep up with the rising cost of living, unable to service your loan, cannot put food on the table, do not have enough for retirement, do not have enough to set up a fund for emergencies and so on.

If I may add, your Money Gremlin is on an overdrive. You know that there is no real reason for you to panic right away but you just cannot help it. Your reactions can be said to come from an all-seeing Money Gremlin that is predicting all doom and gloom.

Through discovery calls with prospective clients, I have observed that there is this common theme of insecurity. I get it. It is no joke living with a Money Gremlin that does not stop playing its “Age of Anxiety” movie reel inside your head.

A number of these people have found it difficult to make sense of not being able to combat the worry, doubt and fear about their financial well-being. In fact, some of them confessed to experiencing an underlying layer of insecurity for pretty much of their lives. They are now realising that it has caused them to be in self-sabotage. Invariably, when I tuned in to their energy, I discovered that their first or root chakra has become all out of balance.

It is true. You cannot have total control over your external world. Additionally, change is inevitable. So you need to learn to embrace change. You also need to practice resilience, in addition to courage and flexibility, to be able to flow with change.

Resilience starts with a deep sense of knowing-feeling that you are safe – no matter what the external conditions are like. You know that you will have the means to thrive. You also have the confidence in your unique gifts and your ability to garner resources.

7 Ways to Overcome Feelings of Insecurity

Here are 7 ways to help you bring your first or root chakra back into balance and for you to reconnect with your divine abundance:

1. Reduce Your Expenses. I think it is a great idea to manage your cash flows in a way that allows you to breathe easier. This may involve strategies to downsize or reduce your expenses and simplify your life. You may also be called to stop hanging on to a lost cause, cut your losses and start over again.

2. Address Root Cause. If you have lived with a pervasive sense of insecurity for a good part of your life, then it is best to address the root cause – the answers of which probably lies in your past (such as your childhood). Get energy clearing work done to remove the emotional patterns that have been stored in your subconscious. Consider working with me!

3. Focus on What is Going Right. What you focus on, expands. Hence, bring your attention to the things that are going right in your life – rather than dwell on the things that are not going right or are unstable. As you exercise mindfulness throughout the day, you will eventually find yourself feeling less insecure.

4. Examine Your Misbeliefs. Could you have adopted a set of fear-based societal beliefs unconsciously? An example of such a belief is: this world is not a safe one. You could have adopted it as a result of negative conditioning via the media.

Reflect on how having such a thought pattern is potentially disruptive to your life. Be willing to adopt a more empowering set of beliefs that honors your divine potential in this human experience.

5. Meditate Be in the here and now. True freedom can be found via present moment awareness. Meditation is a practice that can help you anchor in the present, rather than have your mind dwell in worry over your future.

“Tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live.” Alan Wilson Watts, Wisdom of Insecurity

6. Use Positive Affirmations. Use the following affirmations to reaffirm security, wellness and support:

I am able to gain access to resources easily to support myself.
I thrive well in this world.
I am grounded in my being.

7. Use Essential Oils. Pure Essential Oils (EOs) are nature’s gifts to us for emotional support and balance. Recently I started exploring the world of essential oils. I discovered that they have the ability to access the limbic system, the emotional center in our brain quickly.

Apparently, the sense of smell triggers information stored internally, thereby affecting your physical response. Thus, if you are hoping to alleviate worry in a way that is safe and non-invasive, consider using essential oils and use positive affirmations (tip #6 above) at the same time. If you need more info on the appropriate EOs to use for rebalancing your root chakra, contact me.

Security is an Illusion

Ultimately, we are to be awakened to the idea that security is an illusion. And this includes financial security. To attempt to grasp security is to be imprisoned by our fears. Just like the example of the “running water” as described by Alan Wilson Watts (see quote right at the top of this post), the release of our attachments is necessary for us to flow easily in the river of divine abundance.

Hence, should you be experiencing heightened insecurity, your soul is to undergo the important life lesson about letting go of wanting control and certainty.

For it is only through transcendence that you experience the sweet bliss of freedom from insecurity.

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach | Work With Me

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Martine Joseph - May 20, 2014 Reply

Wise and reassuring words Evelyn! Thanks for demystifying money anxiety! My favorite quote here: “Resilience starts with a deep sense of knowing – feeling that you are safe – no matter what the external conditions are like.”


Victor - May 20, 2014 Reply


The “running water” analogy is so true. You have to let it run in order for it to flow. That was a big takeaway from this piece. Also that security is an illusion. Never thought of it that way, but you’re spot on. Thank you so much for these articles. I really enjoy reading them. I always feel much more confident afterward. 🙂

Take care.


Wariebi - May 21, 2014 Reply

Evelyn you are not of this planet. You are a genius! genius!! genius!!!


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